[-] arc@lemm.ee 49 points 3 weeks ago

Sounds to me like shareholders should call his bluff and be rid of him. Maybe then the company won't be wasting money on boneheaded vehicles like the Cybertruck.

[-] arc@lemm.ee 60 points 3 months ago

The EFF has some info about the practice - https://www.eff.org/pages/list-printers-which-do-or-do-not-display-tracking-dots.

I imagine there are ways and means of obfuscating / anonymizing the dots such as blocking the printer from emitting them (e.g. an empty yellow cartridge that the printer perceives as full), modifying the firmware, using a burner printer, or using a mono laser jet.

As a side issue, most modern bank notes have a bunch of yellow circles integrated into the design on each side. They look random but they're in a recognisable pattern called a constellation that enables devices like copiers / scanners to recognize when people are trying to copy money or other financial instruments like checks.

[-] arc@lemm.ee 53 points 3 months ago

Glassdoor is little more than a shakedown service like Yelp or Tripadvisor. It looks superficially useful but the real purpose is to suck information out of users to monetize, and extort businesses for $$$ for review "curation".

[-] arc@lemm.ee 53 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

And Tesla, being the helpful sort, also makes it hard to open the doors in an emergency. The front might have manual door release mechanism somewhere - good luck finding it when the car is on fire or sinking. The rear... not so much.

EuroNCAP is changing its testing regime to negatively score manufacturers who remove critical physical controls and it should probably include door handles in that regime.

[-] arc@lemm.ee 51 points 4 months ago

Assuming someone by necessity needed to do that, then a bowl of porridge would be better than cereal. It would be cheaper to buy, more filling & nutritious. And someone that cash strapped shouldn't be eating Kelloggs cereals at all since the generic equivalent probably costs half the price and tastes the same.

[-] arc@lemm.ee 61 points 4 months ago

Failing to vaccinate a kid (unless there are legit medical reasons) should be a chargeable offence in the same way that letting them sit in the backseat of a car without a booster / seatbelt is. These parents, as stupid and credulous as they are, have endangered their kids and some of them might suffer life altering injuries or death from that.

[-] arc@lemm.ee 58 points 4 months ago

It's time for news orgs and journalists to say a) "we're hosting our content on our own Mastodon server and that will be the source of truth for federated platforms (eventually including Threads and Bluesky)", b) "we will mirror the content across non-federated social media platforms that support free and fair reporting".

In other words give Twitter the middle finger and make the content available everywhere.

[-] arc@lemm.ee 49 points 7 months ago

It definitely seems like an irrelevant point. All car sheet steel arrives in rolls.

I'd be more concerned about how it is formed into panels, how resistant it is to corrosion, what tolerances parts have, how easy is it to replace parts, whether there are visible production flaws due to it being naked steel, and if construction techniques or material thickness makes it more dangerous to occupants or pedestrians in collisions.

I certainly won't be surprised if pictures start appearing in a year or two of cybertrucks that have been completely fucked by salt water corrosion, or heat warppage or other issues caused by their design.

[-] arc@lemm.ee 60 points 9 months ago

Even as a man it's a red flag - "me no think so good, big thoughts hurt brain, bald man make hurt go away with soothing words"

[-] arc@lemm.ee 50 points 10 months ago

I'm fully expecting Russian media to explain how those evil Ukranians sneaked a missile battery or a fighter jet into Moscow airspace and shot down a plane that just happened to contained Putin's mortal enemies.

[-] arc@lemm.ee 61 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

I don't believe his choices are THAT limited. Most prisons will have a self-service line with a choice of boiled veg, rice, beans, potatoes, pasta, fruit, grits, oats. Also, and just generally, boo hoo for him. Funny how his ethics extend to what he eats, but not who he steals from.

[-] arc@lemm.ee 57 points 10 months ago

I wouldn't trust anything from a P2P site that purports to be:

  1. A cracked game / application for desktop and mobile platforms. Maybe it's legit but assume it is malware.
  2. A serial number generator. If you absolutely must run one of these do it from a throwaway VM, or via WINE emulation to mitigate what it might do.
  3. An encrypted archive with a README. It's a scam designed to make people sign up to other scams to release a non-existent password.
  4. A movie / audio with an extension such as .scr, .wma, .com, .exe etc. It's malware.

Movies, audio & books are generally safe providing they use a recognized extension - mp3, mp4, pdf, mkv, aac, flac, epub etc. Stuff that runs under emulation like console games is generally safe. I say "generally" because an exploit could still be crafted to escape a popular media player or emulator and cause actual harm to your computer.

All the ads and 3rd party scripts should be considered malicious too and should be erased with an adblocker, or even better use Tor.

So basically use some common sense and if you really want some game or app, just buy the damned thing or wait for it to go on sale.

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