[-] JovialMicrobial@lemm.ee 4 points 9 hours ago

Dude, my mom covered our genitals with a washcloth. The only pic of me naked shows my bum. I had no idea nude baby pics were so popular.

[-] JovialMicrobial@lemm.ee 7 points 9 hours ago

I think it's probably more simple than that. Trump is jealous that Putin has his own country and he doesn't. In Trump's mind he's the best so he also needs to own an entire country just so he can outdo Putin.

He's probably working with putin to achieve this goal, and the details we can speculate about, but the motivation is likely that petty.

[-] JovialMicrobial@lemm.ee 1 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I just wanted to add that I'm pretty sure Trump is jealous that Putin has something that he doesn't.... owning an entire country.

He wants to be like Putin and Kim Jong Un and is playing some warped version of "keeping up with the Joneses" to the detriment of our entire country. It's a disgusting display of self absorption I never thought possible.

That's literally it. He's going to try to become a dictator so he can boost his fucking ego and not be 'outdone' by someone else.

[-] JovialMicrobial@lemm.ee 5 points 2 days ago

But how will the wealth addled convince us pleblians to spend money on worthless garbage? Or convince us that we're ugly and not good enough so we buy their products? Oh the humanity!

In all seriousness, advertising has had way too much of an influence on our culture and it needs to be properly regulated. I'm sick of being negged by beauty product ads.

[-] JovialMicrobial@lemm.ee 13 points 2 days ago

The Supreme Court members who outed themselves as pro-corruption need to be given the 'Vote of No Confidence" treatment. Not just Kavanaugh, Alito, and Thomas, also remove the ones who quietly voted for post action bribes to be legal.

[-] JovialMicrobial@lemm.ee 2 points 3 days ago

That's crazy! You mean like the greenbook that was written for traveling Black Americans during the Jim Crow era so they could avoid places like sundown towns and businesses that refused services to POC? Sorry if that's not what you meant, it's the only greenbook I'm familiar with... unless greenbook is a general term for avoiding places filled with racism?

Either way I had no idea that prejudice towards the Irish was still prevalent up into the 80's. Thats...really something else.

[-] JovialMicrobial@lemm.ee 10 points 3 days ago

I have gotten dirty looks for talking to my dog in gaelic(she understood commands in both english and gaelic). The US really isn't friendly to any other languages at all. I'm also in a blue state.
It's gotta be WAY worse for POC. Like... scary worse...especially for folks stuck in red states. There are some cultural aspects of the US that really need updating. Like the rampant xenophobia.

[-] JovialMicrobial@lemm.ee 8 points 3 days ago* (last edited 3 days ago)

You are definitely right that this is a manipulative move on Trump's part to make Biden look bad and get out if this debate.

But aren't most people in their 80's on a bunch of drugs anyway? Like blood pressure pills, cholesterol medicine, diuretics, arthritis medication etc? I'm not trying to stereotype older folks, but every person I've met over 60 seems to take a lot of pills.... that help them live and perform actions they couldn't otherwise.

[-] JovialMicrobial@lemm.ee 8 points 5 days ago

Reddit is going to end up just being trolls arguing with bots and corporate shills... if it isn't already. I haven't been there in a long time, but I'm fairly confident in that assessment.

What i really wonder about is how long a site can profit off of the majority of activity coming from bots. I'm not tech savvy enough to know if the analytics can tell the difference between a bot posting and a person. How long can that go on before the site stops being profitable via ads? Will companies pay to advertise to bots? Would they even know? It's kinda funny to think about honestly.

It'll be really interesting to see how reddit's downfall comes to be though.

[-] JovialMicrobial@lemm.ee 7 points 5 days ago

If you can somehow find/obtain that data PLEASE send it TERF groups.

Technically you could just make it up the way anti-trans propaganda is made up, but we should try not to sink to their level.

[-] JovialMicrobial@lemm.ee 4 points 6 days ago

That's interesting, I've been having way better luck digging around on ddg. Google just seems to serve up ads when I'm trying to research a company or something and won't give me what I'm looking for.
Maybe its the types of things I search for though. It's really hard to say

[-] JovialMicrobial@lemm.ee 3 points 6 days ago

Try using the duckduckgo search engine. I switched recently and the search results are way better than Google now. I get what I'm looking for first try more often than not.

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