Have been donating to them yearly for a few years after they started their donation campaign. I forget how much I donate, but I'm considering raising my yearly donation now xD
Facts don't care about your feelings, Elon.
I have talked to some Americans who claims that sperm + egg = baby and I want to place an egg in front of them and ask them what it is and if they say anything other than a chicken, I will laugh.
Also, thank you for the distinction. Kind of insane to call embryos babies. It is shit like this that makes me feel like my brain is shrinking when I talk to some people online.
I'm sure he will do his damnedest to dismantle everything, but I don't believe he will succeed. He may get away with it for a little while, but this shit isn't going to last.
I fully believe it will be the wake up call America has desperately needed for a very long time. Countries like Russia and China never really had democracy and they never had freedom as a value so that is why I don't think trump will be successful in the long term with his little stunt here. It will get worse before it gets better and America is currently in the finding out phase that we learned in Europe in the 40s.
That is how I look at it.
The short answer: yes.
The long answer: it will take a long time to completely dismantle a democracy in a country as big and complex as America. You don't just do that in three months.
All trump has done so far is move as fast as possible to make as much of a mess as possible in the hopes that some of his nutty ideas goes through once the system catches up to him. And the system will catch up to him and Musk and all the other cunts who are having their little ego fest currently.
I have patience. Kind of. I look forward to seeing the consequences of their actions come to haunt them. I also hope this period in American politics will be the wake up call America needs to hopefully bar politicians and political parties from taking donations from big corps essentially try to buy the government and weaken true democracy from flourishing. The US isn't the only country with this problem, but it is certainly neck deep in one of the worst outcomes of letting big corporations take ownership of a government.
I never claimed otherwise. I'm just tired that this 92 meme is using outdated language (or numbers rather) to make a point that may have been reasonable to make in the 1800s, but not today. Doesn't mean our number system is any less retarded today. If anything, I'm just adding on to the fact that Danes are notoriously lazy with the Danish language and will cut corners with all words and sentences the same way Americans cut corners when they chop everybody's name up into bite sized nicknames. For us, though, it's more like slurring at the end of a word and flat out ignoring letters that are very clearly there in the word.
Woe is the poor asshole who decides to immigrate here and attempts to learn the cancerous gargle that is our language.
That said, it is still the best language to curse in and when used in poetry, it can be downright majestic.
But yeah, our curses are superior to all words in the English language.
My favourite for life will always be kræftedme = cancer eat me - usually uttered in a sentence to underline how pissed off you are and how serious you are about being pissed off.
More like 2 and half fives. Half five is our word for 90. So in essence we say 2 and 90 but the word 90 is half five.
80 is fours
70 is half fours
60 is threes
50 is half threes
40 is forty
30 is thirty
20 is twenty
10 is ten.
Oh and a 100 is a hundred. So I dunno what happened between 50 and 90, but I'm sure there is a funny story behind that somewhere.
This feels like the modern version of those people who gave out the numbers on their credit cards back in the 2000s and would freak out when their bank accounts got drained.
When you have to write down numbers, but the person reading you the numbers speaks slowly 💀
Them: "Two..."
Me: "2"
Them: "... and fifty"
Me: "... ~~2~~ - 52"
Them: "Six..."
Me: "6"
Them: "... and twenty."
Me: "~~6~~ - 26"
Found the swede xD ❤️
That meme is so lame. 92 in Danish is two and a half fives. The 20 part is old-fashioned and literally nobody has used that since the 1800s.
2 and a half fives' twentieth = outdated cringe. 2 and a half fives = actually how it is said today.
It's still a friggin nightmare to get someone's Phone number verbally, though.
Those two heils were his most risky investment yet lol