[-] MossyFeathers@pawb.social 18 points 2 days ago

I was gonna try and write a comment 1upping you because I didn't think Rachele Fruit was a real person, but then I decided to look her up just to double-check. Nope! She's actually a real person.

[-] MossyFeathers@pawb.social 9 points 2 days ago

I guess you also believe there's a "White Genocide" going on in South Africa, right?

Plkease stop looking at the world like a white supremacist. For your own sake.

Jesus fuck if that's really what you got from my comment then you need to get off the Internet and get some serious help, dude.

Are you okay? I'm actually kinda concerned.

[-] MossyFeathers@pawb.social 9 points 2 days ago

Yep. That's why I personally think it's dumb to try and argue for the dissolution of Israel at this point. It's too late. All you can do at this point is damage control and to try and find an equitable solution to the Israel-Palestine problem that gives both groups the ability to self-govern.

It'd be like kicking all the Russians out of former USSR countries, or Chinese out of Tibet, or white people out of the US, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

Israel should be held accountable for what they've done to the Palestinians, but I also don't think you can reasonably expect for everyone in Israel to pack up and leave at this point.

[-] MossyFeathers@pawb.social 36 points 2 days ago

Because the Christian apocalypse requires the foundation of Israel. The Christian side is basically participating in an apocalypse cult, whether they realize it or not.

I speculate that the reason the GOP is so supportive of Trump is because they believe he's the literal Antichrist and they think that getting him reelected will bring about the end of days. I don't have the link on me (though someone else might), but I remember reading an article by a Christian scholar or something about how Trump nailed every possible prophecy about the Antichrist that he could, either in a literal or metaphorical sense, during his presidency. Now, I personally thought some of them were stretching it, but it was still a bit freaky and made me consider the possibility that the GOP actually believes something like that.

The funny/sad part is that if they truly are correct (I highly doubt it, but ehhh...), then that means they'll be fucked alongside Trump due to their support of him. As far as I can remember, the Bible doesn't give amnesty to the Antichrist's supporters just because they believed they were "helping god"; if anything I think I remember the Bible saying the opposite (don't try and force God's hand or you'll eventually face his wrath).

(No, I'm not a Christian, but I still find it fascinating and mildly concerning)

[-] MossyFeathers@pawb.social 2 points 2 days ago

Especially with America's history of large and successful inventions spawning from garages much like in the UK coming from small garden sheds all starting from barely-working prototypes.

It's funny you've mentioned this, because I've also heard that American tourists have a reputation for not only enjoying queues like y'all in the UK, but will also form queues where one doesn't exist. I fully believe this too, because I don't think I've ever seen Americans form a mob except when we're protesting, rioting, or it's Black Friday. Otherwise, people will just automatically form lines. They'll even join lines when they have no idea what the line is for. I honestly question whether queues are even necessary in this country because we seem to just do it automatically lol.

Anyway, as for the slang terms,

I like "Mithering".

"Naff" - may be a bit difficult to adapt; something about it feels off in my mouth. It'd probably end up mangled if adopted.

"Bodge"/"Bodged" - I think this is where the term "botch-job" came from, which refers to something thrown together sloppily or carelessly in the US. As such, it'd have to buck its reputation first. Otherwise it'd probably be pretty popular as a "classy" way of saying "jerry-rigged" (basically anything from the UK tends to be viewed as being "classy" in the US, except for when it isn't; don't ask me why, I don't know lol).

[-] MossyFeathers@pawb.social 20 points 2 days ago

Yeah, well, y'all'rn't doin' anything interesting with it, so we made it better.

[-] MossyFeathers@pawb.social 5 points 2 days ago

No, no it wouldn't. You're still using math, you're just using a different language. If apple bananas becomes apple pears after being hit by a bullet, you've changed the value. That is what math describes. You cannot avoid this. This is how computers work, and math is just another language to describe things. Even if every health value is a string, you still need to keep track of which string is currently in use so that you know when to kill the player. That requires math. That is what they're talking about. It is not the in-game health indicator that is public domain, it is the actual health value in RAM that is generated and modified during gameplay.

It is better this way. Copyright is already abused to hell and back, if they expanded copyright to cover this kinda stuff then it would potentially destroy things like right-to-repair as companies could claim copyright infringement on anything that modifies their code.

[-] MossyFeathers@pawb.social 14 points 2 days ago

You guys invented English, we perfected it.

[-] MossyFeathers@pawb.social 11 points 2 days ago

It sounds like he just doesn't find it funny, which is why he doesn't want to call it satire.

[-] MossyFeathers@pawb.social 22 points 2 days ago* (last edited 2 days ago)

Y'all should actually read the article because it seems like it's saying something completely different from what OP is trying to make it sound like. Basically, if I understood correctly, Kent was being critical of the idea that market-led solutions (i.e. capitalism fixes hunger) are better than community-driven solutions. He was also saying that hunger is part of capitalism, and you'll never get rid of hunger while capitalism exists, because capitalism needs to withhold resources to force people to work.

This paragraph seems to sum up the article pretty well:

In Kent’s view, one gathers, global hunger is not a complex problem that is being addressed by free market capitalism; it’s a moral one that requires empowering intellectuals like Kent to solve it.

[-] MossyFeathers@pawb.social 5 points 2 days ago

...yes? Changing the language or the way it's presented doesn't change the math behind the scenes. That's not how computers work.

[-] MossyFeathers@pawb.social 26 points 2 days ago

Fantasy is almost alway low-tech, Sci-fi is almost always high-tech. As such, fantasy tech levels could be compared to starting low and going high, while sci-fi starts high and then goes low as it tries to explain the concepts it's introducing.

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