Positions reversed and trump would have loaded the gun for them. Then shot himself in the foot handing it over. Maybe even a bystander.
There is no better description of the anti christ than trump.
Has nothing to do with ‘generation’ anything and everything to do with bean counters. The fact that Minecraft is still beating them all is everything they need to know but refuse to listen to.
Leader and judge who issued should be fired and disbarred immediately. I feel like something should happen to the rank and file who follow such stupidity too but not sure what.
They need to stop saying “Missouri” and start calling them out by name. The governor and judge lynched this man.
I love how she tied it to the immunity defense. “Oh because you’re only immune in these specific instances. We’re going to review every single tiny last minutia of detail to see if you’re really immune or not.”
Stop making every fucking game and open world mmo wanna be. Bring back single player with couch co op or make private lobby setups so we don’t have to fuck with every douche who wants to make everyone else’s life as sad as their own. I’m a big GYA fan but have refused to buy for this specific reason. Have almost given in repeatedly but just go watch some YouTube’s on it and it reminds me not to contribute to this shit every time.
If only the news agencies of this country weren’t feckless cowards and actually covered any of this.
They should have cut his ass off and put up a screen of the actual text of the bill. Stop letting these people lie on fucking tv. Call them out. Shut them up and prove they’re lying right in front of them.
So where are the suits and convictions for all the people trying to fuck this guy over. Where are the firings of the upper echelons. Where is any fucking oversight.
I have been specifically and repeatedly told women at work don’t want flirting or any other interpersonal interactions. So that shit is shut completely off when in public.
And I want a genie with three wishes. Both of these have the same value in reality.