[-] ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.world 15 points 1 day ago

To ward off the shallow people from your mega penis?

[-] ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.world 6 points 5 days ago

Maybe. I've been home with my wife and kids since early on during the pandemic. They get on my nerves sometimes, sure, but nothing that makes me think my marriage, or marriage in general, is terrible. I still love my wife and kids, and I enjoy spending time with each of them individually and as a group. I'm nowhere near perfect, but we try to get along, try to do better, and my wife and I were together for nearly 5 years before we got married. So, we had a pretty good idea what we were getting into.

[-] ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.world 60 points 1 month ago

So, she's like Santos, but an animal murderer?

I get decisions on farms can be tough/unpleasant with respect to other animals, but her descriptions of what happened just seem lazy.

[-] ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.world 54 points 1 month ago

Ridiculous that we won't hold him accountable for this.

[-] ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.world 46 points 1 month ago

If we're being technical, it coldest summer of the rest of your life. So, it's not including their history of summers.

[-] ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.world 65 points 2 months ago

It's a huge amount of mass that was in motion. Who is disagreeing that it could take out a bridge? Also, bridges aren't usually designed to take so much force from that angle.

[-] ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.world 79 points 2 months ago

The outcome here is great, but what a sad origin story. "I didn't want to be raped by God, so I had to shape who I am to make me less appealing to him." It's like those hairy legs leggings. What a sad commentary on our society/the behavior of men.

[-] ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.world 95 points 3 months ago

This just in: Victim of leopard mauling says he won't give leopard second helping.

Fuck this guy. I'm not giving him credit for not being a completely horrible person when he has been a horrible person. He hasn't learned anything, made amends, etc. He just doesn't want the person who put hundreds of people on a mission for his head to have total power.

[-] ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.world 70 points 3 months ago

And the rest of the world, more likely than not.

[-] ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.world 59 points 5 months ago

And no super rich people.

[-] ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.world 49 points 8 months ago

If you are both sexual people, I should hope you are both looking forward to it when you are both ready.

[-] ZoopZeZoop@lemmy.world 51 points 8 months ago

It brings the presidential average above 2!

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