I would take a class if I were you. Not necessarily at a college but an art, cooking, or dancing class. Whatever you’re into. You mentioned running so maybe try to train for a marathon (or whatever your distance is).

The only other way I know of time traveling is brown liquor and you definitely don’t want to go that route if you’re depressed and lonely. A class will help you meet new people too.

I ran some trail and road marathons when I was younger and trail runners are always super interesting and a bit nuts in a good way. It’s a solo hobby at times but there is a community. Trail running isn’t about your time since every trail is different. No one really compares anything except distance and even then, finding a cool trail is more important. So, it tends to be about the process rather than the outcome.

Maybe they asked Quora if it was legal.

In all seriousness, though, I don’t get that site’s popularity. I only ever visit Quora by accident (because Google ranks it highly) and it’s basically always garbage answers. And speaking as a developer, the UI/UX causes my eyes to roll back in my head and say, “REDRUM” in a demonic voice. It’s hard to even tell where the answer is because there’s so much superfluous shit on the page.

I don’t know if this is true of basketball, specifically, but there’s been examples of players’ unions objecting to a deal. The ones I remember were in baseball and about restructuring a contract. But there’s definitely an unwritten rule that players shouldn’t take too much less than they’re worth in solidarity with other players (who would no doubt be pressured to make the same sacrifices even if they don’t have a billion dollar Nike contract).

It seems like there’s less pressure to follow that rule if a player is nearing retirement and chasing a first ring or has other goals. And the Lakers just drafted Lebron’s unproven son who recently had a heart attack. It’s gotta be unprecedented even if Bronny was a legit prospect before the health scare.

[-] ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world 7 points 18 hours ago

It’s probably because damsels in distress get rescued by the male protagonist while hags are on their own and have to rely on hissing and casting spells.

[-] ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world 72 points 19 hours ago

Definitely not 9-5, M-F. Most billionaires inherited substantial wealth to begin with. But executives, in general, don’t have “hours” in the same way as rank and file workers. It’s more about knowledge and meetings — well, hopefully knowledge — so you might have an 11am meeting, a 2pm call, and then a 7pm dinner with a potential investor or whatever. You don’t really “work” in between those obligations unless it’s a small company (where you probably aren’t a billionaire anyway). At most, you need to make a board report or PowerPoint for a presentation or something like that.

Billionaires who just own things and aren’t in the C-suite don’t work much at all. Even if you’re on some boards, it’s not much in terms of actual obligations. There’s definitely tasks to do but it’s also definitely not a job. So, a bit like being a landlord.

[-] ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world 20 points 21 hours ago

Yet another example of leveraged buyouts being bad and dumb. The “risk” may be technically on the company you’re buying’s books but it’s really on the employees who actually face the real consequences of the bet failing.

[-] ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Many paleontologists and sim-citizens now believe Titanus Gojira or “Godzillas” had developed proto-feathers and increased in size in response to a cooling period in the middle Jurassic. Adult males shed their feathers and attack cities during mating season as part of a demonstration to both court females and warn off other males.

This whole freakout over one bad debate (that had lousy ratings) in effing June is more embarrassing than productive. Maybe everyone should calm the fuck down and wait for enough high quality poll data to see if it even caused a shift in the race. For all we know, it changed zero minds or people were turned off by Trump’s angrier, dumber rambling old man answers.

My only problem with both designs in your images is the colors. It’s a pretty standard part of UI design (in real life and on computers) that “red means cancel” and “green means continue.” Apple using blue is no big deal and I’m 90% sure they just use a user chosen “highlight color.” (Maybe Gnome as well?) But cancel or delete or similar things should probably be red or another color that signals “Stop.”

I’ve always thought Bootstrap, the web design library, has a good set of base colors. Red means danger. Light blue means info. Green means yes or success. Yellow means warning. Other buttons are a darker blue — basically the highlight color. (Not saying they chose the best version of those colors. Just that the general idea is consistency and what users most naturally expect.)

I don’t use KDE as my daily driver but it’s on my SteamDeck and I haven’t once been trying to change a setting or something and encountered a window that looks like Windows XP because no one at a whole multi-trillion dollar company could be bothered to update it. It’s way better than Windows 11.

That article doesn’t mention it but the holding area where they drop off the food is basically full and not being distributed for multiple reasons: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/world/u-s-removes-gaza-pier-due-to-weather-it-may-not-return-unless-aid-flow-resumes-officials-say

If Israeli inspections and lack of security for aid workers is the bottleneck, the pier is kind of pointless. You can fail to deliver aid way more efficiently with trucks.

[-] ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world 24 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

There’s also the fact that cartels run a lot of border towns. It’s not that border area Latinos are mad at illegal migration so much as they don’t want South Texas to be like Northern Mexico.

Also, it’s a little silly to treat Latinos as a single group. South Florida Cubans are different from everyone, basically. Recent immigrants are different from 2nd or 3rd generation ones. Ted Cruz’s full name is Rafael Edward Cruz and he’s different from people who aren’t bozos.


Columbia University’s student newspaper has an editorial about what transpired.


I had to test/fix something at work and I set up a Windows VM because it was a bug specific to Windows users. Once I was done, I thought, “Maybe I should keep this VM for something.” but I couldn’t think of anything that wasn’t a game (which probably wouldn’t work well in a VM anyway) or some super specific enterprise software I don’t really use.

I also am more familiar with the Apple ecosystem than the Microsoft one so maybe I’m just oblivious to what’s out there. Does anyone out there dual boot or use a VM for a non-game, non-niche industry Windows exclusive program?

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world to c/achievers@lebowski.social

Waitress: You folks ready?

Dieter: I have lingonberry pancakes.

Kieffer: Lingonberry pancakes.

Franz: Three pigs in blanket.

Woman: [asks for blueberry pancakes in German]

Dieter: [translating] Lingonberry pancakes.


Lots of people were way more important than history books give them credit for. Do you have a favorite?

Mine are Ibn al-Haytham and Mansa Musa. For very different reasons. Ibn al-Haytham basically invented the scientific method. And Mansa Musa was such a baller that he caused inflation when he visited places.

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I remember Funk and Wagnall’s at A&P but was that universal before we got computers?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world to c/technology@lemmy.world

I’ve never worked with major enterprise or government systems where there’s aging mainframes — the type that get parodied for running COBOL. So, I’m completely ignorant, although fascinated. Are they power hogs? Are they wildly cheap to run? Are they even run as they were back in the day?

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by ShittyBeatlesFCPres@lemmy.world to c/lemmyshitpost@lemmy.world

I had Midjourney make Stalin the Tankie Engine.


I’ll be named THIEF soon enough.

The Aristocrats! (lemmy.world)

I found the least efficient way to get to the Linux CLI.


I ordered a Raspberry Pi 5 so I have a Pi 3 that’s about to be redundant. I haven’t used Pi-Hole so I was thinking it’d be good for that but I’m curious if there’s any downsides for users. Are sites blocked if you dont whitelist them? That sort of thing.

Basically, I’m not worried about me having issues but I’m worried about a maintenance headache if friends and family can’t access things.


Let the OPECs keep their gasoline.


This weekend, I watched a 13 year-old play Far Cry 5 and the game just seemed like wave after wave of enemies to shoot or blow up (or hit with a shovel). But he also has the patience of a 13 year-old and has no concept of beating a stealth mission by throwing a rock or waiting for a guard to turn around.

It made me curious: does Far Cry 5 have a hidden “GTA police level” system where violence begets violence? Or is the gameplay always basically a shoot ‘em up like Asteroids?

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