[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 32 points 11 hours ago

Rescinding an award named "Service to America" for calling out a wanna be dictator is rich. De Niro should get a second one for this alone.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 66 points 14 hours ago

Epic sax guy and ska is a very strange juxtaposition.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 94 points 1 day ago

Triple AAA games are usually very polished. But polish doesn't make games fun. Polish is important with accessibility, and it's easy to see why accessibility is important for a big studio casting a wide net.

But fun? That comes from creativity and innovation. Big studios are averse to risk taking, and struggle to attract creative individuals, because the corporate culture seeks to stamp out individuality in the name of process and procedure.

So yeah, more evidence of this. My money is going to Indy devs who prioritize fun over polish. (But polish is good to have too).

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 33 points 1 day ago

You could make the same chart, in reverse about progressives hoping Trump will ever be held accountable for his many crimes.

A conviction is about as close as we have gotten, but it's meaningless if there is no jail time served or some other meaningful penalty to prevent more criminality.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 5 points 2 days ago

Left, right... These are meaningless labels when progressives / social democrats / libertarians have to join forces against authoritarian trash of any kind.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 8 points 2 days ago

Bring them here so they can see how we are taking for granted their sacrifice? Hell no, this is our shit to clean up.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 38 points 2 days ago

I'm pretty sure it's accepted pretty universally that countries must accept citizens back. Reason being, if they don't, the rejected person becomes another country's problem, and that is bad for relations.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 12 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Right? The concert is not the problem. The problem is who is paying for it/who is deserving of this (or any other) company benefit.

Though I guess there is an argument to be had that the performers are enabling class exploitation instead of standing in solidarity. Then again, it's entirely plausible that the performers don't know any of these details.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 8 points 2 days ago

2015's Mad Max: Fury Road ... Meanwhile, Furiosa,

Maybe make something original for a change? We're tired of these mega franchises. Where are the Princess Bride masterpieces, with actual soul and charm? Not looking for another formulaic cash grasp with a thin veneer of woke posturing (looking at you, Barbie).

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 24 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Admitting you were wrong is like really, really, really hard man. Takes a grown ass man to admit to one's mistakes. But here we are, a bunch of manchildren and people who have drunk the cool aid and are beyond reasoning.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 14 points 3 days ago

We've got these things called "social media" that are built expressly for the purpose of influencing people to buy more stuff (literally in the name: influencers). And if it can get people to part with their money, you can be sure the same tools can be used to get people to vote against their own interests.

We thought the internet was a tool to spread democracy. We were wrong. The Internet is a tool used to undermine democracy, so long as people using the Internet are not strongly inoculated against organized interests, foreign, and domestic.

[-] SkyNTP@lemmy.ml 21 points 3 days ago

... account for a 40% average increase in the cost of labor, [...]

Do burger flippers at McD's really earn 40% more compared to a few years ago?

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