[-] beyondthegrave@lemmy.world 8 points 7 months ago

LinkedIn should be looking for jobs for you.

If you set up your profile correctly, LinkedIn will function as your agent and bring YOU job leads.

At least that's how I used it.

[-] beyondthegrave@lemmy.world 13 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

I have too many...I'll pick my favorite lessons as they're all kind of related

Don't stay at a job too long. Eventually, you'll be training a new hire that makes more than you and they'll probably be your replacement.

It only takes a couple promotions before your career development stagnates usually because you'll always be seen as the person you were when you started. Get a new job elsewhere with a title higher than the place you left and that becomes your new baseline. Repeat every few years.

If you want to earn more money, get a new job. Bonuses magically dry up. And your yearly performance increase won't ever keep up with inflation. Even lateral moves at a different company can mean decent salary inceease as market rate changes over time. (This doesn't always work with a lateral move so shoot for a higher position).

Don't sweat the specifics for job requirements in postings. They're not expecting someone that hits every bullet point. That would be dream candidate that doesn't exist. If you're at least familiar with what they're asking for and can pick it up, then you're good. Most of the time you're trained on the job anyway. Just demonstrate you're competent.

(Oops didn't realize this was a CS / programming community. Hopefully some of this still applies)

[-] beyondthegrave@lemmy.world 9 points 9 months ago

I saved a multi-million $ project from going down the toilet and jeopardizing a whole bunch of client contracts. I was rewarded with a demotion when the company was acquired months later.

[-] beyondthegrave@lemmy.world 3 points 9 months ago

But buying a second printer would make my current 2yr investment a waste so savings would be a wash.

Also I do need color sometimes making the HP the better value until they start charging more for color.

Definitely will consider it when this printer dies though.

[-] beyondthegrave@lemmy.world 5 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I choose to use Instant Ink because I don't print a lot and it still beats buying the carts. HP ships them to me for free and automatically before I run out and gives me return postage for the empties to be recycled.

They also don't have different rates for B/W and Color so I just print everything in color.

I dont stress over $1/mo (or $1.50/mo if this increase hits me). I've had this printer for 2yrs on the cheapest plan and I've still not paid the full price of a set of cartridges.

I'm sure I'll be down votes for saying anything positive about the program but whatever. It works fine for me.

[-] beyondthegrave@lemmy.world 9 points 9 months ago

Of course they disable the cartridge. You're paying for ink on a subscription. If you didn't pay for cart in full, why should you be able to use the rest of it? That's literally what you signed up for. Otherwise everyone would get a full cartridge for $1.

If you don't want to do ink-cart-layaway, don't sign up and buy the cartridge.

Disabling mid-month is a scam though.

[-] beyondthegrave@lemmy.world 6 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Great! So I can't use a hitbox on street fighter or my choice of racing/flight sim rig in games that aren't first person shooters because of a problem that affects a genre I'm not even playing.

What a great solution that's not far-reaching, extremely heavy handed, and has a great potential for Microsoft to milk customers and small businesses alike! /s

[-] beyondthegrave@lemmy.world 5 points 10 months ago

A lot of devices are just adapters to allow you to play fighting, racing sim, flight sim, rhythm games with controllers from other platforms because these niche genres are even smaller on Xbox and go completely ignored by large accessories companies.

That's not going to change once these devices are blocked. It's a very heavy handed (and potentially lucrative) approach to stopping FPS cheaters.

They were making strides with the FGC getting SF6 and adding Guilty Gear Strive to Gamepass and then do this. Makes no sense.

[-] beyondthegrave@lemmy.world 3 points 11 months ago

I also don't understand the whole "it depreciates in value" angle. Yes, everything I buy new depreciates in value once it is no longer new. I'm not buying a car to immediately sell it. So who cares?

Are there people out there flipping cars like they do with houses? Maybe tell those people.

I bought my car new and people told me the same thing. I'm still driving it 13yrs later and have had no major maintenance issues; only regular maintenance like oil, tire rotation, lube etc. The most expensive thing I've put into it are new tires.

I'll buy my next car new again and do the same thing.

[-] beyondthegrave@lemmy.world 39 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Lots of entitlement here...

Saying someone makes enough in their day job so all their other contributions should be free is...wow.

I guess I'm one of the few that thinks all work should be compensated. Especially work I can't do myself or that I prefer over others.

And really, it's not up to me to say what that compensation should be. It's only my job to decide if the offer is acceptable to me for what I perceive is the benefit over other options.

Because there are other options. But I'm here because I don't want the other options. I would guess many others are, too.

[-] beyondthegrave@lemmy.world 3 points 1 year ago

Saying Xbox has $2.4T at their disposal is ridiculous. They are such a small part of the overall company, they don't have the pull of, say, the Windows team or Office team. Otherwise, why would they wait a whole generation when they could have just made moves when they were being outsold 2:1 during the XBO days? People really don't understand how close Xbox got to going the way of Mixer or Windows Phone especially with Nadella made CEO right after that launch.

Playstation understood. And that's why they went with this scorched earth policy expecting MS to make the sensible decision to close up shop if they could get Xbox to repeat last gen. There's really no other reason for it unless you want to believe that somehow Xbox was going to not only catch up but overtake Playstation's massive install base, rich IP library, and crazy talented 1st party studios by just having a bunch of 3rd party games that are already on PS5. That's laughable.

Somehow Phil Spencer convinced Nadella to invest heavily in Xbox. But realistically, Xbox division is so inconsequential to Microsoft's success, the only way he would realistically do it is if the ROI was massive. Hence giant acquisitions and not a tit for tat bid wars against Sony on a game by game basis. Jim Ryan gambled big and he lost big. And we'll all suffer for it. Maybe not right away because Spencer doesn't strike me as the type of person Ryan is, but he'll leave one day and who knows who'll be next.

[-] beyondthegrave@lemmy.world 6 points 1 year ago

Sony acquired 4 companies while this whole thing was playing out...

A lot of fault lies with Jim "we believe in generations" Ryan being super aggressive with their backdoor deals keeping as many titles off Xbox as possible and fostering a toxic community of "Xbox has no games." Microsoft wasn't going to let all their Xbox investment go to waste.

Playstation has a very strong 1st party library and a huge install base carried over from their very successful PS4 run. They could have continued to dominate based on that alone, and instead chose to be hyper anti-competitive to kill competition which isn't unfamiliar territory for them. Lack of competition is what's really bad for consumers/gamers.

Not saying this acquisition is good. It's definitely not for me as a physical collector that believes in preservation. And this will only provoke the arms race of acquiring everyone on both sides. Probably the only winners in all this are indie devs which will have a lot of opportunities to make deals that help them make more creative, fun games than the AAA sequel-itis or remake/remaster-thons that have kept those games stagnant.

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