[-] Nomad@infosec.pub 5 points 1 day ago

Debian for 20 years with some formative years in Gentoo. Always went back to Debian. No regrets.

[-] Nomad@infosec.pub 2 points 4 days ago

Don't use much heat, that will destroy them. Just throw them in at 30C and add a cup of white vinegar. It keeps the smell away even if they get wet again. Dry them quickly when finished.

Have been doing this for years, no problems so far.

[-] Nomad@infosec.pub 2 points 4 days ago

It was supposed to represent cyberspace like in the Gibson books. It's a thing is the times back then.

[-] Nomad@infosec.pub 70 points 1 week ago

Now do the reverse. Who can save whose life. :D

[-] Nomad@infosec.pub 56 points 2 weeks ago

Being next in line to be invaded by Russia helps keep the insane voices down I guess.

Most people I know are afraid of foreigners stealing their peace and property and enslave their daughters and shit like this.

It's people that prosper so long they don't know any real threat and keep imagining one. Queue the far right stoking those fears.

The fins got some real problems and it unifies them.

[-] Nomad@infosec.pub 110 points 3 weeks ago

As nobody has mentioned this yet. Vote! On Sunday all Germans vote on their representation in the EU. Vote for the pirate party or another progressive party. Vote out the grandpa's and grandma's that want to "protect" their adult children.

submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by Nomad@infosec.pub to c/funny@lemmy.world

[-] Nomad@infosec.pub 75 points 2 months ago

I'm surprised nobody mentioned the AI training data deal that Google and reddit have. Google has every incentive to boost reddit rating to get more high quality training data.

[-] Nomad@infosec.pub 220 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Install Linux and have updates for the Rest of your life. And more performance.

Edit: typo

[-] Nomad@infosec.pub 69 points 3 months ago

Nice, now do all regigions and churches next

submitted 6 months ago by Nomad@infosec.pub to c/asklemmy@lemmy.ml

We just had a thread about biopunk centered media, I would love a similar collection about movies and TV shows about solar punk. Here we go:

I really loved the show the peripheral. I know it's not really centered around solar punk per se, but it happens to be placed in a world where the main character goes from place to place in a solar charged e-bike.

What's your favorite show or movie set in a solar punk world?

[-] Nomad@infosec.pub 46 points 6 months ago

The fairphone and pinephonenhave that.

[-] Nomad@infosec.pub 77 points 9 months ago

IT Security

obey the testing goat! (www.obeythetestinggoat.com)
submitted 9 months ago by Nomad@infosec.pub to c/django@infosec.pub

Just started reading and I am already planning to switch over to extreme test driven development. We don't test nearly enough.

Whats your preferred development strategy? And comparably good sources you would recomment?

do you know hypothesis / quickcheck? (hypothesis.readthedocs.io)
submitted 9 months ago by Nomad@infosec.pub to c/django@infosec.pub

We use this primarily for input generation for dialog tests.

Its a quickcheck implementation and found us quite alot of "weird" bugs. Like a not-exactly matching encoding of database and application.

Now we gained clean utf smileys in text fields m)

Highly recommend it.

submitted 9 months ago by Nomad@infosec.pub to c/django@infosec.pub

This post is a little older, but I was surprised how many packages are timeless allstars. I use all of them except for

  • cors headers
  • extensions
  • storages
  • pytest
  • environ

Which do you use? And for what reasons? For example I need to look into pytest and determinw whats better about that than the natively used test framework.

First post in the new community,


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joined 1 year ago