[-] MrJameGumb@lemmy.world 5 points 15 hours ago

This seems like it was done by someone who is actively trying to get fired lol

[-] MrJameGumb@lemmy.world 2 points 15 hours ago

Honestly I had the same knee jerk reaction when I first put it on in the car and was really only halfway listening. I found a lot more to like about it today when I gave it my full attention

[-] MrJameGumb@lemmy.world 2 points 15 hours ago

I figured no one would really have trouble finding a way to listen to such a big name release and that an actual review would be more helpful than an album title and a YouTube link lol

Every article and most of the people I've talked to about this album had just kind of written it off already after listening to one or two tracks so I thought I'd give a little more of an in depth analysis!

It really is a decent album once you get past the initial knee jerk reaction to it lol

submitted 23 hours ago by MrJameGumb@lemmy.world to c/metal@lemmy.world

I've been a Slayer fan for nearly 30 years now, and as a guitar player Kerry King has been one of my heroes since I was a teenager, so I went into this with high hopes.

I'm sure you've all heard some reviews already calling the whole project "Slayer Lite" and I can't completely disagree with that, but I really feel it's not entirely fair, and I will clarify that as I go through the good, the bad, and the "meh" of this album.

Let's get the bad out of the way first. This is mostly just a Slayer album. As much as I love Slayer I was really hoping for something more from this solo outing. The part that really kind of irritates me the most is that it's not even a cohesive Slayer album. Some tracks sound like modern Slayer, some like 90s Slayer when they flirted with nu metal, and my favorites sounded like classic 80s thrash era.

What we've ended up with sounds more like a collection of Slayer B-sides and unreleased tracks that goes on a little longer than it probably should. While they are all definitely good songs, there's really not much here I haven't heard before. The guitars sound like Slayer, the drums sound like Slayer, the bass sounds like Slayer, even the singer sounds like Tom Araya with a sore throat.

Wow, I really used the word "Slayer" a lot there...

That's really it for anything negative I can say about it, so let's move on to the positive!

There are a number of tracks on here where you can actually hear Kerry King very tentatively trying to step out of his comfort zone a little, and that kept me engaged enough to listen to the whole thing. Mostly these were little things that I think would have been vetoed on a regular Slayer release. There are some neoclassical riffs, a couple of tracks lean a little more punk which I really liked, I think I even heard a little blues lick here and there!

I wouldn't call any track on here bad! I enjoyed all of them individually even if they don't necessarily add up to something that sounds like an "album" as a whole! If you were really wanting more Slayer after the last album you won't be disappointed!

My final conclusion is that this is an album written by a man who has played the same type of music with the same band for 40+ years, and is not yet really sure how to branch out on his own. If he makes another one, and I hope he does, I'd like to hear him either go completely off the deep end and play something totally unexpected that he always wanted to do but couldn't because it didn't sound "Slayer" enough.

My final grade is 3 inverted crucifixes out of 5


[-] MrJameGumb@lemmy.world 3 points 1 day ago

Remember, once you feed them they'll just keep coming back...

[-] MrJameGumb@lemmy.world 1 points 1 day ago

I see you haven't met very many vegans lol

[-] MrJameGumb@lemmy.world 14 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I can assure you this is not American. If it were I would have had one by now. According to the Instagram link this was found in Iceland.

Also Heinz brand baked beans are British, so I'm assuming that is the country where this masterpiece was created

[-] MrJameGumb@lemmy.world 2 points 1 day ago

It's part of the Instagram post linked under the picture

[-] MrJameGumb@lemmy.world 46 points 1 day ago

I feel like I shouldn't have to keep saying this, but here we are... Pay attention now:

[-] MrJameGumb@lemmy.world 12 points 1 day ago

This would be a lot more appropriate in the Don't Dead - Open Inside community. Doesn't really seem like an aneurysm post

[-] MrJameGumb@lemmy.world 9 points 1 day ago

It's because most people realize that a doctors advise about your medical issue is probably going to be a lot more helpful than the baseless uneducated opinions of "some guy I talked to on Lemmy"

[-] MrJameGumb@lemmy.world 10 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I want one now

I'll take that chicken tikka lasagna too

[-] MrJameGumb@lemmy.world 35 points 2 days ago

The two at the top are a band called Kaatayra which I'm just hearing for the first time and now want to hear everything they've ever made lol

The one near the bottom is called Vauruvã which also sounds pretty fucking cool...


WIP Wednesday! (lemmy.world)

Working on finishing Yubaba's son (in his mouse form)! He looks a bit like a zombie mouse right now, but that will change once I finish the eyes lol


After a little over a year of stitching now I still feel like a bit of a noob, but I'm pretty comfortable with the basics. These parts of patterns still give me some problems though!

My strategy is usually to just do all of one color then move on to the next filling in the gaps as I go, but when it gets down to filling individual stitches surrounded by a bunch of finished stitches it gets quite cramped and sometimes those final stitches end up looking pretty rough.

Is there some really obvious method of doing this that I'm missing? Does anyone else use a different approach?


Once you see it you can never unsee it

submitted 2 weeks ago by MrJameGumb@lemmy.world to c/pics@lemmy.world

I got behind due to a lot of stuff going on in my life, but I managed to make some progress still! Sadly because I've been working on it here and there I had some mistakes that resulted in me having to frog a bunch of stitches to get back on track, but it's looking good now!


I did not realize how many fiddly little parts there were to this one lol I think No-Face and Haku should go a bit faster once I get to them though!

submitted 3 weeks ago by MrJameGumb@lemmy.world to c/aww@lemmy.world

I found some old negatives the last time I visited and this guy was in there!

submitted 4 weeks ago by MrJameGumb@lemmy.world to c/pics@lemmy.world
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by MrJameGumb@lemmy.world to c/lemmy_stitch@sh.itjust.works

Here's the pattern! I have a LONG way to go lol

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joined 10 months ago