submitted 2 hours ago* (last edited 2 hours ago) by LillyPip@lemmy.world to c/memes@lemmy.ml

Fridge fridge hamburger truck truck... ??? What's the blue thing? I thought hamburger would be the answer, but it isn't? I just get the same captcha with the hamburger in a different place. WTAF is happening? And what's the blue thing? I answer and it refreshes with the same icons in different places. I AM HUMAN!

submitted 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago) by LillyPip@lemmy.world to c/til@lemmy.world
[-] LillyPip@lemmy.world 11 points 7 months ago

How old are you?

I don’t need links to tell me what this was like when I vividly remember.

Yea, cable television first became available in 1948. Regular middle class families did not have cable television for a long time after that.

Mobile phone service was available in 1959. Guess how many people had it? A good friend of my family had a car phone in the mid 70s. Guess how common that was?

You can’t go by invention dates on stuff like this. You’ll be amazed at how long some things take to gain market acceptance.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.world 8 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I mean, I’m not going off a belief, I actually lived this.

Yes, the clear reception vs bunny ears was awesome, but that was also limited on televisions like this, and I’m talking specifically about the content.

My family were always early adopters of technology (I started gaming in ‘79 with both the Intellivision and Atari – Intellivision was far superior). We had HBO, Cinemax, and Showtime as soon as they were available.

I’m talking about the late 70s and early 80s when they were commercially available to the masses and the cable wars began.

The late 70s were absolutely the early days of commercial cable tv.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.world 26 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

In the early days they didn’t; that was the whole point of them. You paid a subscription specifically not to have ads like free broadcast television did.

It only lasted like a decade, but it was their whole selling point.

e: keep in mind, too, that broadcast tv at the time was where all the good content was. HBO only showed movies that had already been in theatres (thus the name Home Box Office) and Showtime’s hook was soft-core porn. (‘Do your parents have Showtime?’ was sleepover code for ‘can we watch kinda-porn after the ‘rents have gone to sleep?’) There wasn’t the dearth of original shows/movies we have now. They weren’t studios back then.

e2: sorry for multiple edits, but also bear in mind that when HBO first came out, people were watching their content on televisions like this, which was so inferior to movie theatres that ‘it’s in your home advertising free!’ was basically their whole selling point at first.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.world 6 points 7 months ago

And when are they appropriate or inappropriate?

This is my big problem. In a group where people are telling stories about themselves, when it’s my turn, my stories are inappropriate somehow. In 50+ years, I still haven’t figured out what I say that’s wrong,

I’ve spent ages analysing my stories compared to others and I can’t figure out the difference, and no one will tell me. Is it the content (seems comparable) or how I tell it?

It seems better to just say ‘pass’ in those situations and stop engaging.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.world 12 points 7 months ago

Omg I want to print this out and staple it to my chest. I’ve been accused so many times of being a ‘one-upper’ when I’m just doing my best to relate to people.

I also need a label like sandpaper has – I’m like 60 grit abrasive.

Oh god, I’m doing it again, aren’t I?

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.world 7 points 7 months ago

Neat. I cancelled Hulu a few months ago, and this doesn’t make me regret my decision. I like some Disney content, but they’re corporate vultures and, based on their practices, they don’t deserve any loyalty.

And Comcast, of course, can fuck themselves to death. I wish this wasn’t an amicable takeover and Comcast would lose badly, but that’s just my murderous mouse fanfic.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.world 109 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I’m old enough to remember when HBO’s entire point was you paid for cable so you wouldn’t have ads. That was their business model.

Then sometime in the late 80s or early 90s (I dunno, that decade’s kind of a blur) they started sneaking ads in between shows, but not in the middle of shows. But you were paying a higher price, with a few ads. Then they started showing ads to everyone, and still making you pay. I’m still salty about that.

This was always going to happen. They’ll compound paying PLUS ads, and you’ll like it, because what choice do you have if all services are doing it?

Fuck them all . 🏴‍☠️

e: massively borked that first sentence

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by LillyPip@lemmy.world to c/til@lemmy.world

From the article:

Ant-attended aphids are known to excrete high-quality honeydew when ants are present. Ant attendance has a negative effect on the growth and reproduction of the attended aphids. Therefore, trade-offs should occur between the quality of honeydew and the growth and fecundity of aphid individuals. Thus, if attending ants prefer the morph excreting a high-quality honeydew, such trade-offs and resulting competitive interactions are expected between the color morphs in M. yomogicola. The morph excreting high-quality honeydew is known to have a lower reproductive rate than the other morphs[9,10]. This fact implies that if the attending ants prefer one morph, this morph is expected to excrete high-quality honeydew. Note that any such difference between morphs leads to the exclusion of the inferior morphs. Surprisingly, nearly all colonies consist of both green and red morphs in the field.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.world 13 points 7 months ago

Technology Connections sounds straight up my alley, thanks!

PBS Spacetime is already a standby. I’ve seen all of them at least twice. I’m always up for more watches.

submitted 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) by LillyPip@lemmy.world to c/asklemmy@lemmy.world

I’ve exhausted things I can sleep to on Netflix, and it’s literally impossible to sleep to things on Prime (so I barely watch anything there; it’s not worth falling asleep to something I like, since I might be punished for it), so I’ve started putting on YouTube in the evenings since it won’t wake me with silence at 4am.

I’ve a few voices I love listening to, but I’d like even more.

Which YouTubers do you recommend who:

  1. Have smooth, hypnotic voices,

  2. have content that won’t give me uncomfortable dreams (I’m a very visual, realistic, and impressionable dreamer), and

  3. have channels I’ll want to listen to when awake? (eta I like sciences and news mostly, a bit of fiction (scifi, horror, nf), gaming, other nerdy things, but never romance, pop culture , or reality tv).

I kinda need all 3.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.world 6 points 7 months ago

Shit serves a purpose. You need it to live. It’s so important, after you’ve had an operation they make sure you can do it before they let you go home.

Ted Cruz serves no such purpose. He’s literally less useful than shit.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.world 15 points 7 months ago

Grandpa Munster looks happy and has open, welcoming eyes. Meanwhile the actual social vampire looks like Munster after a week-long coke bender.

Nothing about him looks happy or welcoming. He looks like the guy who assures me he’s the carpool for Sunday school so it’s totally cool he’ll pick up my kids but lol no. I’ll take half a day off instead.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.world 16 points 7 months ago

Lol. What a dumbass.

[-] LillyPip@lemmy.world 14 points 7 months ago

I just want to hug you all. Happy whichever holiday you’re celebrating right now. Loving all of you.



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