[-] Window_Error_Noises@lemmy.world 3 points 17 hours ago

It's called "I want the hell out of those pants, do they come in short, small lady sizes, please"

If those are the only episodes you remember, emphatically yes; I (internet stranger) highly recommend a re-watch! From the beginning.

If you're not a big sci-fi fan in general, and aren't looking to forgive a little outlandishness from time to time, and/or don't usually appreciate some dry, yet campy humor, it may just not be for you. But, otherwise, it's very entertaining, especially by standards of modern TV writing.

I probably re-watch it every few years, though admittedly it's less enjoyable here and there, but it ended as well as it could have given production yadda yadda. It has its faults, but they're understandable when following along with a little easily found online trivia. The final, "new" seasons I couldn't get through, though. I've tried, but no. Wouldn't recommend.

Sorry, two sentences turned into many, because clarification.



[-] Window_Error_Noises@lemmy.world 45 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Yeah, I recently got meds at 33 (hooray!), insane improvement, and morning brain is still like "But do you really have the severe ADHD you definitely have, or is it all just a big fucking lie you made up to excuse your weaknesses, you weak bitch? Maybe you just need 6-28 cups of coffee and 12 hours of guilty scrolling to low-volume TV to start your day, hmmmm?"

Then I finally take my damn pill, everything shuts the hell up, and I realize how completely chill I am, and capable of laundry.

Think I'll print this out to go on the fridge, (with a calendar event set every few weeks to move its placement, before object permanence turns it to invisible scenery).

[-] Window_Error_Noises@lemmy.world 23 points 5 months ago

This is weird validation that the hardcore red flag vibes he gives off aren't just me, cause I've been saying this for flippin' years, even though he seems to be a legitimately, genuinely awesome...human? Is he human?

[-] Window_Error_Noises@lemmy.world 24 points 5 months ago

Holy shit, this is for real. The last post I saw with this guy, I thought it might be a eurojoke I didn't quite understand, like the ramen on head memes, but oh nooooooo. ส˜โ€ฟส˜

You understand? (lemmy.world)

John Malkovich's voice and spectacular cadence in your head:

  • "It is estimated that Santa's sleigh weighs 353 thousand tons. So, traveling at 650 miles per second would create such enormous friction that Santa and his reindeer would burst into flames. You understand? Like a meteor entering the atmosphere. This is a scientific fact."
[-] Window_Error_Noises@lemmy.world 24 points 8 months ago

Heh. Take THAT, Catholics! Oh, if theses were Reeses...

In case anyone wants to know more!

[-] Window_Error_Noises@lemmy.world 35 points 8 months ago

Proper explanation, indeed - you never get all the way through the countdown before you time travel. Beforehand, though (at least in my too many to count without it sounding like a weird brag experiences), the "last words" moment is before the mask, but after the pre-anesthesia. Depends on the procedure, and probably the person, too.

[-] Window_Error_Noises@lemmy.world 31 points 8 months ago

Then I'm glad I know my entire team, going in, and they're all remarkably empathetic to their terrified, high-risk patient! Chances are, any final words through twilight sleep will be a last sentiment to my spouse, in case I don't make it through. After my tight-five, of course, using the IV pole as a mic.

[-] Window_Error_Noises@lemmy.world 37 points 8 months ago

This gives me a sense of satisfaction by proxy.

[-] Window_Error_Noises@lemmy.world 30 points 8 months ago

Brilliant. Part of my procedure is being performed robotically, so I may have to ask that of the robot...


Last time, I used: "Anybody need anything while I'm out?" and that went over well. May not make it through this surgery on Friday, so I turn to Lemmy for top-notch suggestions for my potential last words!


I like to pretend I'm surfing time and space, communing with the Universe...

[ Image - A white-robed, light-skinned, white haired and bearded figure, resembling a wizard/druid/viking, kneels against a large, forest tree; their head lain against the bark, their eyes closed.

Text - " transcending the fabric of reality (getting dizzy from standing up too fast) " ]

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