
joined 1 year ago

I don't think that the actual performance here is as important as the fact that it's clearly not meaningfully "reasoning" at all. This isn't a failure mode that happens if it's actually thinking through the problem in front of it and understanding the request. It's a failure mode that comes from pattern matching without actual reasoning.

[–] 10 points 10 hours ago (4 children)

write it out in ASCII

My dude what do you think ASCII is? Assuming we're using standard internet interfaces here and the request is coming in as UTF-8 encoded English text it is being written out in ASCII

Sneers aside, given that the supposed capability here is examining a text prompt and reason through the relevant information to provide a solution in the form of a text response this kind of test is, if anything, rigged in favor of the AI compared to some similar versions that add in more steps to the task like OCR or other forms of image parsing.

It also speaks to a difference in how AI pattern recognition compared to the human version. For a sufficiently well-known pattern like the form of this river-crossing puzzle it's the changes and exceptions that jump out. This feels almost like giving someone a picture of the Mona Lisa with aviators on; the model recognizes that it's 99% of the Mona Lisa and goes from there, rather than recognizing that the changes from that base case are significant and intentional variation rather than either a totally new thing or a 'corrupted' version of the original.

The classic "I don't understand something therefore it must be incomprehensible" problem. Anyone who does understand it must therefore be either lying or insane. I'm not sure if we've moved forward or backwards by having the incomprehensible eldritch truth be progressive social ideology itself rather than the existence of black people and foreign cultures.

It's also the sound it makes when I drop-kick their goddamned GPU clusters into the fuckin ocean. Thankfully I haven't run into one of these yet, but given how much of the domestic job market appears to be devoted towards not hiring people while still listing an opening it feels like I'm going to.

On a related note, if anyone in the Seattle area is aware of an opening for a network engineer or sysadmin please PM me.

[–] 7 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (1 children)

I feel like cult orthodoxy probably accounts for most of it. The fact that they put serious thought into how to handle a sentient AI wanting to post on their forums does also suggest that they're taking the AGI "possibility" far more seriously than any of the companies that are using it to fill out marketing copy and bad news cycles. I for one find this deeply sad.

Edit to expand: if it wasn't actively lighting the world on fire I would think there's something perversely admirable about trying to make sure the angels dancing on the head of a pin have civil rights. As it is they're close enough to actual power and influence that their enabling the stripping of rights and dignity from actual human people instead of staying in their little bubble of sci-fi and philosophy nerds.

Only as a subset of the broader problem. What if, instead of creating societies in which everyone can live and prosper, we created people who can live and prosper in the late capitalist hell we've already created! And what if we embraced the obvious feedback loop that results and call the trillions of disposable wireheaded drones that we've created a utopia because of how high they'll be able to push various meaningless numbers!

I read through a couple of his fiction pieces and I think we can safely disregard him. Whatever insights he may have into technology and authoritarianism appear to be pretty badly corrupted by a predictable strain of antiwokism. It's not offensive in anything I read - he's not out here whining about not being allowed to use slurs - but he seems sufficiently invested in how authoritarians might use the concerns of marginalized people as a cudgel that he completely misses how in reality marginalized people are more useful to authoritarian structures as a target than a weapon.

The whole CoreWeave affair (and the AI business in general) increasingly remind me of this potion shop, only with literally everyone playing the role of the idiot gnomes.

I gave him a long enough chance to prove his views had changed to go read Hanania's actual feed. Pinned tweet is bitching about liberals canceling people. Just a couple days ago he was on a podcast bitching about trans people and talking about how it's great to be a young broke (asian) woman because you can be exploited by rich old (white) men.

So yeah he's totally not a piece of shit anymore. Don't even worry about it.

[–] 8 points 3 days ago (1 children)

Can't wait until someone tries to Samizdat their AI slop to get around this kind of test.

[–] 5 points 3 days ago (2 children)

Just think of how much more profit you could make to address environmental issues by forgoing basic safety and ecological protections. Who needs blowout preventers anyway?

[–] 8 points 4 days ago (2 children)

Nah, to keep with the times it should be a matte black Tesla Model 3 with the sith empire insignia on top and a horn that plays the imperial march.

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