[-] Mishmash2000@lemmy.nz 35 points 3 hours ago

So because you will be able to generate game assests easily without weeks of modelling and texturing etc games will be waaaay cheaper to buy right?… Right?…

[-] Mishmash2000@lemmy.nz 1 points 3 hours ago

I know you just threw this together as a demo but what I found really trippy was when I threw a short story I've written into it and generated a podcast from it. It's super weird hearing a podcast based on something you've written that never in a million years would you hear such a discussion of :-D I don't know how useful it is but I think it's pretty cool.

[-] Mishmash2000@lemmy.nz 12 points 6 days ago

Both it is!! 🌈🚀📚✨

[-] Mishmash2000@lemmy.nz 13 points 6 days ago

I don't get it? A space for gays? Or Gaaaaaays in spaaaaaace!!! I need to know!!

[-] Mishmash2000@lemmy.nz 1 points 6 days ago

I don't live in the US and am not an expert on any of this State vs Fed stuff but it seems to be the case that the government at the State level CAN restrict speech and descriminate against you based on your sexual orientation? Because they're targeting books/speech that are relavant to people, partly at least, due to them being in the LGBTQIA+ community. And it's up to YOU to defend your right to access that speech by taking legal action? So a kind of 'guilty until proven innocent' adjacent scenario. I'm so confused and maybe I'm missing something but it sure FEELS like the 1st amendment is optional?

I assume they could also therefore remove books based on the race of the characters in the books or because of the subject matter being of particular relavance to people of colour? But I assume that's happened before and been tested legally and that's the process that's happening now with the LGBTQIA+ book bans? Is it simply that the LGBTQIA+ community isn't yet as robust in their advocacy, lobbying & litigation as they need to be? That they don't have the equivalent of the NAACP on their side? Should they have to? Isn't the 1st ammendment and anti-descrimination law pretty clear?

As someone living outside the USA, I have struggled to understand what's going on there and why it's allowed to happen when the 1st ammendment exists expressly to stop the government from suppressing speech, the restriction of which can be damaging to vulnerable communites. Take the story of Roy and Silo, about a same sex couple (of penguins for goodness sake?!) raising a child together. This being banned sends a message to children of same sex parents that there is something wrong with their parents / family unit. I find that disturbing enough, but to the child, it could be traumatizing. How would parents explain to their child that their favourite book has been removed from their library purely because the subject of the story is a family just like theirs?!

[-] Mishmash2000@lemmy.nz 2 points 6 days ago

Most concerts I've been to that have required travel outside of my home city have been 1000km away and I always fly. This has probably been about 10 times all up, 4 of which were festivals with multiple bands I wanted to see. I have yet to travel to another country for a concert but for a very few specific bands that's not out of the question. There's probably only a couple of bands that haven't toured here yet that would actually be that tempting.

[-] Mishmash2000@lemmy.nz 3 points 6 days ago

Anybody with any intelligence is for sure past the "it's just a joke" era because they understand the context of such comments and how they have been and still are used for control & suppression of woman's voices by giving them pause next time they might speak up. Unfortunately there are still people that are either so thick as to not understand this, of such low intelligence that it does not even register or are willfully and actively using these methods of abuse and supression themselves. Sadly some of them have a lot of power, money and reach. Others are just pathetic, sad, losers that have zero clout and just rant on forums about how "it's just a joke". Either way they need to be called out for it!

[-] Mishmash2000@lemmy.nz 62 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

He wouldn't have to if his opponents weren't a self confessed couch molester and an ex President who is a 34 times convicted felon?! Now only one of these is literally true, but which one?? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

EDIT: re-attached missing limb

EDIT: what's going on?! I have my forearm back but I've lost BOTH upper arms?!

EDIT: I have succesfully re-attached all limbs but now I'm trapped in this grey box?!

EDIT: I was actually nervous to make one more edit, but I'm pleased to announce that the procedure was a complete success! All limbs have been restored and the patient is recovering well!

[-] Mishmash2000@lemmy.nz 69 points 1 month ago

Great to see the US/Dems getting fired up with some positivity for once! There's a strong "Let's goooo!" vibe now! It's incredible how right-wing influencers targeted Kamala Harris' laugh in that video, but watching it brings nothing but joy! With all the recent grimness, I'll take this positivity any day! :-D Kamala is memeable and is leaning into it and I wouldn't be surprised if they just grabbed that laugh video and used it in their own campaign! :-D (I'm not a US citizen, just excited for you finally!)

[-] Mishmash2000@lemmy.nz 44 points 2 months ago

That explains why it took Trump so long to reach out to the deceased's family to offer his condolences, he was too busy brainstorming ways to cash out on the tragedy?! Disgusting!

[-] Mishmash2000@lemmy.nz 25 points 1 year ago

Just for a bit of context I was "surfing the internet" in 1994 via Gopher, an early alternative to the web as we know it now and I used it primarily to find and download apps stored on computers connected to the internet.

In 1995 I was using the Mosaic browser and later Netscape to surf the World Wide Web mostly via webrings that were individual webpages that had links to other wepages of similar content linked to them.

I don't recall and am not aware of anything that would resemble a meme from that time? This is a year or so before Dancing Baby which is usually considered the first viral video and even then that was originally shared via email forwards.

[-] Mishmash2000@lemmy.nz 74 points 1 year ago

These types of laws are sick and barbaric and not indicitive of a civilised society! These woman should not have to revisit their trauma but they are fucking made to by a sick group of degenerates who make laws that the majority simply don't want!

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