submitted 6 days ago by Midnight@slrpnk.net to c/green@lemmy.ml
submitted 6 days ago by Midnight@slrpnk.net to c/green@lemmy.ml
[-] Midnight@slrpnk.net 2 points 6 days ago

American Nations is probably the worst pop-history books I've had the displeasure of reading. Its chock full of backwards rationalizations, just-so narratives, and glaring misconstructions and omissions.

Any assessment of modern society based on this author is immediately suspect and we should honestly stop letting him write for any serious publication.

[-] Midnight@slrpnk.net 11 points 1 week ago

Realistically any Libertarian dedicated enough to show up to a party conference is probably a member of the 1% of the US population that votes for them in general elections.

submitted 2 months ago by Midnight@slrpnk.net to c/privacy@lemmy.ml

Within minutes of walking through an Israeli military checkpoint along Gaza’s central highway on Nov. 19, the Palestinian poet Mosab Abu Toha was asked to step out of the crowd. He put down his 3-year-old son, whom he was carrying, and sat in front of a military jeep.

Half an hour later, Mr. Abu Toha heard his name called. Then he was blindfolded and led away for interrogation.

submitted 2 months ago by Midnight@slrpnk.net to c/climate@slrpnk.net

These simulations indicate that increasing pollen and longer seasons will increase the likelihood of seasonal allergies.

Sneaky (slrpnk.net)
submitted 2 months ago by Midnight@slrpnk.net to c/foxes@lemmy.world

Fox trying to be sneaky

[-] Midnight@slrpnk.net 16 points 2 months ago

Casablanca. Its a classic.

submitted 2 months ago by Midnight@slrpnk.net to c/collapse@slrpnk.net

Remember to get screened next time you're at the doctor 🙃

submitted 2 months ago by Midnight@slrpnk.net to c/collapse@slrpnk.net

"Savoring,” the screen says, in a black font over a green block of color. “Close your eyes and think about something that makes you happy.”

submitted 2 months ago by Midnight@slrpnk.net to c/climate@slrpnk.net

Interesting relationship being documented between wet winters and wild fires.

submitted 3 months ago by Midnight@slrpnk.net to c/climate@slrpnk.net

Climate change presents problems much more immediate and threatening than Cold War-era nuclear waste, Roy said.

"Probably going to have greater issues from climate change than the mobilization of radionuclides from the Cold War," he said.

Its probably not disasterous, but I thought it was interesting as it raises the spectre of threats that are now appearing because we assumed we'd have a stable climate.

submitted 3 months ago by Midnight@slrpnk.net to c/collapse@slrpnk.net
[-] Midnight@slrpnk.net 21 points 4 months ago

What's far more likely than 3d printed prosthetics becoming fashonable is people just rolling over and accepting the distopian surveilance state.

I can't even get most of my family to use Signal to prevent Facebook from reading their private messages, what could happen to convince them to go full cyberpunk?

[-] Midnight@slrpnk.net 44 points 5 months ago

Another reason to use a VPN is that ISPs have every motive to sell your browsing data and they do. Unlike many other groups tracking you, your ISP inherently has your meatspace name, address, and payment information making their data easily collatable and very valuable.

If you use the default DNS on their provided router they can even tell if someone purchased an XBox, Playstation, or any other smart device just from update and telemetry lookups.

As the article says, by using a VPN youre using someone else's ISP making that info worthless.

If your threat model includes preventing ad networks from gathering data, a VPN absolutely is a tool to prevent that. Do you have to pay for a service? Probably not if you're technical enough; a VM in a data center is probably sufficient.

[-] Midnight@slrpnk.net 83 points 5 months ago

Snyder needs someone to tell him a movie should have both character development and a cohesive plot in at most 2 hrs.

I'm done with him deferring blame for not being able to put together a clean narrative.

[-] Midnight@slrpnk.net 35 points 6 months ago

They're campists; they can't understand any level of moral complexity.

Anyone who opposes the US is inherently good, because surely the west is the only one that can be imperialistic.

[-] Midnight@slrpnk.net 11 points 6 months ago

This is the best part of our culture and I won't hear otherwise.

[-] Midnight@slrpnk.net 13 points 7 months ago

Mozilla is a non profit. The most "capitalist" they get is the Mozilla Corp a company owned by the foundation which is basically just for tax purposes. Having a big player in the fediverse helps.

[-] Midnight@slrpnk.net 12 points 7 months ago

My day is made immeasurably better by Jim Jordan's failure. This entertainment is surely the best thing he's ever done for the country.

[-] Midnight@slrpnk.net 20 points 10 months ago

I think a lot of these points have been made better elsewhere.

The extended discussion of hypothetical US interference just because of a tenuous chain of connection to the CIA is just typical US-badism. The US frequently funds tools which they think further geopolitical goals and this doesn't inherently mean its untrustworthy, just that their methodology of control is more resilient to uncensored speech; the best example of this is TOR, decentralized, anonymous, and created by Naval Research and DARPA. The author can't concede this point as it'd bring up they're unsubtly simping for a different colonial power, one who does require such censorship.

Signal's centralized nature has always been a major criticism (and it's reasonable), however as a trade off it's easy to on-board the tech illiterate. It's nontrivial to set up a Matrix server and I've seen the difficulty of migrating activist groups there. It's good as a long term goal, but one also has to recognize that a person struggling with housing has different concerns and will prefer to use whatever their friends and family do.

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