[-] Showroom7561@lemmy.ca 5 points 18 hours ago

Who came up with that garbage design? LOL

[-] Showroom7561@lemmy.ca 23 points 1 day ago

Tesla offers manual door releases for situations with depleted power, but Janel opted to wait, fearing potential damage to her car.

Are Teslas made from tracing paper? How would manually opening the door damage her car?

[-] Showroom7561@lemmy.ca 10 points 1 day ago

I want to see the video. Sounds like a great idea.

[-] Showroom7561@lemmy.ca 4 points 1 day ago

I guess just bury me in a ditch, or just leave me there if burying is too expensive. 😮‍💨

[-] Showroom7561@lemmy.ca 5 points 2 days ago

The problem with "other solutions" is that they aren't designed for use on a moving bike, so they don't have the structure to actually work well. Apparently, Da Brim works in 30mph winds.

I'm fine with paying money for something that works well, especially when comfort and safety are a priority. But I appreciate you looking at alternatives... I was looking too, and found nothing that was the same (for cycling).

[-] Showroom7561@lemmy.ca 7 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

I did recently get a set of long sleeved shirts for riding with UPF 50 (spf ratings is for sunscreen 😉).

Even though they are a technical fabric, I do feel like I'll need to acclimate to the heat, since even with short sleeves it can get really hot on long rides.

I haven't looked into the hemp stuff, but I also don't like the idea of synthetic clothing, so I may have a look at more options!

But for my face and neck, Da Brim seems to be a great option.

Edit: grammar

[-] Showroom7561@lemmy.ca 7 points 3 days ago

Wow, that's great to hear! I'm way north of the border (like, Canada), and even though I haven't noticed anyone wearing these, I tend to be an early adopter of just about anything. LOL You should see the looks I had when I used "bar mits" on my bike over the winter. 😂

submitted 3 days ago by Showroom7561@lemmy.ca to c/bicycles@lemmy.ca

Now that summer is almost here, I'm looking for better ways to protect myself from the sun. I generally dislike sunscreen, but I do wear it while riding.

The helmet visor "Da Brim" (website) caught my attention. Since I wear a huge-ass sombrero-style hat when I'm off the bike, I'm fine with the way Da Brim looks.

For context, some of my summer rides might have me in 8-10+ hours of sun, which isn't good, even with sunscreen on. If Da Brim can make the experience more tolerable, I'm in!

I'm curious to hear from anyone who has one, and what their experience has been.


Context: My 90s MTB still has its original Shimano chainring (crankarms say Alivo). The cassette was replaced several months ago, as was the chain and bottom bracket. No wear on the chain right now.

The derailleurs are Alivio, and probably the original ones from the mid-90s. I don't have any reason or intention to replace those, although, I do have a Deore LX on my decommissioned 90s MTB that I could likely drop in, but I digress. LOL

I guess two questions:

  1. What would I need to provide to my LBS as far as measurements to get me a replacement? I understand that I'll likely need another BB and maybe(?) a chain, but I plan to stick with the same gearing.
  2. Ideally, I'd want to find a 3x chainring where I can replace the crank arms and individual chain rings when needed. Will this be easy to find, considering the age and group set?

Thanks in advance.

[-] Showroom7561@lemmy.ca 4 points 3 days ago

And charging is still a huge PITA. Even with multiple e-scooters, I recall that charging was still taking all night, and they couldn't just go to a café and charge up because they were getting kicked out.

I can see this being easier on an e-bike, where you can still pedal. But an e-scooter? Only for masochists! LOL

I may check out the guy in the link, though. This stuff always interests me.

[-] Showroom7561@lemmy.ca 7 points 3 days ago

I don't disagree. If I chose to do that, I'd automate it, but there's no guarantee that they are using a paid-per-click ad.

[-] Showroom7561@lemmy.ca 5 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

I didn't click on the link, but there was a mini-documentary about a guy who, I believe, went across the US on an e-scooter.

It's not as cut and dry as someone doing that on a bicycle. They need a team of people trailing them in a van, usually with many e-scooters that are kept charged. Definitely not self-supported, which isn't as impressive as you want it to be. :(

[-] Showroom7561@lemmy.ca 12 points 3 days ago

Because someone paid for that click, and will spend more money because of "how many clicks" they got.

Basically, clicking on ads you aren't interested in wastes someone's money (and makes money for the site, depending on how the ads are bought/placed).

[-] Showroom7561@lemmy.ca 33 points 4 days ago

Availability to work flexible hours, including evenings and weekends.

Is this pharmacist/owner high on his own drugs?


I've tried a few jellyfin plugins that are supposed to sync metadata and thumbnails from tube archivist, but it's just not working right.

I can see some thumbnails, but then the titles are just random gibberish. Or the titles somewhat work, but no thumbnails.

Any secret I'm missing?

Both are running in docker containers on a synology nas.

submitted 2 weeks ago by Showroom7561@lemmy.ca to c/fuck_cars@lemmy.ml

PICKERINGTON, Ohio (April 26, 2024) — In the wake of the most recent tragedy involving a fatal collision between a Tesla vehicle in autopilot mode and a motorcyclist in Washington state, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) once again urges the Department of Transportation (DOT) to strengthen Automated Driving System (ADS) regulations.

“Many autonomous vehicles on the road today have not been proven to detect all other road users in all situations before they have been allowed to be used on the road,” Dingman added. “Motorcyclists should not be used as guinea pigs for autonomous vehicle manufacturers. The continued allowance of untested autonomous vehicles on our nation’s roadways is unacceptable. The time for action is now!”

To add to that, you should see how these "accident avoidance systems" plow through dummies during tests. You'd have to have been paid off to allow these vehicles on public roads!


So, I've had a Raspberry Pi 4 sitting brand new in a box for a few years, and decided to install BirdNetPi on it yesterday.

It's working like a champ, but because BirdNetPi needed a legacy version of Raspian, it's got old software on it.

Is there any way to update the software (i.e. RealVNC) without updating the OS? There is no built-in software updater, and I seem to very easily break Linux every time I make an attempt to use it. LOL


I can see far too many privacy issues with copy and pasting text into a website, and/or registering an account which will keep a history of the text checked.

Are there any services available that are noted for being private?

For context, I'm using uBlacklist to manually block website that use AI generated content.


Should I also tip the delivery driver, and the person who made the product?


The literal paperwork involved with not getting paperwork is a little much these days!


Keep your behind dry and clean, folks!

submitted 2 months ago by Showroom7561@lemmy.ca to c/fuck_cars@lemmy.ml

The United States seems to always have disproportionately high rates of things that kill people compared to other developed nations. 🤔

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Showroom7561@lemmy.ca to c/bicycles@lemmy.ca

Hey guys. I'm curious about this type of scenario, because I see two ways of approaching it and neither seems like the best way.

Legend for the photo: MUP = multiuse path; SW = sidewalk; BL = bike lane (sharrows, but it turns to a bike lane).

Assuming you were on the MUP going north, and wanted to turn onto the bike lane heading west.

What's the best/safest/legal way to do this?

A. Use the crosswalk (not a crossride, so you'd need to get off your bike and walk) and position yourself on the lane facing west?

B. Turn from the MUP straight into the bike lane on a green? This would mean going across two lanes.

C. Position on the left turn lane of the road, and make the left turn from that lane? Cars turning right don't make this easy or safe.

For context, there is a bus route going south to north, and this particular road has a lot of speeders. What I'd think would be safe, usually isn't.

If this were an intersection with cyclists in mind, it would have a large green box for cyclists to move into to make the turn safely. In that case, I'd think C would be the most ideal. But without that, what's the next best?

I tend to choose A at this particular intersection, but that's nearly gotten me run over by people turning left from the north side.


EDIT: Thank you for all the input, guys. I will stick with "A" (which is a Copenhagen left turn), and will suggest to my city to add a proper green painted bike box at this intersection for cyclists to safely make these turns.


Any time saved by ordering online and picking up the order has vanished chasing customer support people to fix something that would have taken a few seconds through their website.

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