[-] Zykino@programming.dev 1 points 3 hours ago

I'm on Linux and a prebuit PC would be a nice change. But at the same price or lower than Windaube, since I don't want a licence for them.

I will prefer to build myself rather than paying an extra k…

[-] Zykino@programming.dev 4 points 1 week ago
  1. You need a license
  2. usage should just be help (avoid extra step)
  3. connect does not exist (see add and cmd list)
  4. You can git clone <REPO> <DEST FOLDER>, no need to cd
  5. maybeCreateDir is not used each time, there are some mkdir
  6. "changes" is not a helpfull commit message. Accept an optional argument string and {MESSAGE:=change}
  7. Accept a different repo path
  8. set -euxo pipefail at the start of the script if you want to exit at any error. Some sort of bash strict mode
  9. shellcheck does not like iterating over ls's output

I'm too lazy to open issues/PR for all that, and I still need to learn stow. Hopfully this might help me ? (I don't really need help with git that this sçript look to abstract too much for me.)

[-] Zykino@programming.dev 3 points 1 week ago

La faute à qui ? Qui aurait pu prévoir que le groupe présidentiel ne retrouverait pas la majorité au lendemain des européenes ?

[-] Zykino@programming.dev 4 points 1 week ago

Yup, pull requests are an invention from git's servers (I think github came up with that first). The built in way (famously used by the linux kernel) is git-send-email.

submitted 2 weeks ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by Zykino@programming.dev to c/godot@programming.dev

I have been looking for a way to move non player entities on the map. For example I want cars to move around road, a parking lot, … I found way too many options without comparaison to see pro/cons. Is there a ressource telling which option is privileged?

I saw (in 2D, but I suspect all/most have their 3D equivalent):

Option My understanding
Path2D Very rigid path to follow (only saw used with tween). Can be nice to follow tracks, insert cubes in slot, … But when trying to have a more natural movement, with a bit of variety thanks to physic I don’t see how to do it.
AStar2D (and the AStar2DGrid variant) Robust algo known everywhere. Can add weight to connections. I suspect to make it work we have to give points to reach so we should "cover" the maps with points and link them together
NavigationServer2D Same as AStar2D but experimental, more automatic. Instead of specifying all the point we specify accessible zones. But adding weight to the connection is less obvious (using NavigationObstacle2D?) may be less customizable also?

Are there more options?
Is my understanding of each correct or completely wrong?
What is "the best" one (in Godot 4.3)? Like is there big performance drawback for some (at 100 entities there are lags or whatever)?

Keep in mind that I want my game as little as I can to understand how Godot/game engines work (I’m a developer so that part is easy, Scenes and Nodes choice less so), I don’t really care if using experimental feature means it disappear at some point or change behavior.

Edit: Just found out the official page explaining the different methodes.
So AStar is for grid/pathing on a set of points while NavigationServer can navigate to any point on the accessible area and uses A* as an implementation detail.

=> I think for my use case A* is better suited since I want to move on roads (that look like a grid with weight being the length).

[-] Zykino@programming.dev 3 points 3 weeks ago

Oh, didn't knew about Alt d. Thx

[-] Zykino@programming.dev 13 points 4 weeks ago

When I'm unsure, I ls <the-glob>, chek, then replace ls with rm.

[-] Zykino@programming.dev 5 points 1 month ago

Just use this one... or any of this 4 others.

This is the issue for us, python outsiders. Each time we try we get a different answer with new tools. We are outside of the comtunity, we don't know the trend, old and new, pro and cons.

Your first recommandation is hatch... first time I've heard of it. Uv seems trendy in this thread, but before that it was unknown to me too.

As I understands it, it should be pip's job. When it detect I'm in a project it install packages in it and python use them. It can use any tool under the hood, but the default package manager shoud be able to do it on its own.

[-] Zykino@programming.dev 2 points 1 month ago

Zellij always permitted to change all the keybindings… On the discord peoples asked for Alt as default modifier, and shared their config default locked. That what motivated the maintainer to include this sort of configs. With this version zellij implement the kitty’s keyboard protocol, which should enable to use more key combinaison (if your terminal support it). I’m not sure about multiples modifiers, I haven’t installed it yet.

I’m not sure what you mean by "not being able to lock floating windows on top".

[-] Zykino@programming.dev 4 points 1 month ago

Where can I learn what each colors means? Is it buried in man htop somewhere? Or in a website?

[-] Zykino@programming.dev 2 points 1 month ago

Je suis dans une petite ville. Démarrer avec les voiture ça veut dire que la première de la file va accélérer pour te doubler au démarrage, quitte à te frôler en pleine accélération et limite se prendre la voiture d'en face qui se pose au milieu pour tourner. Ah et comme dit dans un autre commentaire, remonter la fille de voitures à l'arrêt ça permet de se stationner à côté de la première, devant sa vision du feu... parce-que 99% du temps le « SAS vélo » est transformé en « SAS capot ». J'ai plusieurs fois proposé d'échanger de véhicule mais les conducteurs comprennent pas. Y a aussi ceux qui comprennent pas le petit panneau qui permet au vélos de passer au rouge pour aller dans certaines directions. Ceux qui à l'occasion de s'arrêter te font remarqué que t'es à contre sens, alors que les cycles sont autorisés sur cette route (tu sais les petits cyclistes au sol avec une flèche vers toi ça veut dire que tu peux en rencontrer qui te font fasse, et si la route est trop petite à ton goût, c'est pas moi qui fait les règles, demande à la mairie.). Sans oublié ceux qui te klaxon parce-que tu reste sur la route au lieu d'aller sur la voie partagée avec les piétons qui a un revêtement petit cailloux. Mes préférés restant ceux qui débarquent sous mon bras et sont passés le temps de réagir. 50cm la distance de sécurité ?!?

[-] Zykino@programming.dev 2 points 2 months ago

and you won’t use At “just” for a bit of concurrency. Right ?

Is "At" a typo?

Yes I wanted to talk about the Qt Framework. But with that much ways to do concurrency in the language's core, I suspect you would use this framework for more than just its signal/slots feature. Like if you want their data structures, their network or GUI stack, …

I'm not using Python, but I love to know the quirks of each languages.

[-] Zykino@programming.dev 3 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

Wow coming from C++/Rust I was about to answer that both are parallelism. I did not knew about python's GIL. So I suppose this is the preferred way to do concurrency, there is no async/await, and you won't use Qt "just" for a bit of concurrency. Right ?

We learn a little bit everyday. Thanks!

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