[-] Shatur@lemmy.ml 5 points 1 day ago

Ah, sorry, I realized that fish is already installed by default. Same about zsh. So no additional steps needed, I just changed my default shell for my user and it works.

submitted 1 day ago by Shatur@lemmy.ml to c/steamdeck@sopuli.xyz

I recently received a Steam Deck and I love it!

I also planning to use it for development. On my PC I get used to Fish shell and usually use it instead of Bash. I can install it on Steam Deck and set it to the default shell, but after a system update it will be wiped. I can create a script and run it after each update, will I be able to login if my user points to /usr/bin/fish that doesn't exist in the system?..

submitted 1 week ago by Shatur@lemmy.ml to c/bevy@programming.dev

cross-posted from: https://mastodon.social/users/Shatur/statuses/112508034539087653

It's a crate for server-authoritative networking.

In this release, we have completely reworked the events. We now use an optimization similar to what Bevy does for processing event updates.

The public API for events has not changed, except that custom systems have been replaced with simple serialization and deserialization functions. It’s faster and more convenient.

In addition, all network event registration functions can be used on regular events, automatically making them network events.

πŸ“œFull changelog πŸ“¦bevy_replicon πŸ“¦bevy_replicon_renet

Object side snapping (files.mastodon.social)
submitted 2 weeks ago by Shatur@lemmy.ml to c/bevy@programming.dev

cross-posted from: https://mastodon.social/users/Shatur/statuses/112464362803020971

Implemented a special component that allows the sides of objects to snap to others with the same component.

Bevy's gizmo was very helpful in visualizing the math.

submitted 3 weeks ago by Shatur@lemmy.ml to c/retrogaming@lemmy.world
submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Shatur@lemmy.ml to c/bevy@lemmy.world

It's a crate for server-authoritative networking.

We worked closely with the author of bevy_bundlication on this release to provide better abstractions for third party plugins on top of replicon. Here are some highlights:

Previously, users registered a component for replication and it was replicated if its entity was marked for replication. But this approach is quite limited. Now users can define replication rules similar to queries:

app.replicate_group::<(Transform, Player)>() // `Transform` and `Player` components will be replicated only if both present on an entity.

And it's possible to specialize ser/de for such groups. For example, replicate Transform in one way for players and in another way for static objects. Groups with more components take priority by default (but it's configurable). So it's also possible to have app.replicate::<Transform>(), but if Player component is present, (Transform, Player) will take precedence. In the next release we planning to support With and Without to let define something like this: app.replicate_group::<(A, B), Without<C>>().

Also check out πŸ“¦bevy_bundlication which is now an abstraction over replicon that provides a bundle-like API for defining replication groups.

Custom replication functions was also heavily reworked:

  • Public API no longer requires any unsafe.
  • Deserialization and writing now defined separately. This allows rollback crates to define their logic without touching user-defined ser/de functions.
  • Writing now based on markers for more flexibility.
  • Users can customize deserialization in-place.

The author of bevy_bundlication also developing input queue and rollback plugins, but they require an API for disabling entities from Bevy. If you are interested in this or have other suggestions how to achieve it, feel free to comment on this issue.

πŸ“œFull changelog πŸ“¦bevy_replicon πŸ“¦bevy_replicon_renet

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by Shatur@lemmy.ml to c/bevy@programming.dev

It's a crate for server-authoritative networking.

We worked closely with the author of bevy_bundlication on this release to provide better abstractions for third party plugins on top of replicon. Here are some highlights:

Previously, users registered a component for replication and it was replicated if its entity was marked for replication. But this approach is quite limited. Now users can define replication rules similar to queries:

app.replicate_group::<(Transform, Player)>() // `Transform` and `Player` components will be replicated only if both present on an entity.

And it's possible to specialize ser/de for such groups. For example, replicate Transform in one way for players and in another way for static objects. Groups with more components take priority by default (but it's configurable). So it's also possible to have app.replicate::<Transform>(), but if Player component is present, (Transform, Player) will take precedence. In the next release we planning to support With and Without to let define something like this: app.replicate_group::<(A, B), Without<C>>().

Also check out πŸ“¦bevy_bundlication which is now an abstraction over replicon that provides a bundle-like API for defining replication groups.

Custom replication functions was also heavily reworked:

  • Public API no longer requires any unsafe.
  • Deserialization and writing now defined separately. This allows rollback crates to define their logic without touching user-defined ser/de functions.
  • Writing now based on markers for more flexibility.
  • Users can customize deserialization in-place.

The author of bevy_bundlication also developing input queue and rollback plugins, but they require an API for disabling entities from Bevy. If you are interested in this or have other suggestions how to achieve it, feel free to comment on this issue.

πŸ“œFull changelog πŸ“¦bevy_replicon πŸ“¦bevy_replicon_renet

Added vintage counter to the game (files.mastodon.social)
submitted 1 month ago by Shatur@lemmy.ml to c/bevy@programming.dev

Working on a life simulator game with a working title Project Harmonia. Just added vintage counter that my wife made to the game. I think it looks quite nice in Bevy.

The same model in Blender: https://toot.garden/@YaraGardaria/112322312099954470

Bevy Playground (learnbevy.com)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Shatur@lemmy.ml to c/bevy@programming.dev

We've long wanted a Bevy playground, just like the official Rust one, where you can type in code in the browser and quickly mess around with Bevy. Now, thanks to Liam, you can experience this for yourself!

The author is looking for feedback here.

Bevy on PinePhone Pro (files.mastodon.social)
submitted 2 months ago by Shatur@lemmy.ml to c/linuxphones@lemmy.ml

Bevy can run on Android phones. But what about GNU/Linux phones?
I decided to find out using my PinePhone Pro with RK3399.

Managed to run my game using WGPU_SETTINGS_PRIO=webgl2. But couldn't get past the main menu due to limited features of the GPU. 😒

But simple 2D games like breakout example runs!

Right now I working on networking for the game, but this evening I decided to tinker with my device a little.

Bevy on PinePhone Pro (files.mastodon.social)
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by Shatur@lemmy.ml to c/bevy@programming.dev

Bevy can run on Android phones. But what about GNU/Linux phones?
I decided to find out using my PinePhone Pro with RK3399.

Managed to run my game using WGPU_SETTINGS_PRIO=webgl2.
But couldn't get past the main menu due to limited features of the GPU. 😒

But simple 2D games like breakout example runs!

Right now I working on networking for the game, but this evening I decided to tinker with my device a little.

Bevy Foundation (bevyengine.org)
submitted 2 months ago by Shatur@lemmy.ml to c/bevy@lemmy.world
Bevy Foundation (bevyengine.org)
submitted 2 months ago by Shatur@lemmy.ml to c/bevy@programming.dev
[-] Shatur@lemmy.ml 33 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

You need a compatible phone depending on the distro. There are Mobian, PostmarketOS, Ubuntu Touch and ArchLinux Arm with Danct12 repos and others.

Right now the most supported phones are PinePhone and PinePhone Pro. Under "supported" I mean hardware support.

I have both. GNU/Linux on phones is not as polished and convenient as Android, but usable. I daily drive Pro model.

[-] Shatur@lemmy.ml 17 points 4 months ago

Cool, the more Linux-based handhelds, the better! I would prefer a handheld with RK3588S, but this one is interesting too.

[-] Shatur@lemmy.ml 29 points 4 months ago

What I don't like about Wayland is that many things are specific to individual DEs. Like global shortcuts or taking screenshots. In my app I have two different solutions for taking screenshots in GNOME and KDE using XDG portals. It causes fragmentation.

[-] Shatur@lemmy.ml 23 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

Have you considered using Arch on which Manjaro is based?

This way you won't have issues with AUR. It's not hard to install, you can use archinstall helper if you want, it's available in the default installation media.

[-] Shatur@lemmy.ml 17 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

I daily drive GNU/Linux on my Phone (PinePhone Pro), I would say it usable, but Android is way more practical.

Also not a lot of devices can run GNU/Linux and have fully functional HW due to missing drivers. And only 3 phones of them can run mainline kernel.

Waydroid works fine, I use it for banking apps, but it's a bit slow on my specific device.

[-] Shatur@lemmy.ml 17 points 6 months ago

Wow, 1M it's a lot! I wish we could have more organizations like this in more countries.

[-] Shatur@lemmy.ml 17 points 8 months ago

I would recommend generating your passwords and storing them in a local password manager like KeePassXC. This way, you only need to remember one password from the database itself and you will not worry if any website leaks its database since all your passwords are unique.

[-] Shatur@lemmy.ml 20 points 8 months ago

in every other country where communism is/was

There is not a single country that has achieved communism.

[-] Shatur@lemmy.ml 44 points 8 months ago

I think proprietary Electron apps better run in browser anyway because of trackers that you can disable via extensions.

[-] Shatur@lemmy.ml 22 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

I see a lot of hate towards him and it looks like he deserves it. But why is he still in the Senate? Do people vote for him?

I'm not an American, just trying to understand how it works.

[-] Shatur@lemmy.ml 33 points 10 months ago

If you are still interesting in Linux phone, consider looking at PinePhone Pro. I would recommend it only for experience users and the phone experience is far from Android, but software is catching up. Check @linuxphones

P.S. writing this comment from PPP :)

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