[-] Norgur@fedia.io 1 points 6 minutes ago* (last edited 3 minutes ago)

Would've, Could've, Should've. Fact is that he didn't, so you didn't.

-- This crushing confrontation with reality was provided by Norgur's Hope Crushing Inc.; Use Code "apathy15" at checkout for an extra 15% off for our "Depression to go" package! Come get your hopes and dreams shredded to pieces today!

[-] Norgur@fedia.io 25 points 1 day ago

You know how Linux killed the chef?

With a fork bomb

[-] Norgur@fedia.io 18 points 2 days ago

The absurd waste of resources VMs bring.... LXC and Docker a godsend in that regard.

[-] Norgur@fedia.io 30 points 2 days ago

Are VMs really simpler? I'd say no.

[-] Norgur@fedia.io 10 points 3 days ago

Most red dyes are bugs. Be it food or otherwise. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmine

[-] Norgur@fedia.io 25 points 3 days ago

This goes for most LLM things. The time it takes to get the word calculator to write a letter would have been easily used to just write the damn letter.

[-] Norgur@fedia.io 59 points 6 days ago

It's always funny to see how inept and childish those companies seem when regulatory bodies don't just stop pursuing them after their first haphazard attempt to circumvent the rules.

[-] Norgur@fedia.io 7 points 6 days ago

They do horse funerals and horse funerals, but I doubt they'd to horse funerals.

[-] Norgur@fedia.io 13 points 6 days ago

It could be our forever home.

If by “forever” you mean “until we manage to fuck up the ecosystem, making it hostile to humans...

[-] Norgur@fedia.io 81 points 6 days ago

I also know that I cannot tell the difference between two IPv6 addresses because they all merge into an indiscernible blur inside my head

[-] Norgur@fedia.io 9 points 6 days ago* (last edited 6 days ago)

You boil it in yeast, duh! Just don't sacrifice it afterwards

ich🍆iel (fedia.io)
submitted 1 week ago by Norgur@fedia.io to c/ich_iel@feddit.de
submitted 1 month ago by Norgur@fedia.io to c/piracy@lemmy.dbzer0.com

Hey everyone,

since YouTube started annoying us with their “disable ad blocker” thing, I managed to get rid of it by uBlock Origin and a Tampermonkey script. Yet, the stupid popup is back. To everyone who's gotten rid of it until now: What did you do? Can you point me to the resources you used? It's annoying!

submitted 2 months ago by Norgur@fedia.io to c/linux_gaming@lemmy.ml

To anyone who might be tasked with programming Gaia and her subroutines when ~~Elon Musk~~ Ted Faro eventually fucks up... Can you please remember to write "sudo shutdown -h now" and "sudo killall -9 Hades" on every bit of your machines? Thanks.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by Norgur@fedia.io to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Hey there,

I've been using Firefox for ages now, and I was completely satisfied with it... until very recently, that is. For space-saving reasons, I started to convert my media library to H265, since all devices in my network support it now. Or so I thought. One very noticeable omission is my desktop PC with Firefox. Now, if I watch something from my local media server, the server has to waste resources to convert to H264, which is a noticeable performance hit to all other things running on the server. The GPU in my Desktop PC (or the CPU for that matter) could have displayed H265 without even changing clock speed from idle. So I tried to use the native Plex App for Windows for that, but that one does not support RTX Super Resolution which was really nice when watching old DVD stuff.

From what I can see, to get both, I need a Chromium browser. Since I would rather not have two browsers open all the time: Is there any browser based on the latest Chromium Builds that is not a massive insult to one's privacy?

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