I tried my hand at rigging a proximity sensor to the water meter in my house. Sadly it doesn’t have the spinning magnet for the sensor to pick up.

I looked into other options for pulling data from the meter, but for each method, my very antiquated meter had a complication that would prevent it from working.

TLDR: Any recommendations for a home water meter that’s local and integrates well with home assistant?

I’m going to check with my water company first, but likely will remove the old meter and replumb a new “smart” meter and an automated shut off valve into the water supply. I believe the current meter is leftover from before the utility added new meters further upstream, so I’d rather get rid of the rusty piece of junk anyway.


I've attempted to create a VM on my ubuntu host machine that is accessing the internet via a dedicated VPN app. I'm able to disconnect my host VPN and access the web within the VM, but cannot access the web when the host VPN is enabled. Ideally I'd like to enable the VPN on the host and pass through web access to the VM.

I have two questions:

  1. If my use case is to use a VM to increase privacy and security as well as isolate my operations within the VM from my host, is it better to have the VPN app from inside the VM or pass the host's through to the VM?
  2. If it doesn't make much of a difference, how can I go about passing the host's VPN to the VM?

In either scenario, I'd still like to keep the host's VPN active while being able to use the VM, which I currently cannot.


I'm following the settings on WLED's wiki for the WS2814 strip:

6-LED groups (24V) as one logical LED. Must be controlled as SK6812 type, color order: BRG, swap W and G (this option is available since WLED 0.14.0-b1)

But the lights just flicker like crazy. Switching WLED settings definitely does something, but not the intended effect.

Using the domestic automations controller. On the latest WLED firmware. LEDs are powered directly by a 24V 10A PSU. Originally I thought my data cable was too long but it still has all the issues plugged directly into the controller.

Has anybody got these strips working? Is the WLED wiki wrong?


I have a backup server running Proxmox Backup and OMV in separate VMs. OMV provides the storage as an NFS to the proxmox backup server VM.

I have multiple remote servers that connect to the proxmox backup server but recently I keep having issues with backups. Something about file lock estale.

Is there an alternative to NFS I can use in OMV to provide the storage for the proxmox backup server?

I know there are vastly different configuration options, but I have some other things set up with OMV so I’m kinda stuck on that.


Try as I might, due to the abundance of various types of low voltage wire connector types, I can't seem to find exactly what I'm looking for.

I do a lot of LED strips and DC powered automations and I've used many Wagos and soldered some stuff in place. These tend to have some problems though. Wagos can take up too much space, especially when connecting power to LED strips that can't be tucked away. Soldering in place sucks and usually ends with a poor connection. LED snap on clips are ridiculously unreliable and weak connections. Barrel connectors are nice and small but the connection has the potential to pull out.

The holy grail IMO would be a very small plastic two wire housing that can clip together like a plastic belt buckle or those connectors that often come with 12V DC batteries in battery backups/motorized kids toys. I have no idea what term to search for to find these.

Anybody got any hints?

I like the idea of presoldering these onto the ends of LED strips in lieu of barrel connectors, so once you are ready to install in the location it's as easy as snapping in place. If the LEDs burn out it can be replaced easily as well.


I realize this is a woodworking community so don’t kill me, but I’m in the process of upgrading my tablesaw with a new fence so it’s somewhat related. Plus there’s no metalworking community that I could find on Lemmy.

To the point: I’ve got a piece of steel angle I want to use for the back rail on my table saw (where the end of the fence rests), buts its Swiss cheese full of holes and some holes are in awkward locations where I need to drill new holes to mount to the table saw to. Anybody dabble in welding know if I could fill in the holes with a mig welder and grind it flat? If so, any tips? I’ve got a flux core mig machine.

I bought the Delta T3 fence kit for my rigid saw because people online said “super easy to install. You only need to drill and tap a hole or two”. That turned out to be bullshit. 😅

[-] brownmustardminion@lemmy.ml 6 points 3 weeks ago

Is it the privacy community in general or Lemmy that’s gotten infiltrated by all of these antagonistic socially inept 15 year olds recently? Never started a thread on Lemmy that’s gotten so many unsupportive and useless responses before. And I’m active on piracy subs…

[-] brownmustardminion@lemmy.ml 15 points 3 weeks ago

Got an alternative that isn't youtube?

[-] brownmustardminion@lemmy.ml 9 points 3 weeks ago

I've only experienced a shadowban while using ubuntu. I switch between all the major operating systems on the same twitch account and with the same vpn service/servers. The bans have only been initiated while on linux, although they did follow over to the other OSes until some type of timer was passed.

This follows what some online shopping services do, which is to assign weights to certain user metrics and if a set threshold is crossed it rejects your payment or otherwise blocks you from a transaction. So VPN+MacOS might work but VPN+Linux matches some type of metric fraud systems associate with criminals.

[-] brownmustardminion@lemmy.ml 11 points 3 weeks ago

It's trivial for twitch to differentiate between users who are logged in and have verified accounts. Slapping bans by IP is archaic and lazy when you have more precise metrics to go by. And at the very least, they should make you aware that you are banned before accepting your money for their services.

[-] brownmustardminion@lemmy.ml 15 points 3 weeks ago

Your question is a good one. I'm not the one who downvoted you fyi. To answer your question, it is absolutely a personal anecdote based on my own experimentation. I'm sure others will add their own experiences. Based on my experiences there's no doubt about twitch shadowbanning based on VPN use. I'll admit I don't have a basis for Linux and adblockers being a part of the equation, but I made it clear in my original post that those were assumptions.

To further speculate, I have an idea that the shadowban may actually be triggered by somebody using the same VPN server doing something that triggers it, affecting anybody else on that server. I can't possibly provide evidence for that theory, but it would explain the seemingly random nature of the shadowbans.


If you notice your chat messages show up in the chat feed but don't appear on the streamers in-screen chat, you have been shadowbanned.

Twitch will still take your money for donations, subs, etc, but your feedback won't be seen by anybody but you. This shadowban does not appear in the appeals page and can be applied randomly and intermittently. You are never informed about this by the way. You'll likely be talking in a chat and assuming you're being ignored. Hop into a private tab and load up the stream where you'll be able to notice if your messages are missing in chat.

From my observations, there seems to be some type of algorithm/system that determines who to shadowban. I'm assuming it assigns extra points for factors like VPN usage, Linux, and adblockers. Once you've been shadowbanned, switching one of those three will not work to unban you until some arbitrary timer expires.

I'm posting this in case anybody else has experienced this and felt frustrated and isolated. You're not being ignored (unless you're a twat and are being ignored). You're just being punished by Twitch for being privacy conscious.


I self host pretty much everything, but one of the services I find makes more sense to not self host is an email server.

I’ve got a few domains I’d like to have emails for, and usually I’d go for Tutanota or protonmail. But in this instance I’m looking for something dirt cheap. These domains are for a hobby club so I’m much less concerned with privacy like I usually would be. Anybody got any recommendations?

So far namecheap seems like my best option for under $8/month. They would bundle with my domain registration and I’m assuming having both on the same service would make things pretty seamless to set up.

Not crazy concerned with privacy for these particular accounts. Namecheap or similar is reputable enough.


Hey guys.

Having a bit of a headache trying to get wireguard working properly through my pfsense router.

Configuration overview: VPS wireguard server set to forward all traffic from peers (it's operating as a self-hosted VPN). I have a port on my router we'll call OPT1 that I want to traffic all connections through wireguard to the VPN.

So far I have the VPS and pfsense connected successful through wireguard. They are making active handshakes and I can ping between them perfectly fine.

I followed the documentation, but my windows PC connected directly to OPT1 can't access the internet. From the PC I can ping the DHCP server of OPT1 as well as the wireguard tunnel, but I can't ping anything outside of that. I'm passing all traffic from OPT1 subnet to the wireguard interface in both OPT1 firewall rules and the wireguard interface rules.

I'm sure many of you have dealt with this configuration before. Does this issue sound familiar?

[-] brownmustardminion@lemmy.ml 7 points 1 month ago

amazonads has already been blocked but I just blocked amazon and waiting to see if that does the trick.


Twitch has gotten insufferable with ads lately. Sometimes I'm getting 3mins straight of ads.

To add insult to injury, twitch is buggy as hell and I often need to refresh and usually it loads new ads.

I used to have a special config in ublock specifically for twitch but that doesn't seem to work anymore.

Any tips?


I'm dangerously close to running out of space for my VMs on local-lvm, but noticed I have a lot of free space in my local storage where I only have a dozen ISOs stored.

Can anybody help me figure out how I'd go about shrinking the local storage so I can extend my local-lvm?


Anybody familiar with quadro cards?

I'm currently running an old Titan X for monitor display only and an RTX 3090 for computing/rendering.

If I run any monitors off of my 3090, I eventually get a BSOD when running renders or AI models. I think it's a driver issue due to being forced to use the driver for the old Titan card.

So I'm looking to get a quadro card for my 5 displays, a mixture of display port, dvi, and hdmi.

Anybody got any affordable recommendations? It will need to have at least enough processing power to run my viewports in 3dsmax and blender.

[-] brownmustardminion@lemmy.ml 5 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Thanks. That helped a lot. It gave me a good basis for some further googling.

It ended up that the Internal Clock of the hardware interface was deselected in alsamixer. Enabling it fixed the no audio issue.

For the channel remapping I tried a bunch of different config files until finally one actually managed to not be ignored. It's absurd how many separate configuration files and sound settings menus exist for linux audio and there's no guarantee the one your editing is even being used. An absolute mess IMO and it's no wonder people shy away from linux for desktop purposes.

Funny enough, despite getting the channel remapping to work, it's completely ignored unless you put pulseaudio -k into your user profile. And even now, because the remapped output device doesn't show up on boot, it has to be manually set to the default output every login.

At least I have the right channels mapped though.

I love linux but god damn is it a hot mess for the simple stuff.

[-] brownmustardminion@lemmy.ml 5 points 4 months ago

Thanks. I actually selfhost my backup server. So I'm not backing up to a VPS. I use the VPS as a hub in a hub and wheel configuration to connect multiple servers (including a dedicated backup server).

[-] brownmustardminion@lemmy.ml 5 points 4 months ago

Looks promising. Do you know what their network speeds are? I can’t seem to find that in their FAQs.

[-] brownmustardminion@lemmy.ml 5 points 4 months ago

This looks great for privacy but their servers are hosted only in Sweden, which might be an issue since I’ll need good latency and high bandwidth.

[-] brownmustardminion@lemmy.ml 13 points 4 months ago

I prefer to shy away from those companies, especially Google, for moral/privacy reasons.

[-] brownmustardminion@lemmy.ml 7 points 10 months ago

Another alternative is run Jellyfin and all of your *arr apps as docker containers and run them through a docker container called gluetun. Essentially this will route all incoming traffic (tvdb, torrents, etc) through a vpn and all outgoing (sonarr, Jellyfin, etc web gui) can be accessed locally.

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