[-] Muscar@discuss.online 29 points 2 months ago

I'd almost believe you were paid to hate on proton, but you'd get fired for how fucking dumb your arguments are.

submitted 3 months ago by Muscar@discuss.online to c/warframe@dormi.zone

This is a widespread problem that applies to almost any game, something I've noticed for years but never as much as I have with Warframe. Players have bugs, glitches or other issues and they make posts, comments etc. about it but all they get as answers is "nah, that never happened for me so there is no chance it's a thing" or "you just suck, git gud."

I've never felt so dismissed before, or seen so many others get dismissed in this way. People just decide that it's because they're new players, they're doing something wrong or whatever else, anything but the chance that there's an actual issue. I've now spent 3 days trying to do bounties on orb vallis and cambion drift with very few finished ones. I understand what to do and have no issues with difficulty, they just fail for no valid reason. Examples:

On orb vallis with the tax the taxmen bounty, when you need to capture and defend containers it just fails to register that you're close to a container so nothing happens and enemies endlessly spawn until you fail. I've spend over 10 minutes standing right by a container with no effect.

On cambion drift with the last stage of the brute force bounty, the Grineer just instantly win while having like 25% while you're at 60%.

Both of these issues and everything else I've has issues with have been posted about by many others through the years yet not once have I seen an actual answer that helps them or takes their problems seriously.

As with anyone else, there have been things I or others have simply not understood for a bit, but absolutely everything is being treated like that. I've seen posts from people that just stopped playing warframe or other games because they never got any help or even a clear answer other than that it's their own fault.

I've noticed this trend and thought about it for years and have been wanting to write an actual article about it, it's a real issue and often even the devs themselves go along with the denial and dismissal. This is especially prevalent with hard games like the souls-like genre. Any issue or feedback about actual bad balancing is dismissed because it's so easy to just decide it's someone who's not good enough or is failing to understand something.

[-] Muscar@discuss.online 48 points 3 months ago

Imagine being born before World War I and still being alive. You've seen more change in the world than anyone ever has, more deeply transforming events and previously unimaginable things become real. Even teens complain about changes in the world and many work so hard to stop them, I can only imagine experiencing so much makes those things seem so childish and ignorant.

[-] Muscar@discuss.online 89 points 3 months ago

I have absolutely no knowledge about any of this but just wanted to say that's well-written. Hope you get that pathetic POS.

[-] Muscar@discuss.online 33 points 3 months ago

The whole joke is that the genie made the letter I stop existing. It's not a misspelling because the letter I doesn't exist anymore.

You really seem to not understand this very simple joke.

submitted 4 months ago by Muscar@discuss.online to c/askandroid

Hey! I looked around a bit and the last thread like this I found was several months ago, so I thought I'd make a new one. As per the title, what game do you play on your phone? I'm both looking for new ones myself by also hope others might find some of interest to them.

For my own part of this I mostly like puzzle games, especially these:

Hook, Klocki, NABOKI etc. from Rainbow Trains games

Monument Valley games from ustwo games

The Room series from Fireproof games

I Love Hue duology from Zut!

And all the games from Legenbeary games (very addicted to Wordathlon, currently at level 3253)

(all playstore links)

Would love recommendations of any lesser-known similar ones! But post anything you like of course. :)

Hope anyone finds something they like from my list above or recommend by others in comments (if there are any, heh).


[-] Muscar@discuss.online 38 points 4 months ago

This feels just as likely to be the ramblings of a crazy person as an actual map of the human brain.

[-] Muscar@discuss.online 44 points 4 months ago

He doesn't like negative attention and is too dumb to realise that was the only thing that would happen by buying such an obvious "I'm dumb and a dickhead" statement piece.

[-] Muscar@discuss.online 36 points 4 months ago

The word for marriage and poison is the same: "gift" (pronounced with a short j sound, like "jet")

The word for strawberries is "jordgubbar", which directly translates to "dirt old men". "Jord" means dirt or the earth, and "gubbar" means old men.

Cockroach is "kackerlacka" which directly translates to "poop varnish" or "poop leak" ("kacka" is an old word for poop that's not used much anymore other than for this word, and "lacka" has several definitions).

The word for a kiss is "puss", and the word "Kiss" means pee. Some other words that sound weird/wrong and their definition:

Kock, means a chef.
Fart, means speed.
Prick, means dot.
Bra, means good.
Sex, means both sex and six.

And some weird and funny commonly used expressions:

"Glida in på en räkmacka" - To slide in on a shrimp sandwich. Is said when you're lucky or things are going well.

"Smaken är som baken: delad" - Taste is like the bum: split. Just means we all have different tastes in things and that's okay.

"Nu ska det bli andra bullar" - Now there will be other buns (buns like in cinnamon buns). Basically means that from now on there will be new, more strict rules and routines.

I could list many more but gotta head to bed. I can add more tomorrow if you want!

[-] Muscar@discuss.online 30 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

It's a grotesque, as said in the link you posted, not a gargoyle. A gargoyle needs a spout to convey water from a roof and away from the side of a building. A grotesque is purely aesthetical.

I understand not fully knowing this but why say gargoyle when the link clearly says grotesque both in the text and url?

[-] Muscar@discuss.online 31 points 5 months ago

"Hua Moa" just sounds right for a banana that size. I can picture the person that named it making those sounds as a reaction to seeing it, and then just going with that as the name.

[-] Muscar@discuss.online 34 points 6 months ago

53k monthly active users is way less than I expected. But makes sense with how slow things are here.

[-] Muscar@discuss.online 73 points 6 months ago

As a Swede I often find myself thankful we don't have the military brainwashing the US has, even though we have a strong military for such a small country. The army stuff is there if you look but if you don't care you don't notice it much, if at all. I'm not invested enough to have a really informed opinion about us joining NATO. But from what I know it'll be a good thing, just being able to help countries more that need it is enough of a reason IMO.

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