[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 19 hours ago

if it was a billionaire id watch with glee

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 5 points 1 day ago


[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 7 points 1 day ago

being eaten by lions would be terrifying too but you dont see me being terrified cuz im not about to go jump in the enclosure. Just like im not an idiot billionaire climbing into an amateur submarine.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 1 day ago

This reminds me of when i read about ancient norse gift giving culture years ago. Apparently it was expected that when you had a relationship like say a friend youd give them a gift, and youd get a gift back that was a little better usually. But it was considered really rude to give someone a huge gift that would be a burden for them to gift you something similar in return. Since the expectation was theyd give an equal or better gift back, and your placing this huge social burden on them to come up with something appropriate.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 13 points 1 day ago

the BEEest password is the BEEee movie script with all the letter "B"s replaced with BEE BEEecause noBEEody expects it

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 15 points 1 day ago

Dont think its possible now since they can't change the ballots. Plus Trump probably likes JD. JD is a little door mat and thats exactly what Trump wants. Somebody who will do as their told no matter what. That was why him and pence broke up cuz pence would disobey him, and undermine him when he tried to do stupid shit.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 4 points 3 days ago

In general even if your donating the blood for free they will still charge the person who gets the blood thousands of dollars at least in the US. They might just bill it as the service of sticking the needle in and hanging the bag up for you or whatever, but in essence they do charge for the blood and make a profit off of it.

I do think its a good thing to donate and help people, but i also do think that companies take advantage of the situation to make a profit off of it, and it is definitely exploitation. Donating blood plasma specifically is not a fun process, and it can leave a permanent scar on your arm if done a lot. The pay for it compared to the problems, and the profits they make on it is definitely understandable to see as a scam.

Now is the answer to that to just let people who need blood die? Obviously no. The answer is the make laws that say companies must provide a fair market rate for peoples plasma if selling it, or ideally just make laws that make all healthcare free so its not an issue anymore.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 2 points 3 days ago

cuz ya it is entirely optional not like youd die if u didnt do it and many people dont do it daily.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 3 points 3 days ago

its alarming how nobody has said brushing their teeth yet.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 1 points 3 days ago

a combo is definitely best. Pihole gets stuff the extensions dont and the extensions get stuff pihole doesnt. Together they block 99% of unwanted bs. Pihole can even block malware and telemetry if u configure it to.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 7 points 5 days ago

i used to just use like browser extensions and stuff and now have a pi hole setup for my home network, and its game changing. Even mobile apps are now ad free. Its awesome.

[-] Xiisadaddy@lemmygrad.ml 14 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

Q: You recently said, not referring to socialism in general but to the USSR in particular, that socialism had been assassinated, stabbed in the back. In this conspiracy of daggers that killed socialism, would you say Gorbachev was one of the assassins?

A: No, I could not say that about Gorbachev because I have another view of Gorbachev and it is not one of an assassin who plotted the USSR's destruction.

The USSR self-destructed in an incredible way. The responsibility for that self-destruction undoubtedly lies in the hands of the country's leaders, those who led that nation. Now, some of them were aware they were destroying it and others were not. That is what I was trying to say, more or less, and we saw it all from the beginning.

I cannot say Gorbachev played a role in which he was aware of the destruction of the USSR because I have no doubt that Gorbachev intended to fight to improve socialism.

We approved of Soviet efforts to improve socialism in the USSR. But we could not approve of, and never would have agreed to, not only the destruction of socialism in the USSR, but also the destruction of the USSR itself. That inflicted terrible damage on all peoples of the world and created a bad situation for the Third World in particular.

Imperialism would have been able to disintegrate the Soviet Union, had the Soviets not destroyed themselves, had those responsible for the strategies and tactics and for the country's political and government policies not destroyed the country. In other words, socialism did not die from natural causes: it was a suicide, socialism was murdered. That is what I meant.

He is referring specifically to socialism in the USSR, and suicide by the leaders of that country less so than socialists in general.

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