[-] Soup@lemmy.world 28 points 2 days ago

“But doesn’t this cost more and take up more space than just putting them side by side and not having the stairs? And the stairs are even dangerous for the person on top!”

“Ah, see you’re not thinking about how fun it is to shit on other people.”


[-] Soup@lemmy.world 2 points 3 days ago

Conservatives like to act like if no one wants to operate in a place there would be a company takind advantage of that niche. Instead, they show up and when they realize they can’t make as much there they ship all that money out to more profitable areas like we see here.

And the most hit areas by this are rural conservative ones. Not sure how to get them to figure this shit out.

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

My dad will help literally anyone who asks him directly or is even just the friend of a person he knows. He’ll just hand them things he owns or set aside time or just give them free whatever. When he was a manager of a team for a time he was super progressive about it telling his team to take care of themselves while still overworking himself so it’s not like he’s a default “fuck corporate” guy or anything.

Ask him to pay taxes, though, and he suddenly goes full conservative. Tell him it’s hard for servers and he’ll say they should get a better job. Mention arts degrees and he’ll say that’s why education shouldn’t be free. It’s the weirdest fuckin’ thing.

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 14 points 3 days ago

The good people would probably either not want to waste their time hurting people or they would get tired of it very quickly(we ain’t all perfect). Like if Trump died I’d be elated but it’s because he would no longer be poisoning the world with his presence and not because I personally want to beat his face in for eternity.

To be honest I think the hell I would want for these people would be a forced injection of critical thinking skills and empathy, with mandatory classes on all of the harm they did, so they could ultimately be their own punishment. At that point the most participation I would want would be my turn explaining how they people hurt me and the people I care about.

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 65 points 1 week ago


You sure about that, champ?

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 81 points 1 month ago

The hospital reduced the payment after learning he was uninsured? Is that like how itemized receipts make it cheaper because it’s all designed to shaft insurance companies who then just shaft their clients to not lose any money?

Also fuck the people who actually enforced that rule on the boat and anyone who would threaten their jobs if they didn’t.

Just another reason to avoid cruises, I guess.

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 62 points 1 month ago

Man, corps will do anything to make sure people are miserable even if it costs them more. Fucking wild.

Four-day work weeks make people happier and more productive and will actually save money without even paying people less and they just refuse to take the nice way out.

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 62 points 1 month ago

I love I have to distinguish between Windows settings and “no, old Windows settings. Go to the control panel” where they haven’t changed it since XP or whatever but you need it for some stuff.

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 82 points 2 months ago

Magnets also don’t breathe. Go on, Amalaha, cease thine respirations as the magnets have so commanded.

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 61 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

The question you have to ask here is “if anyone can just sign up then how was she noticed, and if they spend any time verifying then how did they not realize she was very serious about her womanhood?”. She’s had gender-affirming surgery and you’re really out here saying “if they let anyone in simply based on them saying ‘I’m a woman’?”.

They’re clearly doing some work here and not doing it very well. And you’re missing very important facts.

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 69 points 4 months ago

These specific musicians are referenced a lot by crosswords. NYT loves them, at least. Very “hip and with it”.

It’s kinda an inside joke, but that’s XKCD for ya.

[-] Soup@lemmy.world 78 points 9 months ago

Buys an SUV because of “safety”

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