[-] banana_meccanica@feddit.it 31 points 7 months ago

My first porn was on floppy disk

[-] banana_meccanica@feddit.it 37 points 7 months ago

Because their code is a mess, ugly and full of bugs, that is better burn to the roots that trying to fix it.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by banana_meccanica@feddit.it to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

In recent weeks I have met a pretty and sweet girl with what I consider her only biggest problem: her IQ. She is slow, does not remember things and has no concentration at all, has no arguments, systematically repeats the usual twenty words. (A bit like the character of Forrest Gump, for those who do not know what low iq means). I feel like I like it to go deeper, but I wonder if it's not a mistake. Do you have similar experiences?

[-] banana_meccanica@feddit.it 47 points 7 months ago

No one will pay, there is no reconstruction on planning, that is an eternal war there will be never a winner and there is no sense to build on an battlefield.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by banana_meccanica@feddit.it to c/mentalhealth@lemmy.world

I'm about to explode because of a person, one of the bosses at work, which is always ironic in a bad way, to tease, to feel superior. I've been obligated to suffer for a month, and now I feel like I explode. I do gym and meditate, but every week this person ruines everything. I'm afraid I ran out violently, I'm trapped because I don't have an alternative, there's only that job now and for next year, I wonder if my life is going to end like this, for a fight, fired and arrested, while the boss continues to enjoy and insult his employees....

[-] banana_meccanica@feddit.it 39 points 8 months ago

Not only the billionaires, even the millionaires, and all the people taking the plane more than once a year. It is an ecological crime the pollution of air transport.

[-] banana_meccanica@feddit.it 51 points 8 months ago

In a few years it will be 9.99$, then 19.99$, 32.99$ ect. Congratulations to those who power capitalism

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by banana_meccanica@feddit.it to c/mentalhealth@lemmy.world

i thought I was getting better, but I'm falling apart. I feel like a clown, I interact with people, they laugh and then turn their backs. At the end of the day I'm back here, alone, and I'm so sick.


The evening was going well until a person 15 years younger than me started talking to me about his 2-year-old son. And I think of my life, alone and miserable playing the loser.

[-] banana_meccanica@feddit.it 41 points 8 months ago

A failed society of fools. Where there is a shortage of educators and doctors because the capitalist model is directed towards meaningless individualism.

[-] banana_meccanica@feddit.it 55 points 8 months ago

Never pay any of this services BTW, I have no regrets and I never feel that I miss something.

[-] banana_meccanica@feddit.it 43 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

It just the beginning for sure. This future will be the end of artists and still everyone will clapping to AI productions like fools.

[-] banana_meccanica@feddit.it 57 points 8 months ago

They must have lost their minds. Bankrupt or even pay Unity back for a successful game you made and finished months ago? I hope they get legal action.

[-] banana_meccanica@feddit.it 33 points 8 months ago

Has anyone you know ever accidentally started masturbating violently during a gaming session?

Machine Learning (feddit.it)
submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by banana_meccanica@feddit.it to c/programmazione@feddit.it

Sto provando a creare questo minestrone che è il macchine learning e più mi inoltro in questa impresa e maggiore è la voglia di buttare via tutto perche tutto questo creare sistemi di sistemi di sistemi che comunicano tra loro mi crea disagio nel suo modo di essere una matrioska infernale. Cosa ne pensate? Il machine learning ne vale veramente la pena?

submitted 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) by banana_meccanica@feddit.it to c/caffeitalia@feddit.it

Domanda per chi si è imbarcato in questa impresa. Quale è stato il periodo piú lungo che avete dovuto attendere? In particolare con priorità bassa. Chiedo perchè sono rimasto di stucco ricevendo nel ultimo mese (con impegnativa) più volte la porta in faccia sentendomi dire che è impossibile prendere una data, che è tutto occupato per i prossimi 90 giorni, che dovrei telefonare tutti i giorni per avere un posto (???). Mi demoralizza molto questo modo di gestire le cose casualmente.

submitted 10 months ago by banana_meccanica@feddit.it to c/italy@lemmy.ml

Oggi sono andato al bar del mio paese dopo dieci anni che non frequentavo più. Avevo fame e ho pensato di fare una cosa che un tempo consideravo normale, cioè consumare una piadina al bar. Appena ho letto il prezzo della piadina ho capito di essere approdato in un nuovo mondo, che tutto è cambiato e che me la potevo sognare. 4€ e 20 centesimi per una piadina che dieci anni fa avrei pagato la metà, e difatti nel portafoglio l'unica cose che avevo erano 2€ e qualche centesimo. Penso a quanto possa cucinare a casa mia con 4.20€ e mi sembra ridicolo. Non credo consumerò mai più in locali pubblici, che vita miserabile.

[-] banana_meccanica@feddit.it 218 points 10 months ago

You all need to find the courage to close with reddit forever. It's done, don't you see it? Everything was taken away from apps to moderators power, purge of old messages, and soon the reward system. What this suppost to mean? What else will be removed? It is in falldown.

[-] banana_meccanica@feddit.it 102 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Everything that need a pay subscription to work.

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