[-] Meltrax@lemmy.world 10 points 14 hours ago

What's a better product? I use TeamViewer as an individual to help my technically illiterate grandparents who live across the country with tech issues. Would love an alternative if there is one.

[-] Meltrax@lemmy.world 63 points 2 days ago

"There" is a location. "They're" is a contraction of "they are".

[-] Meltrax@lemmy.world 5 points 3 days ago

How? How do these companies exist and stay running?

[-] Meltrax@lemmy.world 7 points 5 days ago

Oh great. @fookreddit69@lemm.ee is back. Let's see how much attention we can draw to ourselves today, shall we?

[-] Meltrax@lemmy.world 17 points 5 days ago

It's so obviously the same person. If anyone ever desperately needed to get the fuck off the Internet and go touch grass, it's this guy.

[-] Meltrax@lemmy.world 70 points 1 week ago

You are here every week posting this exact same shit. People have tried to help you and give you real advice. You don't want help, you want attention. The Internet isn't your therapist and you don't want to listen anyways. Stop wasting everyone's time.

[-] Meltrax@lemmy.world 92 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

Software Engineer:

Make a junk email for junk signups and accounts, if you can. Don't accept the cookies. If the product you're using is free, the information you enter is what's being sold to someone else.

Ctrl+Shift+T reopens the tab you just accidentally closed.


I torrent to a seedbox, and said seedbox has great access tools and you can install plenty of useful applications like Resilio Sync, Syncthing, etc.

My local server is running Fedora Server OS. I'd like to get an automated 1-way sync up and running, but I'm having a lot of trouble. I was using Syncthing in the past, but it's really not meant for one way syncs and caused some issues. I've been trying to set up Resilio Sync, but on Linux I cannot figure out how to get access to the web UI. Resilio's own documentation is frustratingly obtuse - it's great for setting up the service under systemd but then basically has nothing about how to actually get webui access from another machine on the local network, excrot for a reference to a command that doesn't actually exist.

If anyone either 1) knows how to set up Resilio Sync on a Linux machine such that I can hit the web UI from another machine on my local network or 2) had a better way to set up 1-way sync between my seedbox and my local server, I would love to learn!

[-] Meltrax@lemmy.world 81 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)


Live testing color palettes and fonts for web design. Made by a designer who's really great, she runs a YouTube channel and made the site for free use by anyone.

[-] Meltrax@lemmy.world 103 points 7 months ago

This is some ultimate scumbaggery.

[-] Meltrax@lemmy.world 80 points 7 months ago

The union leader isn't stupid. He could see the bully and he goaded him into making a fool of himself. It was easy, and intentional. The senator is a man child and acted as such.

[-] Meltrax@lemmy.world 69 points 7 months ago

Should oil the brake pads too, don't want them to squeak.

[-] Meltrax@lemmy.world 155 points 7 months ago

"Zelensky follows the laws in the Ukraine Constitution while the country continues to be at war"

  • FTFY, dickbag headline writer
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