[-] SPOOSER@lemmy.today 12 points 7 months ago

The person who created "g" said it's pronounced "g" so that's the correct answer.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by SPOOSER@lemmy.today to c/stardewvalley@lemmy.ml

I've tried to become more connected with my community by going to activities around Halloween or Christmas time, or just general activities with the people I associate with. I just wish--and I know this is going to sound weird--there were more real people like Lewis the Mayor who organize community events in real life where I can take my family and participate in holidays with the community.

I'm going to try and do more things like that with my family and our friends, I've always loved the community feel that Stardew emulates. I want that for my family.

[-] SPOOSER@lemmy.today 12 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Your ~~rant~~ post is ill-placed, because I'm trying to do that. I've already posted and commented multiple posts in communities I enjoy trying to garner attention and content. But i'm also a busy person who's trying to live with a family, children, and a budding carreer. I understand I need to be a part of the community and I am doing more now than I ever have on Reddit.

EDIT: I also wanted to add that this post is not about me complaining about a lack of content, it was a misunderstanding of the sorting algorithm. After posting this, I got lots of very helpful advice to help me use Lemmy's sorting better and my enjoyment of Lemmy has improved immensly to the point of where my experience on Lemmy is no longer lame.

EDIT 2: I must have misread your post because it was not condesending, but more motivating. I appreciate the sentiment and redact the condesending part, but stand by the rest of what I've said. I deleted the entire second paragraph because I was defensive and wrong in its entirety. I appreciate the sentiment while affirming I am trying to contribute more while my life is still very busy. I apologize for getting defensive.

[-] SPOOSER@lemmy.today 13 points 11 months ago

The only way that I think scraping bots are helpful would be for purely archivale purposes. I wish someone would create an Instance that scrapes old Reddit posts and information and posts that information solely on that instance. Scraping new content and posting it here to Lemmy is not even using Lemmy, we've just gone back to Reddit at that point.

[-] SPOOSER@lemmy.today 11 points 11 months ago

That was my main reason for posting this question, to see if I'm alone in this site with just a bunch of bots posting. All these responses have given me hope!

[-] SPOOSER@lemmy.today 43 points 11 months ago

The amount of responses in this post have been extremely reassuring. I honestly just felt like I was using the site alone with a bunch of bots lol

[-] SPOOSER@lemmy.today 77 points 11 months ago

I appreciate the sorting suggestion! I'll try that. I understand that Lemmy isn't as big as Reddit, but I swear there are more people than my feed is leading me to believe.

[-] SPOOSER@lemmy.today 12 points 11 months ago

Thanks, I'll keep trying to do my part to grow my favorite communities on Lemmy.

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by SPOOSER@lemmy.today to c/nostupidquestions@lemmy.world

I've subscribed to a plethora of communities that really interest me and actually have posts and discussions in them, but I have to go to the specific community to see this. My "Subscribed" feed only contains a few of the same posts that I've seen for weeks in Hot, the same posts from even longer ago in "Active", posts from the same communities as the ones in "Hot" in New and no other communities, and pretty much only posts from the Meme's community I unsubscribed from when sorted by "All". I also see a majority of posts barely have upvotes or comments on them at all from the "bigger" communities. Is this just the growing pains of this site? Am I still doing lemmy wrong? Is it the instance I've chosen to join?

UPDATE I want to thank everyone who posted and gave me helpful advice on this matter. It turns out that there are still lots of people here on Lemmy with me, I just couldn't see you because I was sorting my feed incorrectly. I'm excited that there are more people here and I'm excited to continue to contribute to Lemmy with you! Thank you all for the help, I really appreciate it. The solutions are to continue to subscribe, contribute to my favorite communities, and sort by top day, 12, and 6 hours. It really helped liven up my feed!

[-] SPOOSER@lemmy.today 58 points 11 months ago

I think it's smart on Valve's part. With how litigation-happy Nintendo is, I don't think Valve really wants to go to bat for a program that isn't even their own, and isn't even needed on Steam anyway.

[-] SPOOSER@lemmy.today 21 points 11 months ago

Flows better with "super suit"

[-] SPOOSER@lemmy.today 11 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Liftoff feels so smooth, looks great, runs well, and is so intuitive. It's easily my favorite Lemmy browser.

[-] SPOOSER@lemmy.today 23 points 11 months ago

I remember when I was looking up diet videos years ago everyone was VEHEMETLY advocating against MSG and how bad it was for you, especially for diabetics. I'm still not entirely sure what to believe, but I know MSG isn't as bad as everyone thought it was.

[-] SPOOSER@lemmy.today 39 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

Scuba Diving. Lots of people have heard that your lungs can pop or something similar and it makes them really afraid to try it. If you hold your breath, you may have issues with your lungs but your SCUBA apparatus is such an amazing design that even if you need to throw up underwater it's designed to filter your vomit through the apparatus so you can continue breathing even after throwing up THROUGH it (which you should do if you feel nauseous down there). Just keep the apparatus in your mouth and don't stop breathing and you'll have a great time.

Scuba Diving is one of my favorite things to do and I really think more people should try it!

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