[-] Shake747@lemmy.dbzer0.com 93 points 2 months ago

I definitely read "sharting" at first glance

[-] Shake747@lemmy.dbzer0.com 94 points 3 months ago

Yeah, what a horrible headline lol.

It's about Facebook allegedly stopping it's streaming service to keep one of its largest ad revenue customers happy (Netflix), but also that court docs were unsealed in an anti trust suit, and Facebook may have agreements with Spotify and Netflix, to allow them to read users DM's (no idea why that's relevant but yeah, fuck Facebook! Lol)

It's very speculative though and may not be true. Not that it'd surprise me if it were true either though..

🤷 Does anyone here even use Facebook?

[-] Shake747@lemmy.dbzer0.com 90 points 3 months ago

Sometimes there's good discussion though, and it's good to hear different takes.

Having comments also gives less power to the writer, like could you imagine if we all took Fox News or CNN headlines at face value and didn't discuss them?

[-] Shake747@lemmy.dbzer0.com 34 points 3 months ago

"Misleading Ads, funding experts, lobbying opinions"

This is also just every large industry/corporation ever

[-] Shake747@lemmy.dbzer0.com 120 points 4 months ago

Biden is like Trump's kryptonite. Trump always tries to get in the other guys head.

Can't get in Biden's head...Bidens not in there, good luck dude

  • Shane Gillis
[-] Shake747@lemmy.dbzer0.com 39 points 4 months ago

Wow, fair enough. This might be the only leftist forum where I can imply zelensky is a puppet and not get down voted into oblivion for saying anything against the narrative. Wild times.

[-] Shake747@lemmy.dbzer0.com 91 points 5 months ago

That'll be $400 for the privilege...

[-] Shake747@lemmy.dbzer0.com 41 points 6 months ago

When the gov and giant corps are in bed together, it almost makes for a fascist state. Just need to solidify the power into one, maybe two parties for good PR and...oh wait...

[-] Shake747@lemmy.dbzer0.com 62 points 6 months ago

Normalizing needless online servers is part of the issue here (only with AAA titles). These companies set up servers and say shit like "well it has to be paid for somehow!"

Games like Diablo 4 where you need internet to play single player. Diablo 2 resurrection removed all the LAN/Self hosting features of original D2.

Blizzard isn't the only company doing this either.

Fuck that noise.

[-] Shake747@lemmy.dbzer0.com 65 points 7 months ago

Well yeah, as much as I dislike apple, the majority of Google's income comes from advertising - and to be the best at it, they need to have more personal data than everyone else, which = lots of tracking.

How do we open source hardware and make it competitive? If we figure that out, maybe we can break free of yet another 2 party system we're creating lol

[-] Shake747@lemmy.dbzer0.com 34 points 8 months ago

Chrome is working hard to get that sweet internet explorer status

[-] Shake747@lemmy.dbzer0.com 68 points 8 months ago

I've refused to buy these "flagship" phones that don't have a headphone jack. The 90s kid in me will live on, damnit!


FedNow appears to be launching July 23, 2023. To me, it doesn't seem very good in the sense that the Fed now gets to be a middle man to payment transactions (sure it's "instant" but we're all aware that security != convenience).

It's also a "centralized" solution.

It could be a stepping stone to a centralized digital bank currency is my fear. And also the fed will now be able to see/monitor all transactions through it.

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