Normal people: "this is SO me!" last done 2years ago

Neurodivergents: every month

COMPLETELY unrelated, I have about $800 worth of RC equipment to make my own planes and cars, and haven't touched it in over a year.

I want to break it out and make use of it to get my money's worth, but apparently I don't want to want to...

My 3 year old calligraphy set has only been used twice, and not even for the purpose they were purchased.

But It's Very Important That You Never Drive Somewhere , Or Simply GO Somewhere , You MUST Be Travelling.

And Also Something With Capital Letters.

I mean... At least 5 minutes.

I also like to go with "Cosmically, nothing we ever do will amount to more than the life of a fly, so the end result is the same."

It doesn't go over well...

Next time someone says that, respond with "wow, so fuck anyone with brain issues that keep them from forming memories the same way you do, right? Guess grandpa Rick doesn't care about my family since his accident, huh."

you having a grandpa Rick, or family to speak of, is irrelevant. The point is, it forces them to confront the fact that there are many reasons someone might forget a thing. They'll probably still be shift about it, but at least when they've unbunched their loads, they might think twice before immediately concluding the other person sucks for forgetting a thing.

Maybe I'm being optimistic with that, but I don't appreciate when people try to assign my motives to me, instead of understanding my own, and get confrontational when that happens.

I still say that, knowing fully damn well that it probably was important and I going to feel like shit later for forgetting.

Big "as a gay black man" energy.

[-] 7 points 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago)

I'm confident half of my highschool debate team could wipe the floor with Trump, including the ones who quit because it was boring to them.

But can they wipe the floor, AND get elected?

The sad reality is that is our choice.

Eat a shit sandwich, or let the entire house get set on fire.

There's a secret third option, but most are too comfortable with their lives. โœŠโœŠ๐ŸปโœŠ๐ŸฝโœŠ๐Ÿฟ

Frodo straight up cursed smeagol.

He sealed his own fate when he laid hands on Frodo trying to take it. Literally cursed him to fall into the crack of Doom to be destroyed alongside the ring.

Frodo has a little bit of the Ainur in him, methinks.

Yeah but I don't want to be pretty all the time, so.... checkmate, atheists?

What kind of music does data listen to?

You might be quick to answer "Electronic"

We have been shown he listens to all kinds of music. At the same time.

In this ONE instance, I think it's okay to ignore the rules. Although if data wanted to change the music, can anyone really stop him?

Also: "Is this humor?"

I take a weird amount of pleasure in hearing people laugh at something homo/transphobic or racist, and asking "Oh, I love jokes, especially inside ones, what's the joke here?"

Plenty of people actually try to explain "why" it's funny but it just wraps around to "I find racist things funny especially if it's against my preferred group to target"

And if they try to bring their "version" of statistics into an argument, I go "OH so you find incorrect numbers funny? I get it." and then make up some bullshit that disparages something they're likely to enjoy to make it seem like a bad thing, and laugh.

LPT: take some improve classes that make you go out of your comfort zone, you can have a LOT of fun messing with people when you're more practised at ad-libbing and being in uncomfortable situations.

Or other LPT: don't, and save the energy.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by to c/

It can be from any series, and if you want to pick a favorite from each show go ahead.

Picture very much related.


In order to heal someone, first you gotta have something to heal. Loads rifle with medical intent


Tooootally unrelated, I've already made it to Voyager.


Then again, with how much can be done casually by literally anyone who is on the ship, not just starfleet personnel, what even is privacy anymore in 2380?


I would actually love this.

Maybe not the upper pylons getting kawhooshed, but a parallel world episode or like.... Literally even a holodeck gone mad episode.

Obrien could take out some of his frustration as Cowen of the Genii.

He shows such mercy (

Really, what do they expect? Mental Healthcare is more or less nonexistent everywhere he goes.

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