[-] MrPoopbutt@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

You can. Its on steam...

[-] MrPoopbutt@lemmy.world 11 points 3 days ago

Sonos has pissed me off. After the latest update, the app cannot locate the speakers in any of my rooms. The TV speakers still work with a signal from the TV, but the speakers in all other rooms basically cannot be used.

I've factory reset them, set them up in the app, and as soon as that is done, they disappear from the app again.

They worked fine for years, then this bullshit. I'm researching a home theater setup that doesn't use Sonos and am planning on selling it all once I've found replacements.

It feels like I don't own the very expensive hardware that I have bought. I guess since they are software controlled, I really dont.

[-] MrPoopbutt@lemmy.world 3 points 3 days ago

How do passwords get scraped?

[-] MrPoopbutt@lemmy.world 56 points 1 month ago

Clearly it isn't so useless, or they wouldn't do it.

[-] MrPoopbutt@lemmy.world 45 points 2 months ago

I think the point the comment above you was trying to make is that it isn't the old generation that is fucking thr young generation harder, it is the rich that are fucking the young. The old may have had it better, but it was because the rich weren't fucking them as hard.

[-] MrPoopbutt@lemmy.world 92 points 2 months ago
[-] MrPoopbutt@lemmy.world 24 points 3 months ago

It isn't so much that I regret the loss of snow, but that I hate that the summers are hotter than if Satan himself came up and dragged his ballsack across the entire state. I know summers are supposed to be hot but good grief they shouldn't be boiling.

It is fun knowing it will only get worse.

[-] MrPoopbutt@lemmy.world 40 points 4 months ago

Because the movie studio execs like their hdcp drm

[-] MrPoopbutt@lemmy.world 67 points 4 months ago

As an American, same

[-] MrPoopbutt@lemmy.world 26 points 6 months ago

Lol what an empty statement.

[-] MrPoopbutt@lemmy.world 30 points 8 months ago

And how is it Bidens fault the supreme court is corrupt?

[-] MrPoopbutt@lemmy.world 27 points 9 months ago

What does port forwarding gain you on a VPN? Sorry if the question is ignorant

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