[-] MagneticFusion@lemm.ee 2 points 10 hours ago

Ah it's only one phone number? I thought it would give you multiple.

[-] MagneticFusion@lemm.ee 1 points 21 hours ago

thats unfortunate

[-] MagneticFusion@lemm.ee 4 points 22 hours ago

Really? I use the free version of relay for a couple of email aliases and they work very well, and the domains aren't banned by some services unlike SimpleLogin or Addy.io's domains are (e.g. Discord)

[-] MagneticFusion@lemm.ee 4 points 1 day ago

Interesting. Have you ever had any issues with it not being accepted for a service? I currently have a VoIP number from JMP Chat that I use for various different things that I don't want to give my real number for, like let's say a restaurant reservation. I'm not getting anywhere close to 75 texts a month though so this plan could work for me.

[-] MagneticFusion@lemm.ee 16 points 1 day ago

Mozilla is shit at marking their services aren't they? I'm really considering using that service as not only does it sound like it would be very useful, but also another way to support the development of Firefox and decreasing their dependency on Google. I already use the VPN as well and have no complaints


How reliable is this? Is it VoIP based or actual phone numbers that will be accepted everywhere?

[-] MagneticFusion@lemm.ee 1 points 1 day ago

I don't use it, I heard it's in testing phase and saw on Reddit that people are disappointed so for now I just use the webapp on Firefox. I dont really care about having the mail client on my desktop because I've always pretty much used webapps for email on desktop, even before I started my privacy jouneye and used to use Gmail and Outlook.

I just want a Linux drive so I can sync a few things between my phone and my desktop such as Keepass and Joplin, and also make file sharing easier

[-] MagneticFusion@lemm.ee 115 points 2 days ago

Use non chromium based browsers ppl unless you absolutely need it

[-] MagneticFusion@lemm.ee 16 points 2 days ago

still waiting on Linux drive

submitted 4 days ago by MagneticFusion@lemm.ee to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Not sure if this is the best place to ask but I was wondering if different stylus will work differently on Linux as a result of drivers and if anyone has any recommendations. Thanks in advance.

[-] MagneticFusion@lemm.ee 4 points 4 days ago

Hermit seems nice as well. Only thing is I did a couple of privacy tests on both apps and the one that I discovered seems to do a better job at protecting my privacy when using the websites. But I would be curious to know what the privacy implications of the apps themselves are (WebApps and Hermit)

[-] MagneticFusion@lemm.ee 1 points 4 days ago

I see there are two veesions of hermit. Paid and free, what is the difference between them?

submitted 4 days ago* (last edited 4 days ago) by MagneticFusion@lemm.ee to c/android@lemmy.world

It looks like a very well built app to convert web pages to lite apps. It also seems to be based on Firefox and seems to include something similar to that of Firefox Multiaccount Containers for every webapp, on top of an adblocker. Seems very neat. Just wondering if anyone knows anything about whether or not it is open source and how the privacy and security potentially is?

Edit: I am aware of Native Alpha but it is very ugly with bad interface and hasn't been updated in two years, and also doesn't really sandbox apps to my knowledge like this does.

submitted 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by MagneticFusion@lemm.ee to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I have wasted the last 2.5 hours trying to see where I went wrong with my configuration and I just can't.

For the record, I am running OpenSuse Tumbleweed with Gnome, latest update for everything. Up to now I have been using AdGuard as my DNS resolver, but am now trying to switch to Mullvad but at this point I think I probably don't want to anymore. Reason being, I just can not get it to work for the life of me.

My system has NetworkManager installed so I go there, select my connected Wifi, and enter Mullvad's DNS address in thr IPv4 section, then I go to check to see if it shows I am using their DNS and it Firefox AND Vivaldi give no internet connection errors. I go back to Adguard DNS and my internet is back working again. I go back to Mullvad, you guessed it, no internet once again. I even tried Cloudflare and Quad 9's DNS addresses and both of those worked as well but Mullvad's just does not want to work and I am going insane over it.

And no I can not edit resolv.conf through the terminal because NetworkManager will override it and no I don't want to delete NetworkManager. Any feedback would be appreciated.

Edit: I have Mullvad DNS on my phone and got it running with zero issues so this is more of a Linux problem than a Mullvad DNS problem I think.


Open terminal and follow through

sudo zypper install systemd-network

sudo nano /etc/systemd/resolved.conf

Copy paste this into the file that you just opened and change the DNS to whichever DNS provider you are using.


DNS= 2a07:e340::4

FallbackDNS= 2a07:e340::2






#Cache=yes #CacheFromLocalhost=no





Ctrl + O to write out and Ctrl + X to exit back to the terminal main page.

ln -sf ../run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf /etc/resolv.conf

sudo systemctl start systemd-resolved

sudo systemctl enable systemd-resolved

sudo systemctl restart NetworkManager

Boom it should be working now.

submitted 4 weeks ago* (last edited 1 week ago) by MagneticFusion@lemm.ee to c/android@lemmy.world

I've heard the process is a pain in the ass and not very reliable. I am trying to prepare for when Apple adds RCS support because unfortunately in the US almost everyone has an iPhone and refuses to use a messaging app outside of iMessage.

I have installed sandboxed play services and the Carrier Services app from the google play store with a dummy google account and have put in my phone number in Google Messages for it to verify but it has not been able to do anything and is just stuck on "Trying to Verify" for hours now.

I've already tried clearing cache and everything as well.

Any help would be appreciated.

Edit: the following did the trick! Steps are to

  1. settings
  2. apps
  3. Sandboxed Google Play
  4. Google settings
  5. mobile data messaging
  6. phone number verification
  7. automatically verify phone number (toggle on)
  8. RCS should verify
  9. Back to 7. And toggle off

Then go to Google Messages and enter xyzzy in the search bar, click the debug option, click RCS, and click on Force Client to Unregister, and then I went to click on RCS in the settings again and boom it was enabled.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by MagneticFusion@lemm.ee to c/opensource@lemmy.ml

Does anyone know Invidious clients for android? I see that there is Clipious but I don't see any options to subscribe to anyone?

I know of Piped and LibreTube but I find Invidious to be more speedy from personal experience and my assumption is that it is not as used as Piped is

Edit: turns out you need to be logged in to an invidious instance to be able to subscribe on Clipious.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by MagneticFusion@lemm.ee to c/linux@lemmy.ml

As you can see in the picture, no input device is detected. I already went and installed pavucontrol and played around in the settings, changed the profile, etc, etc, no luck. I already went through the OpenSuse documentation for diagnosing sound problems and didn't find anything that would help.

When I enter cat /proc/asound/cards in the terminal I get

0 [Generic ]: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic HD-Audio Generic at 0xc07c8000 irq 72 1 [Generic_1 ]: HDA-Intel - HD-Audio Generic HD-Audio Generic at 0xc07c0000 irq 73

and when I enter lspci -v | grep -i audio I get

pcilib: Error reading /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:00:08.3/label: Operation not permitted 04:00.1 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD/ATI] Rembrandt Radeon High Definition Audio Controller 04:00.5 Multimedia controller: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] ACP/ACP3X/ACP6x Audio Coprocessor (rev 60) 04:00.6 Audio device: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. [AMD] Family 17h/19h HD Audio Controller

According to alsamixer my chip is a Realtek ALC287.

I am running the latest updates on everything including the kernel (did try different kernel but did not fix the issue).

Any suggestions would be appreciated.

Edit: just boosted into Linux Mint with a flash drive and I don't have any mic input over there either. I'm assuming this has to do with some driver issue? For the record, I am dual booting and the mic works fine on Windows.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by MagneticFusion@lemm.ee to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I made a post yesterday about how I got a new laptop and it does not suspend properly and just goes to a black screen where my only option is to force shut it down by holding the power button.

After an entire day I still have not figured it out. But, I did narrow it down. TLP, drivers (it's all open source AMD), small swap partition, etc, are not the issue. After two reinstalls, I decided to install it with KDE just out of curiosity to see if it still has the problems and nope. Works just fine. Now I went ahead and installed Gnome on top of the KDE install and once again, if I try to suspend through Gnome, it fails to do so and gives me a black screen where nothing is responsive.

What could be the cause of this? I also tried running on Xorg and the problem still persisted. But I'm pretty sure by now that it is a Gnome problem and not a device problem.

If you want more context you can check out my previous post. Any inputs or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: Turns out the official OpenSuse build of kernel 6.7.6-11 does not sit well with my laptop and instead downloading and using a community version of the kernel posted on software.opensuse.org ended up fixing the issue. Very odd.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by MagneticFusion@lemm.ee to c/linux@lemmy.ml

Recently bought a new laptop that comes with an AMD Radeon gpu and installed OpenSuse Tumbleweed on it which I had installed on my previous laptop as well but never had issues with suspending and resuming. However, with the new laptop, I am unable to resume after suspending or closing the lid unless I force it to shut down by holding the power button which is a major inconvenience.

I'm also dual booting alongside Windows and have secure boot enabled and have the Linux and Windows partitions encrypted if that's what's causing it which I doubt since this is the same setup I had on my old laptop

Any suggestions or advice would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: I was able to figure out that it does not suspend at all when I close the lid or click the suspend button on Gnome. Only found this out because when going through YaST Services Manager and manually starting systemctl suspend, the laptop suspends just fine and wakes back up. So I'm starting to think it's more of a systemd issue? Any inputs?

Edit: turns out it was an issue with the official opensuse built kernel not sitting well. Downloaded a community version from the opensuse repository and it works fine. Very odd

submitted 4 months ago by MagneticFusion@lemm.ee to c/firefox@lemmy.ml

Currently a university student, and somewhat frequently, I see Firefox installed on people's laptops but they also have Chrome installed and are using Chrome, or Edge, or Safari. Rarely do I see Firefox actually being used but I see it installed frequently. Does anyone have a clue as to why they have it installed?

Yea I know Chromium monopoly and open source browser and whatnot but the average Andy does not know what any of that is.

submitted 4 months ago by MagneticFusion@lemm.ee to c/android@lemmy.world

The website has not loaded anything for days now. Did they get shut down or something?

submitted 5 months ago by MagneticFusion@lemm.ee to c/linux@lemmy.ml

I switched from Linux Mint which was the only distro I have ever used to OpenSuse Tumbleweed two weeks ago with the vanilla Gnome DE that it ships with and I just wanted to say; What an amazingly complete, modern, and productive combination.

Linux Mint was fine, obviously great for a beginner because it works perfectly out of the box and since it is Ubuntu based you can easily find help for practically anything. But it left a lot to be desired. I wanted more up to date packages, and a cleaner, less windows-y UI. I was never a huge fan of Cinammon as it just looked like Windows 7 and XFCE was practically windows XP in 2023, which I don't mind given how solid and stable it was but over time it left a lot to be desired.

Here we are with Tumbleweed with Gnome.

First let's talk about Tumbleweed. Easily the greatest rolling release distro (because of its surprising stability) if you don't really have any niche packages you want to use that would otherwise be on the AUR. But even then, OpenSuse has community built RPM packages on their website which you can use to install packages that aren't in Zypper. Also, I am dual booting but I practically never use my Windows partition besides for Matlab (will get to it in a bit) and wanted an encrypted setup like I had with Linux Mint. The OpenSuse Installer made it super straight forward and allowed me to create an encrypted OpenSuse partition alongside the encrypted Windows one without ever having to open up a terminal or look up commands. Another amazing thing is that the default file system is based on BTRFS which supports snapshots, which I actually did use to save myself once while I was configuring and still familiarizing myself with the distro. YaST is also another amazing OpenSuse feature that has made my life easier whether it is to look for specific software to install/delete or to change some system level settings.

Now on to Gnome. I absolutely love Gnome. I have never had experience with KDE so I can't speak on that, but, Vanilla Gnome is probably the best desktop interface I have ever used in my whole life (a life of Windows). It is very keyboard centric and has great support for touch pads on laptops which I use a lot more than a separate mouse. I also really like how Gnome has a complete ecosystem of simple but nice looking applications. Really makes the Desktop experience feel complete. The most notable Gnome application though was Boxes. I did a little bit of research and found out that it was a VirtualBox alternative that uses QEMU as its base. I had previously heard of QEMU but never bothered trying it but this time I decided to give it a shot. While it was a bit more tricky to setup than VirtualBox, it was absolutely worth it. Earlier I mentioned that I have my Windows partition for Matlab. That is because I could not get Matlab to run underneath VirtualBox. While I know Matlab is available for Linux, I am generally not a fan of installing proprietary licensed software on my Linux desktop (unless it is a Flatpak) due to privacy reasons, and while Octave does exist, it unfortunately lacks a ton of features and commands that just do not exist yet in Octave. However, underneath QEMU, I was able to install Matlab with absolutely zero issues, works just like it would on bare metal.

Overall I am very happy with OpenSuse TW + Gnome and I am confident enough to say it is the most complete and my most favorite desktop experience I have ever had.

TLDR: I love OpenSuse Tumbleweed with Gnome

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