[-] admiralpatrick@lemmy.world 12 points 1 month ago

Good lord, I can't believe Lemmy World's federation queue is backed up for so many other instances because of stupid shit like this.

[-] admiralpatrick@lemmy.world 11 points 1 month ago

OP, the wording of the post is very confusing. Would you mind perhaps editing the post to clarify your opinion?


[-] admiralpatrick@lemmy.world 28 points 1 month ago

I think the distributed nature of the Fediverse is a big part of it. Lot of moderation policies at play, on a lot of different instances and some allow some real jerks to flourish and spill out elsewhere. I have zero tolerance for any of that garbage and am very quick with my block/ban buttons, but those are only effective on my own instance or the few communities I moderate outside that.

OP, best I can suggest is to report them. Most of the communities I interact with are pretty responsive to those kinds of reports and similarly don't tolerate it. Mods, unfortunately, can't read every comment and often rely on reports to know when to look deeper/take action.

And don't feel bad about blocking the jerks. There's a lot of them, lol.

[-] admiralpatrick@lemmy.world 11 points 1 month ago

As a GIF, that scene looks like it's cut from a horror movie lol.

[-] admiralpatrick@lemmy.world 10 points 1 month ago

Lol, yeah. I was referencing the plot (Elaine accidentally grabs her breast in the sauna and tells Jerry she think's they're fake).

Also, I tried to merge that exact GIF into the static image but failed miserably 😆.

[-] admiralpatrick@lemmy.world 6 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

For the record, I agree with everything you're saying.

As a mod, I have to say "Rule 1: No Politics".

That said, I'm going to allow this as long as it remains civil and discussion is done in good faith without "Godwin's Law" coming into play. I'll be actively moderating this thread, so please keep discussions as generic as possible, and no blaming/figer-pointing/name-calling/etc. I'll probably also be locking it once I'm unable to keep an eye on it (no offense and nothing personal, OP).

That that said, other mods of the community may disagree and remove it, as it is technically violating rule 1 (which we all agreed was for the ultimate benefit of the community). If one of the other mods decides this post should be removed, then I support that decision.

So, for now, carry on, but be civil.


Since the world is so depressing right now, the mod team has agreed to rebrand this community as "Popular Opinions" to try to lighten the mood.

Instead of than sharing opinions that highlight our differences, share the ones that everyone can agree on.

The voting guidelines remain the same: Upvote if you agree it's a popular opinion, downvote if you think it's an unpopular opinion.

So, let's hear some things we can all get on board with!

In conclusion, happy April Fool's Day!

Note: This is a real rule change and will be enforced, but only for today as a fun change of pace. Normal rules return tomorrow.

Since we're all on differen timezones, we'll be running these rules midnight to 23:59 UTC.

[-] admiralpatrick@lemmy.world 11 points 2 months ago

More like a parasite since it's competing with the rest of your body for that oxygen.

[-] admiralpatrick@lemmy.world 6 points 3 months ago

I think most people, even outside Lemmy, are in favor of legalization. There's just a lot of old people in charge of the laws who are against it because of years of "Reefer Madness" propaganda crap.

Like, Ohio had a ballot initiative not long ago to legalize it recreationally and, after it passed, their legislature tried to knee-cap it (unsuccessfully, I believe).

[-] admiralpatrick@lemmy.world 6 points 3 months ago

Fruits and vegetables.

[-] admiralpatrick@lemmy.world 11 points 3 months ago

Didn't think I'd see a useful Life Pro Tip here, but such it is. Going to give this a try.

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