[-] Shiggles@sh.itjust.works 6 points 10 hours ago

Vegans complaining about other people needlessly injecting themselves into conversations is peak copium.

[-] Shiggles@sh.itjust.works 9 points 1 day ago

Enjoy your plate of lettuce then ig

[-] Shiggles@sh.itjust.works 2 points 4 days ago

Sorry that the developers don’t cater to making life easier for people that haven’t bought their game lmao what an entitled take

[-] Shiggles@sh.itjust.works 4 points 4 days ago

I think by shitty they mean ineffective, not poor manners.

[-] Shiggles@sh.itjust.works 50 points 4 days ago

I’m not disagreeing, but can anyone really be surprised? IP theft is Chinese policy 101.

[-] Shiggles@sh.itjust.works 56 points 2 weeks ago

Ah yes, how greedy of a company, to checks notes stop you from telling their online distribution service that you own something you don’t.

Pirate all you want, live how you want. But valve is a company, they do sorta have to follow those pesky laws and regulations.

[-] Shiggles@sh.itjust.works 67 points 4 months ago

Mind explaining to me why a vending machine needs to know the demographics of its users?

[-] Shiggles@sh.itjust.works 126 points 5 months ago

For basically anything sexual and even vaguely kinky, there are two types of women. Those who do not believe any woman could possibly enjoy it, and those who can’t get off without it. The important thing is to ask first.

[-] Shiggles@sh.itjust.works 64 points 6 months ago

Opinion pieces, the true stamp of approval.

Before bumfuck nowheres everywhere started demanding control over women’s bodies, I’d have asked why not? If you can remote work to a good paying job while living like a king in famously poorer red states, that makes sense to me. Enough people do that, we might just make it so “rural” doesn’t have to mean “uneducated hateful fox news watching mouthbreathers”

[-] Shiggles@sh.itjust.works 71 points 8 months ago

That means that patron is intentionally causing their warlock suffering. Love it.

[-] Shiggles@sh.itjust.works 78 points 8 months ago

Russia’s welcome to leave any time.

[-] Shiggles@sh.itjust.works 99 points 10 months ago

You realize that’s still true, right? You’re posting this as some big own as though it’s somehow not harmful to mindlessly consume any form of media to an extreme extent, especially in the learning years.

Somebody been watching too many tik toks?

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