I've used that script for years now, can't work on a machine without it any more! I'm always changing it for new things that I'm doing. It's brilliant.
Not exactly what you're looking for, but there's an old script in the help files called Favorite Folders that may do what you need, or lead you to a solution.
I'll see if I can find it.
Look in the AHK Help for "Easy Access to Favorite Folders" By Savage.
I've used this script since about 2008, and learned a lot from it.
Another idea - have a separate script running that waits for the Tray Top and it's text, gets the X, Y coordinates, and if there's a click there opens your file. I'm not sure if this will be easy to do or is realistic at all.
You see a psychologist (not a psychiatrist). And probably don't lead with "I think I may have ADHD". Instead have a list of things you find challenging in your daily life. Focus on these things, looking for ways to manage or mitigate those difficulties. Quite often this means developing habits to address things, such as always putting your keys/wallet/phone in a specific place.
Look at medications like using a crutch for a broken leg. It helps so you can work on strengthening where you're weak. In ADHD terms that means developing those habits and routines to help reign in the chaos. Everyone is different when it comes to meds, which ones work, and how long you use them. Some people only take meds during the week, and are ok over the weekend. Some take meds that require being taken consistently, every day. Some people have problematic side affects, some don't.
Why aren't you discussing this with your leadership?
If you're doing Linux dev work, there must be a reason your team is using Windows, and they have process around dev tasks. And your team must have process/tools for what your role does.
This seems very much like an internal discussion around what your team does.
I didn't know that was a called a Brenton bolt. Neat!
Never had been.
You just now figured this out?
This belongs in AneurismPosting
I do think it's target audience was kids. I had a younger family member (about 12) introduce me to it at the time. I got a kick out of the gameplay and styles. It was sort of a spoof of a 90's video game (name I can't recall) with a common theme then - sort of over-the-top, "we're both in on the joke" kind of thing.
I'm sure they will. It's always a cat-and-mouse game.
It's been a while since I read about DRM, but what I recall the challenge is not being able to control end-to-end, which is what really drives trusted boot efforts in both Android and Windows.
If you don't control the hardware and OS, then someone can use it to sidestep DRM.
Oh, I get what they're doing, but I resent their approach.
So many just introduced the subscription to sucker the naive.
I don't mind paying for software. So let me pay for a major version, and if I want a major update, that costs too. I have so much software where a given version works just fine (FolderSync for example, and Office 2016),that I see no need to upgrade.
Wow, I'm surprised it's being reproduced. Very cool.
Facebook and security? That's a joke, right?