[-] Paradox 24 points 1 month ago

Kagi generated key points:

  • The new Find My Device network on Android was designed with a strong focus on user security and privacy.
  • The network uses a crowdsourced approach to locate lost or misplaced devices and belongings, even when they are offline.
  • The location data reported by participating Android devices is end-to-end encrypted, ensuring Google cannot access or use the location information.
  • The network has "aggregation by default" as a safety feature, requiring multiple nearby devices to detect a Bluetooth tag before reporting its location to the owner.
  • The network also has protections to avoid contributing location reports when near the user's home address.
  • Rate limiting and throttling are used to prevent malicious real-time tracking, while still allowing the network to be useful for finding lost items.
  • The network is compliant with industry standards for unwanted tracking, triggering alerts on both Android and iOS devices.
  • Users have full control over which of their devices participate in the network and how.
  • The network design has undergone internal security testing and is part of Android's vulnerability rewards program.
  • Prioritizing user safety and privacy is an ongoing commitment as the team continues to improve the Find My Device protections.
[-] Paradox 36 points 3 months ago

How about they cut executive pay instead of fucking the rank and file over

[-] Paradox 31 points 6 months ago

Is this the same CEO who fired the entire documentation team and then gave herself a raise?

[-] Paradox 43 points 7 months ago

Lucas was excellent at big picture things, but should have been kept out of the details. Particularly dialogue

[-] Paradox 28 points 7 months ago

sign of the times

We've had actors in videogames for as long as there's been the ability to play samples at a high enough quality. Hell, the 90s FMJ era was full of them. Some good, some not so good.

[-] Paradox 33 points 8 months ago

As always is the case. It's a pr stunt

[-] Paradox 26 points 8 months ago

If you can't list em, you shouldn't be able to charge for em

[-] Paradox 43 points 9 months ago

Keep in mind the users left on reddit aren't really the cream of the crop. They're the ones who say stuff like "bruhhh this app is shit" fully unaware that reddit is a website first and foremost

Reddit is competing with Instagram and TikTok for the dumbest slice of the Internet. If you can think, you're no longer welcome there, and are probably a liability to their advertising efforts

[-] Paradox 29 points 9 months ago

All of them are lawful

[-] Paradox 25 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Pretty easy to make an instance that would auto vote certain things with suspicious amounts of votes

As it stands now, they have to fake the origin of some of those votes. Not much of a barrier, the fediverse generally accepts any user an instance says exists, but still, it's a barrier

And of course any instance thats blatantly manipulating votes is going to be defederated, but I'm more concerned with an instance that behaves normally until it encounters a keyword or user is been set to, and then gives their posts a -5 or whatever

[-] Paradox 24 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

How do you know those posts are by real people? Reddit is incentivized to downplay and damage its competition.

Also, its not like reddit isn't without its glitches. Throughout its entire history, reddit has been plagued with downtimes, random 502/504s, and a myriad of other issues. I'd be hard pressed to believe they had more than two nines of uptime, and would not believe more than three.

submitted 10 months ago by Paradox to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

I got tired of hitting ⌘Enter and not having my post automatically go through, so I wrote a little userscript that enables exactly that.

Spez talks to NY Times (www.nytimes.com)
submitted 10 months ago by Paradox to c/reddit
[-] Paradox 33 points 10 months ago

That valuation cut was from before the whole shitstorm. We've yet to see the impact that this has all had on them, but given the attempts to crush the protests by the reddit admins, when they've just sort of ignored this stuff in the past, its likely not good

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