They never care, and neither do most US citizens as long as it's the "right" people being harmed. The fact that there's more outrage over a US citizen being harmed vs. a non-citizen is a perfect example of how many of us are willing to subscribe to what amounts to a fascist ideology.

Just look how many US citizens openly support border fascism. It's appalling. And our president and his party fan those flames to win elections. So does the other party. We merely vote on which flavor of fascism we prefer.

Considering that he's already supporting the murder of thousands of Palestinians including children, not to mention his support for a capitalist system that leans on exploitation and death in the global south, I feel like we're already at a point where the President can order murder. It's just that a lot of us USAmericans are extremely racist and don't see these groups as fellow humans.

Democrats love this situation because it allows them to make nice sounding promises that they never have to be held accountable for. If Biden can't follow through, then this is called deception and lies.

Oh well then I suppose it's totally reasonable to make another promise he can't possibly keep /s

Fun fact: The term "Stockholm Syndrome" was a term coined to silence a woman who criticized the bumbled police response that put her and other hostages in even more danger. She wasn't enamored of her captors, but instead critical of the police.

I meant to say white supremacy, not white nationalism. But nationalism is a problem too.

This is a nation founded on the ideals of genocide, slavery, and white nationalism. No I do not like the US. I'd not trust anyone who does. The USA should be dissolved.

He probably felt like he walked into a Wile E. Coyote style trap

Failing the test perhaps, but is she winning at life?

Well, this is not creepy or fashy at all

Allegrule (
Babygirl rule (

Reminds me of when I was called The Real Fascist™ by the CEO of centrist liberalism themself


I'm from the USA. I'm looking for a poster/infographic about how to assist undocumented migrants from deportation, including harboring them in your home and how to address immigration officials if they show up at your home or workplace.

I saw this a few years ago, and I'm pretty sure it was shared several times in the comment threads on r/LateStageCapitalism (but I'm not 100% positive if that's the correct subreddit). Regardless, I feel sure I saved the link a reddit account that no longer exists. Why I wouldn't have also bookmarked it? I don't know.

I've tried searching reddit, using search engines to search reddit, searching tumblr tags via, and even paging through related zines I have bookmarked. Nothing.

I'd much appreciate having this so I can share it with people in my community. If one doesn't exist, I supposed that I could make one, but my graphical skills are basically nonexistent, so it would probably be text only.

If I could find the original resource, I'd much appreciate it. If you don't feel like commenting in the thread, feel free to DM me.

Many thanks!

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