[-] TommySoda@lemmy.world 1 points 2 days ago

Just look up Sam Altman on job replacement my dude. He doesn't give a single fuck about anyone and just keeps going for the sake of progress. All he does is avoid questions and use buzzwords just like the rest of them. He sounds like Elon Musk 10 years ago before he stopped trying to hide the crazy.


[-] TommySoda@lemmy.world 10 points 2 days ago

You should watch some of the interviews with these non profits. They sound like cartoon super villains.

[-] TommySoda@lemmy.world 6 points 2 days ago

I used to get excited about this kinda stuff. Now I see it and just wait for it to get challenged and go absolutely nowhere.

Good job me boy! (lemmy.world)
[-] TommySoda@lemmy.world 38 points 2 days ago

Two morally bankrupt companies pooling their resources to make the most controversial and often shady tech we've seen in years. What could go wrong?

I mean, every company making AI these days is morally bankrupt. It's just the idea of any of them teaming up in the first place that gives me a bad feeling.

[-] TommySoda@lemmy.world 60 points 4 days ago

This time last year I was 29 years old, had no house, $7,000 of credit card debt, and made $21 an hour.

Right now I'm 30 years old, I have no house, $7,000 of credit card debt, and make $21 an hour.

Of course I'm unsatisfied. Because I know my hard work doesn't pay off and all I'm doing is existing with no money or time left over for myself. I don't give a single fuck about my job at this point besides doing the bare minimum. Which is pretty sad because I used to actually enjoy my job and would work as hard as I could.

[-] TommySoda@lemmy.world 19 points 5 days ago

I get this all the time because I tend to binge games over weekends when I got nothing else going on. I'll give two examples that I remember the most.

One of the most prolific is Factorio. Seeing conveyor belts everywhere I go. Whether I'm awake or about to fall asleep I just constantly see conveyor belts as I solve non existent problems with the efficiency of said conveyor belts.

The weirdest was after Outer Wilds. I binged it for about 12 hours straight one day. You spend a lot of time orbiting around planets and landing on them. After I was done I was walking around my apartment and felt like I was "orbiting" a spaceship around my apartment. It felt super weird to walk. Felt like the floor was the surface of a planet and my head was a spaceship flying miles above it trying to land.

[-] TommySoda@lemmy.world 283 points 1 week ago

Honestly, as a dude, I'm 100% down for male birth control. Can't wait.

[-] TommySoda@lemmy.world 168 points 1 week ago

I'm a PC gamer and have been since I was a kid. It's literally my number one thing I do when I have free time is get on some games and hang with the boys. It's a big part of my life.

As game companies go, I don't trust Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft, Blizzard, Bethesda, Sony, Epic Games... It's a long list. Valve is the only company I even kinda trust (Which isn't even that much these days). If Microsoft bought Valve I'd probably never buy a PC game again. Because all the companies selling them would be companies I don't wanna give money.

But it's not true that they were buying it so it's a moot point. Just wanted to rant. :)

Good job me boy! (lemmy.world)

Time to fill out those clam sheets!

Good job me boy! (lemmy.world)

Don't forget to fill out your clamsheet for the week!

Good job me boy! (lemmy.world)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by TommySoda@lemmy.world to c/helldivers2@lemmy.ca
Good job me boy! (lemmy.world)
Good job me boy! (lemmy.world)
[-] TommySoda@lemmy.world 372 points 2 months ago

Jesus fucking Christ I am so tired of this.

[-] TommySoda@lemmy.world 128 points 2 months ago

They say blame the pandemic. I say blame the companies that bitch when people finally realize how important their time was.

Good job me boy! (lemmy.world)
Good Job me boy! (lemmy.world)
Good job me boy! (lemmy.world)
Good job me boy! (lemmy.world)
Good job me boy! (lemmy.world)
[-] TommySoda@lemmy.world 116 points 10 months ago

As an American that came from Reddit I completely agree. I never went to r/politics on Reddit for the same reason. Sixteen posts about some stupid shit Trump did or bullshit about Hunter Biden that I could not give two shits about. "Hunter Biden has porn! How scandalous!" While there is literally fucking riots and wars going on around the world because of political issues.

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