[-] JustTesting@lemmy.hogru.ch 2 points 22 hours ago* (last edited 22 hours ago)

You misunderstand, the first two commands are just one time setup to install a specific python version and then to create an env using that version. After that all you need is `pyenv activate myenv´ to drop you into that env, which will use the correct python version and make sure everything is isolated from other environments you might have.

You can also just create an env with the system python version, but the question was specifically about managing multiple versions of python side by side and this makes that super easy.

You could also combine it with direnv to automatically drop you into the correct environment based on the folder you are in, so you don't have to type anything after the initial setup.

[-] JustTesting@lemmy.hogru.ch 3 points 1 day ago

But a lot of european countries are pushing pretty hard to not borrow and have a zero balance or positive budget. So e.g. Switzerland don't sell that many bonds and yield on a lot of them is 0.5%, maybe 2% on long term ones vs around 4% for US ones.

[-] JustTesting@lemmy.hogru.ch 6 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

pyenv and pyenv-virtualenv together solves this for me. Virtualenv with specific python versions that work together well with other tools like pip or poetry.

It boils down to something like

$ pyenv install 3.12.7
$ pyenv virtualenv 3.12.7 myenv
$ pyenv activate myenv

and at that point you can do regular python stuff like pip installing etc.

[-] JustTesting@lemmy.hogru.ch 30 points 1 week ago

Well, profitable in the short term. If the lowly peons don't have money because you took it all, they cant spend it on stuff from your factories and your profit goes down and everything grinds to a halt. of course you can try to sell it to other countries, which fucks over their economies and makes them more susceptible to populism/facism (well after an initial phase of excitement over those sweet cheap imports) and then it's facism all around and everyone is fucked. You just need to plan it well enough so you're on your private island/mars colony with robot butlers by that point

[-] JustTesting@lemmy.hogru.ch 42 points 4 weeks ago

Adding a copilot button to a laptop, 10 years jail

[-] JustTesting@lemmy.hogru.ch 21 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

I always thought the Mer de Glace at the Mont Blanc illustrates this really well. You arrive and there's a sign "the glacier was here in 1910" and that's where tourists back then.

To get to the actual glacier, you have to eall down many flights of metal stairs for about half an hour and there's several signs for different years, 1950, 1990, 2002, 2006, 2009, 2012, 2014, 2015, something like this, with the years between each sign getting shorter but the distance staying roughly the same. And from the top it's really far away.

Of course, once you actually reach the glacier, you get to the main attraction, a 3m diameter tunnel they bored 100m deep into it as a tourist attraction with ice sculptures inside. Above the tunnel you can see the remains of the tunnel from the previous year, half melted...

[-] JustTesting@lemmy.hogru.ch 31 points 2 months ago

Uhm, this came out as part of a law suit against them by the record industry? So they are in the process of being sued.

While not surprising, the admission, which was made as part of court proceedings responding to a massive recording industry lawsuit against the company, shows yet again that many AI tools are trained on, essentially, anything that companies can get their hands on.

[-] JustTesting@lemmy.hogru.ch 15 points 4 months ago

Just to add to this, because it's fascinating. GPS satellites signals are about as strong as radiation from a light bulb, 20000km away. The signal that arrives on earth is 20db weaker than the noise floor, so background noise is a lot stronger than the signal is.

The way it works is that the background noise is random and the signal is repeated many times a second, so you can split the signal and add it together. The random background noise averages out and you're left with a strong signal. But due to this, it's enough to have a very weak signal that adds non random noise on the correct frequency for it to just break.

And actually what I desribed above is just the first layer of a GPS signal, it gets a lot more complicated with signals within signals, it's pretty crazy how well it works. this is an amazing write uo on how the signal actually works, in case anyone is interested

[-] JustTesting@lemmy.hogru.ch 15 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

If you look at elections in europe, it's pretty consistently the 35-45 year old demographic that votes right the most. Every age group votes right and it's not like it's only boomers, with the exception of young voters <30 (and women) which do vote significantly more left

E. G. Netherlands https://www.statista.com/chart/8178/pvv-largest-party-but-not-among-youth/

[-] JustTesting@lemmy.hogru.ch 13 points 11 months ago

Enough for what? Switzerland doesn't really have coalitions, that's more Germany. At most there's "coalitions" on single issue votes. And there's 7 presidents, proportional to parties, so no such thing as a ruling party or coalition. That said, the FDP votes identical with the SVP in nearly everything already, especially economic issues, so much so that'd it'd be hard to distinguish them based on votes, minus the blatant populism.


Zweiter Teil in einer Serie über den weltweiten Faschismus heutzutage, der sehr detailliert darauf eingeht, inwiefern der Faschismus von heute sich von früheren Wellen unterscheidet und welche Formen er annimmt. Ziemlich langer Artikel aber lohnt sich meiner Meinung nach, vor allem in Hinsicht auf die aktuelle Situation in Europa.

Folge 1 ist denke ich nicht so relevant, da geht es hauptsächlich um die Situation in der USA und DeSantis vs Trump, deswegen poste ich nur Folge 2.

Und ich teile normalerweise Republik Artikel nicht, ist ein super Magazin und will sie nicht um Einnahmen bringen (zumal man die Artikel ohne Datenklaumauer teilen kann), aber finde den Artikel wichtig genug um eine Ausnahme zu machen.

[-] JustTesting@lemmy.hogru.ch 30 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Sagen wir ich drucke 10'000 GandhiGeldscheine und verkauf dir einen für 100€. Die 10'000 sind jetzt "1 Million € wert" (Market cap). Und werden auch in allen Zeitschriften mit dieser Zahl erwähnt usw. Aber niemand hat wirklich interesse daran, die zu kaufen, ist also kein Volumen vorhanden und man wird grosse Mengen davon nicht los.

Ist eigentlich bei allen Kryptos so, einige wenige haben einfach etwas mehr Volumen, so dass es den Anschein macht, als würde die Market Cap wirklich Sinn machen. Aber die Zahl, wie viel sie total wert sind, ist immer sehr fragwürdig, weil man sie nie zu dem Preis alle loswerden würde. Wenn man viel verkaufen wollen würde, würde der Preis zusammenbrechen.

Ist bei Aktien und Market Cap von Firmen ähnlich, wobei da zumindest ein gewisse Minimumpreis existiert, die Summe vom Besitz der Firma geteilt durch Anzahl Aktien.

[-] JustTesting@lemmy.hogru.ch 23 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Nicht nur das, Musk ist schon lange vom Buchstaben X besessen. x.com, SpaceX, Tesla Model X, xAI, eins seiner Kids hat den Spitznamen X. Wer weiss wieso, ist Musk, also wahrscheinlich ein sehr dummer Grund.

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