[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 6 points 6 days ago

I'd say he definitely didn't have access to as much info as we do, but i also don't know how much of the info we have is actually accurate either. Where as the info he had was probably from primary sources, and confirmed by his people to the best of their ability.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 27 points 1 week ago

i agree with not voting for them but lets be real if ur American and pay taxes you are materially supporting it.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 9 points 1 week ago

someone treat the blue part like a greenscreen and do what needs to be done

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 18 points 1 week ago

I have a theory on this id like to share. I do not think they are using neutron bombs. But i think instead they are lacing conventional weapons with small amounts of enriched uranium.

Why would they do this? Well i believe there are 2 reasons. 1 is the cause of a health crisis from the radiation and higher rates of cancer and other issues but i dont think thats the main one.

The 2nd and most important reason they do this in my opinion is tracking.

You find a small outpost of fighters, and hit them with a bomb laced with enriched uranium particles. The bombs are likely designed not to kill everyone in the area immediately. Then the uranium get all over, and inside the people in the outpost, and those people flee to other nearby outposts or bases of whatever faction you are targeting. You can then track the radiation trail left behind by the survivors and follow them right to any other bases in that area.

This explains why the other signs of nuclear weapons use are not there. Because it is in fact a conventional weapon. It would also only require a small amount of enriched uranium so would be harder to detect and explain why we didnt figure it out sooner.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 14 points 1 week ago

i think it would be better if he come completely normal but like as theyre standing in front of the cameras together Xi just starts throwing it back and 100 hidden chinese agents jump out of the shadows and start dancing with him and Biden is just standing there stunned in silence while The secret service are freaking out.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 20 points 1 week ago

ive also been masking in an area where no one else does it's so frustrating

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 2 weeks ago

Honestly Linux does work pretty much just as well as MacOS if you run it on hardware thats super well supported and that tons of linux users use. MacOS has integration with its hardware because its all made by the same company. They only have to support a few models of computer.

If you installed Linux Mint today on a Thinkpad t480, and on some obscure weird laptop with rarely used hardware your gonna get 1 install that just works out of the box and your gonna get 1 that you have to hunt for drivers, and do tons of work on. Its just the nature of being able to use any hardware. Some will work better than others.

If you want an example of how to increase adoption you pick a line of computers thats of high quality and have them be supported by the community a ton. Then you convince the company that makes these computers to ship a version of them with linux pre-installed, and potentially help atleast with funding the development of whatever distro they use.

If your average user bought a laptop, opened it, turned it on, and it had linux on it and worked relatively well, they are never going to change it. Its not a normal thing to just change your OS most people don't even know that you can do that. I gave my grandmother a linux mint laptop and she thinks its windows.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 16 points 2 weeks ago

Think the headline kind of buries the lead. Firefox is basically holding google by the balls and saying "Make a better decoder if you want this shit to become standard" which imo is great. Force them to do what they should have done already.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 2 weeks ago

Frankly the vast majority of the global working class dont have access to machines like that. They still use basic tools a lot of the time. A lot of agriculture is still hand picked by people paid starvation wages.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 10 points 2 weeks ago

im not sure how similar the situations are though since Mac OS is backed by Apple. Linux doesnt have a similarly massive company to back it up. I do think there is a number where companies will rush to support linux but idk if its as low as 5%.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 51 points 2 weeks ago

it worries me that ill accidentally buy this shit without realizing its not normal milk and get sick

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 11 points 2 weeks ago

Personally i think its gonna be both. A lot of places will collapse into barbarism/warlordism/fascism, and there will be a few places that manage to be stable under socialism, and those places will slowly over the course of centuries carry the rest of humanity to a better future kicking and screaming. If you live in the west tho i think a period of barbarism is inevitable. I also think we are heading toward a mass depopulation event globally. I expect by 2100 the global population will be much lower than now, and be mainly concentrated in the few socialist countries that survive with most of the world being very low population. The main reason i think people will die is famine. I do think we will see some nuclear exchanges but it will likely be limited in scope. As nations collapse that have nukes other nations still around should leap into action to secure them pretty quickly so even in a scenario where we see massive countries like Russia, and the USA collapse i think their nuclear arsenals will remain secure.

South East Asia will probably be pretty stable assuming China doesnt get nuked too badly by the USA so if your worried about your own personal future id recommend moving somewhere like New Zealand, Alaska, Pacific Islands, anywhere close enough to SEA to benefit from their success and potentially migrate there once the storm passes, but far enough away and isolated enough that you wont get caught up in any conflicts during the bad years.

My prediction would be that 2025-2030 we will see WW3 really start to take shape but itll be largely cold with some isolated conflicts for awhile. Then it should be over by 2035 as i expect once fighting really starts itll be fast. I think there is a good chance WW3 ends because there is a limited nuclear exchange which devastates population centers in specific regions, and the horror of it causes people to start negotiating again and agree to peace. Dont think theres gonna be a clear winner, but may be someone who does better economically afterward. Then youll have a decade or two of global economic collapse, this will be when the famines begin to get pretty bad in places that already import food. (If your in Egypt leave ASAP)

During the economic collapse i expect the ash from the nukes/fires caused by them, climate change, and collapse of global trade to all contribute to a worldwide famine. This is where we may see the largest death tolls in human history, and depopulation on a scale almost unimaginable. People really underestimate the power of a famine since most of us havent lived through one, but all it takes is weeks. You lose 30% of our food production and you lose 30% of the population. The range of loss could be anywhere from as low as 15% to as high as 80% global population loss depending on how bad things are. There will probably be areas with tons of food that have no way to get it to other places too. So expect mass migrations to areas that have plentiful farmland, and water. Arid regions that import food will be largely abandoned.

This is of course just my take on it and im just some autistic weirdo who has an obsession with history and politics, but i will say i tend to have a nose for this stuff. Im good at picking up on patterns and like to make predictions based on them and while im usually not 100% on point i tend to get the general idea right. The specifics are what i tend to be wrong on.

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