[-] PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world 3 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

There’s also Curse of the Moon, which is an homage to the original 8-bit games. It’s not a modern metroidvania, but if you like the older pre-SOTN Castlevania games then you should check them out.

There’s a (likely apocryphal) story about a country tracking subjects inside the pentagon, and being completely convinced that one building near the center was absolutely the most important in the complex. Every single head of staff, general, admiral, etc would visit the building for 10-20 minutes at a time, so it must be some major communication hub. They devised plans to infiltrate this building, to see what was inside.

It was the coffee shop.

That’s because it’s not. America is a brain dead billionaire, a struggling wage slave, and a fascist in a trench coat.

Just an FYI, it’s best practice to actually type out the words the first time, then initialize them afterwards. If you never type them out, many people will have no idea what you’re talking about.

It just reads like every military dudebro’s deployment story.
“Ah yeah we had to FTP the RBO to the HEP, but before we could do that the ASO had to POI the BBU. And of course, that means we had to help the ASO set up their LKI before they could start the POI. All while EMGs were bearing down on us with their TGT-30’s. But once we got the LKI set up and the ASO was able to POI, the BBU went pretty quickly. So we got the RBO FTP’ed to the HEP in record time, and were back at the FOB by EOD.

[-] PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world 10 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

Yup. AI should be used to automate all of the mundane day-to-day BS, leaving us free to practice art, or poetry, or literature, or study, or just do leisure activities. Because all of the mundane BS is automated, so we don’t need to worry about things like income or where our next meal comes from. But instead, we went down the dystopian capitalist timeline, where we’re automating all of the art so artists are forced to get mundane day-to-day BS jobs.

I was actually coming in to say the Switch Zelda games. BOTW and TOTK were both fantastic, but I never finished them because it never felt like I had done “enough” to actually go fight Ganon.

[-] PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world 3 points 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago)

If you’re using Windows, the built in AV (Windows Defender) is actually pretty great. Maybe run Malware Bytes every now and then, (as in, install Malware Bytes, run it, then immediately uninstall it again). Between those two (and healthy browsing habits, like using an adblocker, not downloading random .exes, etc) will keep you protected. No AV in the world will be able to fully defend against bad browsing habits, so it all really comes down to that.

But this is Lemmy, so you’re bound to get buried in “just switch to Linux cuz Windows is a virus” stuff. And while that may be true, it’s clearly not the answer to your question.

Even on the consumer side, McAfee has historically been hard to uninstall. It would do shit like leave an installer after uninstallation, so it would automatically reinstall the next time you rebooted. After running Windows’ built in uninstaller, you still have to go manually remove files to prevent it from just adding itself back again.

I did something similar when my friend moved to another continent. I shipped her a care package (with some stuff she had left behind,) and every single side of the box had some sort of “there’s definitely no SEX TOYS inside of this box” label on it.

When I took it to the post office, the worker laughed and even made sure to avoid covering any of them with the shipping label.

Just use a GPL license instead. It allows use with credit, but requires that usage also be released for free. Meaning that it can’t be used by corpos and their closed-source projects.

Yeah, my higher belt tests had us fighting two or three people at a time. It’s only for two minutes at a time, but holy fuck you feel like you ran a marathon afterwards because it’s exponentially harder than fighting just one; You can’t let yourself get pinned down or cornered, and have to constantly stay moving. You only throw the occasional punch or kick when you can find time to fit them in between all the dodging and running. The goal isn’t even to win the fight; It’s simply to avoid losing too badly. I can’t even imagine fighting five at once and coming out anywhere near the top.

Real fights aren’t like a video game where enemies circle around and attack one or two at a time. They all rush you at the same time, and if you get grabbed you’re done.

Yup. He’s “working” 7 days a week but only doing like an hour or two of actual productive (if it can even be called that…) work. This is how a lot of C-level executives use weasel words to make themselves seem important.

They’ll show up to the office at 8AM, but they’ll say that they started “working” at 6AM because they woke up and had an idea while in the shower. Then they’ll play golf with their friends (“business associates”) in the morning and say they’re working. Then they’ll go to lunch with their affair partner (“potential client”) on their way back from golf, and say they’re working. Then they’ll sit in one meeting in the afternoon, where they don’t even do any actual work but do a lot of talking with a lot of buzzwords to sound important. And finally, they’ll leave the office early and talk online about what a hard worker they are for starting work at 6AM.

The “I work 12 hours a day, 7 days a week” stuff is all just capitalistic “we deserve to get paid more because we work hard to run the companies” propaganda.

submitted 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago) by PM_Your_Nudes_Please@lemmy.world to c/outofcontextdnd@lemmy.world

DM: “Don’t you mean Mel-“
Player: “I know what I said.”


This was promptly followed by the character being knocked unconscious, because they accidentally drank a sleeping potion.


Player 2: "Until he's learned his lesson."
Player 1: "What lesson?"
Player 2: "I-... Uhh... I didn't actually think that part through. But he'll know it when he's learned it."


DM, cautiously: "Uhh... Yes?"

Player: "And they didn't specify adult male heads, did they?"





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