[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 23 points 20 hours ago

Except they don't? At least, I haven't personally come across any in real life. And I've known plenty of vegans and bicycle enthusiasts.

I am, by the way, neither vegan nor hard-core bicyclist.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 4 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

So the argument is, it costs so much to maintain the filter that tries to keep innocent people from being executed, so let's make it cheaper by removing some of that filter.

It costs more to execute somebody than keep them in prison forever in order to make as sure as we can that a person is guilty before executing them, by allowing more appeals.

Suggesting the solution to that is fewer appeals is directly saying that it is better to kill more innocent people at a lower cost than it is to not kill anyone.

Also, that it's worth killing innocent people as long as bad people die. Not to prevent them from committing further harm, but just to kill them.

I'm struggling to see the benefit in that cost/benefit analysis. It's not about protecting people (because it actively kills innocent people), it's about killing people just to kill bad people.

Edit: I misunderstood what you were saying. But I would also say that while it would be great to improve the system for the initial trial, removing appeals would have the opposite effect and wouldn't help the initial trial at all. However, if the initial trials are better, everything would still be cheaper regardless of the appeals because there'd be less people falsely imprisoned on death row.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 18 points 5 days ago

It feels like you set this up on purpose, lol.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 8 points 5 days ago

Holy shit, that took a turn.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 7 points 5 days ago

I'd avoid mentioning it unless you want the ire of the Trickster God.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 4 points 6 days ago

And you'll be paying student loans for the rest of your life, so...

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 223 points 3 months ago

So I'm in the military, and my unit is particularly pleasant to be at, enough that if there are other military people on here, they might get upset by what I'm about to say.

We have peer group meetings with the Commanding Officer of the base, meaning each paygrade meets with the CO without the people above or below them to hear, and discuss issues. As you can imagine, those in the lower paygrades tend to be significantly younger, and when it got to my paygrade, we were all, almost without exception, millenials.

To give a background, in the military we get 30 days of leave per year (basically vacation), unlimited sick days, maternity and paternity leave (I believe it's at 2 months for Paternity, which is pretty generous by US standards). Additionally, at my unit, we get a four day weekend for every federal holiday, have various "morale days" through the year for fishing derbies, group hikes, etc, and a 6.5 hour work day (cue all military going WTF?!).

At the lower paygrade peer group, a few of them were apparently asking for "more control" over their time off, and being able to take ask for days off with no notice because the weather was going to be good (for hunting, for example). When the CO brought the stuff they were saying up to us, the older, supervisor, millenials, we were facepalming and talking about the fucking Zoomers. But then something amazing happened:

The CO said he could see their point, and maybe we take some of those four day weekends and instead give a few "Liberty Bucks" at the beginning of the year to each person, that can be turned in to get a particular day in the immediate future off (like getting the next day off to go hunting). That actually worked really well for us, because it made those long weekends easier to schedule, and spread out the days people would be out.

And I realized we Millenials were just so happy to have what we had, we couldn't fathom asking for something better... but they could, they did, and got it.

Fucking Zoomers indeed. Keep pushing, y'all.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 117 points 4 months ago

Okay, I need to say it: having an ad for your own programming is still an ad.

Paramount. I'm looking at you, Paramount. I don't want to watch your shitty movie/TV show/whatever about the shitty mom from the His Dark Materials series losing another kid. Stop playing the same goddamn ad for it before every episode of Star Trek: The Next Generation. Especially since you feel the need to double whatever goddamn volume I have set in the opening to the ad. I pay for the subscription, I already bought your product. Fuck off with your shitty ad.

I mean, others do it too and it pisses me off, but I'm on Season 2 of TNG and I may just have to get it some other way and canceling Paramount because that ad has started really getting to me.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 95 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

Here's a better question, Judge Pan.

Could a president order Seal Team Six to assassinate unsympathetic judges, either of an appeals court or the Supreme Court itself, since that's an "official act?" Because that might be something worth considering.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 115 points 5 months ago

From everything I've heard about the election in Argentina, it was the meeting of "Anything is better than this" and "it can always get worse." The former won, and proved the latter correct.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 85 points 7 months ago

Is pointing a gun at an unarmed person who is offering no threat to you not brandishing? Is that not a crime? Do crimes that happen in a courtroom not count as crimes?

It's not justice that he was fired years later. If he's not charged that is blatant, unmitigated corruption.

[-] TheDoozer@lemmy.world 86 points 7 months ago

It seems like calling the police is kind of a Mendoza's Molotov Cocktail solution:

If you have a problem, just call the police. Then you have a completely different problem.

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