[-] WholeEnchilada@hexbear.net 18 points 7 months ago

Not a shocker if you just turned 48 like I did. In the 1980s when I was a kid, Reagan was President, and I lived in Maine. My dad’s proposal was to just drop a nuke on the whole region and annihilate the whole area. My dad was so mean. He was trying to keep me from blasting Rock the Casbah on my 45. Must have grated on his nerves.

[-] WholeEnchilada@hexbear.net 26 points 7 months ago

Jeff is back. He still hasn’t heard of The Wall Street Journal, read by capitalists, socialists, communists, the Amish, drug traffickers, et. al.

[-] WholeEnchilada@hexbear.net 6 points 7 months ago

What irks me is that the people who are willing to pay higher prices for commodities with weak rationales / illogical arguments are sometimes the same ones who think it's OK for people to starve to death because they're poor and would never dream of permitting health care to be universal because it means higher income tax. Lots of "little people" are perfectly content remaining "little" and giving their money away to the "big boys" who already have the big money.


Is it bad to be almost 48 and sit around the house listening to music that is sometimes rock, sometimes disco, and just meditate on what the fuck.

[-] WholeEnchilada@hexbear.net 15 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Evidently, for this internet rando, Trump isn’t right-wing enough. That’s something important to note because in the Fediverse sooooo many people lazily throw the “tankie” word around in posts and threads. “So-and-so is a tankie,” and “that instance is run by tankies “ yadda yadda. Left wingers are much more numerous in their fantasy than reality because the right-wingers far outnumber the leftists and the leftists are scary to them. This is why they try to poo-poo us any chance they get in the fediverse. Only place you’ll find criticism of their wanton ignorance is right here.

[-] WholeEnchilada@hexbear.net 6 points 7 months ago

Yeah, baby. You just nom that shit.

[-] WholeEnchilada@hexbear.net 7 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Holy fuck. Don't hate the oreos. They are the only reason why I have a reason to live.

[-] WholeEnchilada@hexbear.net 13 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

Actually, yeah, you're on it. These questions are epistemological. They're also phenomenological. Testing AI is all about seeing how it responds and reacts just as much as they are about being. It's silly. When it comes to AI right now, existing is measured by reaction to see if it's imitating a human intelligence. I'm pretty sure "I react therefore I am" was never coined by any great, old philosopher. So, what can we learn from your observation? Nobody knows anything. Or at least, the supposed geniuses who make AI and test it believe that reaction measures intelligence.

[-] WholeEnchilada@hexbear.net 11 points 7 months ago

He wouldn't look half bad taking it up the ass in a Bel-Ami porno.

[-] WholeEnchilada@hexbear.net 8 points 7 months ago

You're right on, in my opinion. It's a gnarly distraction from the Marxist way of analyzing this: further alienation from the means of production. I really like how you frame it as a religious thing. It pairs nicely with literal interpretations of the Bible, really. Gotta wonder how many of these folks come from strict Baptist murkan families.

[-] WholeEnchilada@hexbear.net 38 points 7 months ago

The saddest part of all is that it looks like they really are wishing for real life to imitate a futuristic sci-fi movie. They might not come out and say, "I really hope AI in the real world turns out to be just like in a sci-fi/horror movie" but that's what it seems like they're unconsciously wishing for. It's just like a lot of other media phenomena, such as real news reporting on zombie apocalypse preparedness or UFOs. They may phrase it as "expectation" but that's very adjacent to "hopeful."

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