Jason left the Modem Rogue??

[-] authorinthedark@lemmy.sdf.org 4 points 4 days ago

Anon does say it was facing him

[-] authorinthedark@lemmy.sdf.org 1 points 4 days ago

what you could do is set piston 2 to be on an inverted signal from piston 1, instead of having a unique timing.

what this would do in effect is that piston 2 is extended by default, until an item passes in front of your observer, then piston 2 retracts and piston 1 extends, dropping the item in front of piston 2. and then when the pulse ends piston 1 retracts and piston 2 extends

[-] authorinthedark@lemmy.sdf.org 4 points 5 days ago

I am really enjoying it, i think it's missing some kind of tutorial/description of the Boosted ionic charges vs the regular ones, i think even a voiceline from Ordis would be enough for that gap, but otherwise it's really fun and i want more

[-] authorinthedark@lemmy.sdf.org 33 points 1 week ago

we learned our lesson the first time, time to put more cops in the dark areas where murders will cripple Norway permanently

[-] authorinthedark@lemmy.sdf.org 43 points 1 month ago

ain't nothing but a heartache

[-] authorinthedark@lemmy.sdf.org 31 points 1 month ago

only if you count general aviation, commercial airlines crash less than once a month. OP is clearly just an agent of Big Blimp trying to destroy the reputation of the honorable aviation industry

[-] authorinthedark@lemmy.sdf.org 21 points 9 months ago

An important factor that I think a lot of people are missing here, is that the page was created 5 days ago. Nobody is talking about deleting a page because they just now decided they didn't like the guy, they are talking about whether or not the page was worth creating in the first place.

Obviously now Wikipedia has decided to keep the page, but seriously guys try putting a little effort into dodging the rage-bait.

[-] authorinthedark@lemmy.sdf.org 22 points 9 months ago

I myself have launched several new git repos in the last decade. Where's my article TechCrunch?

[-] authorinthedark@lemmy.sdf.org 13 points 11 months ago

This is a tool for DMs to estimate the difficulties of an encounter for their player. On the right you have the statblock of a cat, on the bottom left is the current number of creatures in the encounter (158,750 cats). On the top left is an approximate gauge for how difficult the current encounter (of 158,750 cats) would be, which is "This Would Kill Tiamat". Tiamat being the 5-headed Queen of all Evil Dragons.

[-] authorinthedark@lemmy.sdf.org 55 points 1 year ago

that has never worked

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