[-] VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca 1 points 15 minutes ago

Being interested is not my problem, the more I want to read something the harder it is to not drift in my mind and have to restart a few lines before. And after a few pages I just start to nod and fall asleep. It's hard to describe. The worst is even if I power through a book I can't remember it the next day. Some events might bring back part of the story in my mind but it's never enough to even make a quote. It's the same for movies although I dont fall asleep I can't remember it the next day. I hate that, and it's not like I have no memory at all I will remember stupid shit other did or where they left stuff etc but the more I need or want to remember something the more I risk forgetting.

[-] VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca 1 points 1 hour ago

Will give a look tonight, my laptop died but I have a rpi4 running that might be enough to sail the high seas again for this old sailor. It's been a looooong time since but I will find my path once again.

[-] VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca 1 points 3 hours ago

Not in the States but thanks for sharing anyway, it may help others.

[-] VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca 8 points 4 hours ago

Thanks I will try it when I can afford it. I just put it on my wishlist.

[-] VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca 8 points 4 hours ago

Fuck off, you think you know me ? You would have not made it having been through half of my life. I keep fighting in hopes that things get better and KNOW my shortcomings. If you think I haven't tried reading books you are way off track. I have had a huge collection of books and LOVED reading but the fact is it takes me over a year to read a normal book as I fall asleep after two pages and have to reread every line multiple times and of course I don't remember the line I just read but you think that everyone is the way you are and assume. I guess you think I'm a lazy fuck who never tries anything to get better do you ? Fuck off and goodbye!

[-] VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca 12 points 7 hours ago

I can't focus enough to read a book and of I try hard enough I fall asleep after page two. Guess it's not for me.

[-] VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca 18 points 2 days ago

Well they did have another 6 yrs old that was visiting with another couple from their church so... I believe you got it right ๐Ÿ‘

[-] VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca 3 points 3 days ago

A fair mixture of 1 and 9.

[-] VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca 30 points 4 days ago

Or kill actively kill whistleblowers to keep them quiet!

submitted 3 months ago by VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca to c/wtf@lemmy.world

We need to wrap this plastic bottle in a plastic bag !

[-] VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca 98 points 3 months ago

For fucks sake why isn't all assitive devices open source already. Making profit over disabled people misery is such a evil thing ! The capitalist are so fucking out of touch it's crazy. Kids dying, disabled people pressed for every penny they have etc... how the fuck did we let things go this bad.

submitted 4 months ago by VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca to c/smol_dogs@lemmy.world

Here is my upstairs neighbor/friend/landlord new addition to the house !

Such a beauty! โค๏ธ๐Ÿ˜

[-] VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca 84 points 5 months ago

You ever heard of lossless compression? Well they developed lossfull anti compression, it compresses and decompresses the images so many times that the added artifacts create a larger file than original ! Impressive ain't it?

submitted 5 months ago by VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca to c/legaladvice@lemmy.ca

I stumbled on this news and started wondering if it's legal. It seems to me it shouldn't, since it's pretty much doxing. But I don't know at all.

submitted 6 months ago by VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca to c/lemmyconnect@lemmy.ca

I use Connect, and it shows comment count but when I open the post I get no comments waaaayyyy too often, if I open the post in a browser I get all the comments why ?

It's really annoying and prevents good conversations.

I even get replys I can't interact with I see their comment un my notifications but I cant open it or reply.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca to c/canada@lemmy.ca

Edit : Changed link to non AMP one.

Edit2 : Apparently I HAVE to use the original shitty title from the article.

Grocery theft is on the rise but we won't tax the rich or bring back down the prices, we will jail those in need instead.

Money is better spent in the police forces anyway /s

submitted 11 months ago by VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I hate what the internet is becoming thanks to those mega billion Corp.

submitted 11 months ago by VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca to c/memes@lemmy.ml

He doesn't like the idea.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by VieuxQueb@lemmy.ca to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

I used Relay for reddit and would like a app that works similarly.

Currently I use Connect for Lemmy, but there are a few things missing.

A big one for me is a button to hide all post I have interacted with (clicked the picture, up/down voted, read comments etc.)

Also it should change the text color if I clicked the link not just read the comments.

I use list mode, in Relay there is a easy access switch that lets you change the picture side (onthe right or on the lwft) on the fly.

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