At 1,000 per day, that’s not even going to be a dent. And, how many of those arrests are just citizens who they nabbed because they were brown? Glad we are focusing on the things that matter 🙄
Will be stopped by Trump or caught up in the Oils Company bought Supreme Court. Wishful thinking, but thoughts and prayers.
This community didn’t coin the phrase power tripping bastard. You know that… right?
Well, that doesn’t make much sense. PTB is in the mod’s name, so… it sounds like they know who they are.
Is there a chart?
I assume everyone on .ee is a conservative now.
I just mean they work there. So, ya know, maybe they could let us know when the next hotel trip is. For research of course.
I can’t let go of shitty mods and their ban hammers, especially when no rules were broken and they’re just silencing anti-Trump speech.
They said they won’t speak to me again, and I have no intention of initiating anything with them. I expect no further issue.
I do recognize and appreciate your patience.
This seems like a thing that should have a built in solution already set up.
Ask it about Tiananmen Square