Sometimes, I feel like it would be easier to find the One Ring than it would be to find NSFW content on Lemmy.

Thomas and Alito prettymuch always just start from the result they want and work backwards.

[-] 64 points 2 months ago

A ton also passed. A growing number are working their way through the courts. The "tide" has already made millions refugees in their own country. There is a long way to go on this, I'm afraid.

[-] 69 points 2 months ago

So what are we gonna do about it?

Percentages based off a single, voluntary survey are not actionable without knowing the root cause. Is it because there's less trans men in general? Is it because cis people are over-represented by virtue of them being far more prevalent in society? What is the optimal ratio we're going for?

[-] 62 points 3 months ago

Ah, uncle Iroh, everyone's favorite barely reformed war criminal.

[-] 47 points 3 months ago

Wow, cis? I couldn't even tell!

[-] 135 points 4 months ago

I will always game with the grungler.

[-] 59 points 4 months ago

The part that scares me in this is that it's only a story because the girl wasn't actually trans.

[-] 76 points 5 months ago

"Here's a four hour video where I explain that the trans-coded character that trans people identify with and the writers explicitly say is trans really isn't, because glorious Nippon does not have the same understanding of trans people."

[-] 68 points 5 months ago

Just because you're into destroying unjust hierarchies doesn't mean you can't be a bottom.

[-] 136 points 5 months ago

Maybe they should skip their avocado toast or drink less Starbucks?

[-] 46 points 7 months ago

"If men can't rule society, they'll just beat the shit out of each other in underground fights" really isn't a great selling point.

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