[-] MalReynolds@slrpnk.net 5 points 6 hours ago

I was just colloquially referring to away from Earth as North.

[-] MalReynolds@slrpnk.net 3 points 17 hours ago

Mffh cool, and annoying in this case, but generally good. Might just stick with it and use another instance as needed. Thank you kindly for letting me know.

[-] MalReynolds@slrpnk.net 2 points 18 hours ago

K, seethe mildly with justification, but enjoy it :)

[-] MalReynolds@slrpnk.net 2 points 21 hours ago

Wasn't saying it applies, just that it's required for murder (1st degree anyway) as the headline spoke. You're probably righter than me, though.

[-] MalReynolds@slrpnk.net 2 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

‘Cause I've got faith of the heart

I'm going where my heart will take me

I've got faith to believe

I can do anything

I've got strength of the soul

An' no one's gonna bend or break me

I can reach any star

I've got faith

I've got faith

Faith of the heart

Also, ewww...

[-] MalReynolds@slrpnk.net 2 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

Totally, if you need it use the century old, high density, well understood fuel, it's just good engineering. Doesn't need to be carbon negative. Even rockets are using methane these days...

There are probably use cases for hydrogen, but they're likely large installations, either fixed or trains / ships. Toyota spent a decade trying to make it smaller and failed.

[-] MalReynolds@slrpnk.net 3 points 22 hours ago

Free warning, seeth not, be happy you know...

[-] MalReynolds@slrpnk.net 8 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

Srsly, no-one going with the "it's free real estate" meme.

Jokingly, but also really, seems a waste. I get they don't want the overhead, but just boost it north, perhaps to a Lagrange, maybe just high orbit, but someone will come along to salvage eventually...

ETA: Also, one of the beauties of SpaceX is that Musk doesn't muck with it (yet), working too well without him, unlike everything else he's bollocksed up.

[-] MalReynolds@slrpnk.net 4 points 23 hours ago

That's horrible.

[-] MalReynolds@slrpnk.net 2 points 23 hours ago

So, when I open an image in a new tab I get


Type: WEBP (document.contentType=image/webp)

Dimensions: 557px × 900px

Seems like it was a jpg, but now it's webp (and yes I've tried to convince firefox to not like webp, seems to be ignored.

Is there a switch the admin can pull to stop this? They're pretty nice, but I'd like to make it easy on them.

[-] MalReynolds@slrpnk.net 2 points 23 hours ago

Hmm, shall look into it.

So, when I open an image in a new tab I get


Type: WEBP (document.contentType=image/webp)

Dimensions: 557px × 900px

Seems like it was a jpg, but now it's webp (and yes I've tried to convince firefox to not like webp, seems to be ignored.

Is there a switch the admin can pull to stop this? They're pretty nice, but I'd like to make it easy on them.


Here we are with a community celebrating art, some of us might like to archive it. But no, inevitably it's google 'owned' transcoded, WebP. I have an extension to re-encode back to an old format, but that's lossy-lossy transcoding, not good. I suspect it's a Lemmy thing, but what would it take to get non-lossy here?

[-] MalReynolds@slrpnk.net 6 points 1 day ago

Isn't this what manslaughter is for, if you want the conviction ? I get why mens rea may not apply here, but bringing it into question may make it viable next time, which would be worthy (or likely I don't understand law well enough).


How does this play for you ? I identify as spectrum, what used to be Asperger's, and have to work really hard to get to visual phantasia, but I can. Also worked hard to remove aural phantasia? via meditation because of negative self talk. Do you see 'aphant' as a useful designation? Thoughts, Ideas?


A report critical of Australian generals’ leadership in Afghanistan was given to the Defence Minister Richard Marles in November 2023, but was not published until after the McBride sentencing. Stuart McCarthy on a travesty of justice.

Rewild the Internet! (www.noemamag.com)

This needs (IMO) more attention, seems to fit here...


As title, standard lemmy in browser...

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joined 1 year ago