[-] JargonWagon@lemmy.world 2 points 3 hours ago* (last edited 3 hours ago)

Well, you need to buy the game, you need the hardware to be able to run the game especially if on PC and it's a demanding game, some games are online only so if they're a console player instead of PC then they need the annual membership also, also if it's an online game then you might be able to do fine with random players but you may also need a serious group if you plan on ranking up in level. Watching gameplay at Grand Champion vs playing at Gold isn't the same thing, and is usually less frustrating. Not to mention that highly ranked players can teach you how to improve and adapt in your own gameplay.

When it comes to single player games, like speed running, I'd rather watch a clip of the one time a speed runner was able to pull off all sorts of tricks with near flawless execution and get the random chances of various things occurring required for a good time than play the same game for 20 hours a day for 3 years straight to maybe accomplish the same thing.

Also, some people are just entertaining whether they're playing a game or just waiting for a game to load. I may not agree with what others find entertaining, but it's subjective so whatever. Others may have injuries maybe in their hands or nervous system preventing them from being able to play well, though it's highly commendable for those that have found workarounds to be able to play (like rigged up controllers for their mouths or to workaround physical deformities preventing them from using a regular controller).

I get why people play and why people watch for both videogames and sports.

[-] JargonWagon@lemmy.world 3 points 20 hours ago

This is the way

[-] JargonWagon@lemmy.world 5 points 6 days ago

Kings meet in middle of board for peace treaty.

[-] JargonWagon@lemmy.world 1 points 6 days ago

How can he get the credit if he can't patent it? How is he trying to get credit? Also, of all the billionaires to hate on, Bill Gates is a very odd choice considering he wants what so many here advocate for.

[-] JargonWagon@lemmy.world 29 points 1 month ago

I want more Taco Bell pics from the different decades, this is fun

[-] JargonWagon@lemmy.world 19 points 2 months ago

There's more to it than just "develop healthy habits" though. There are psychological reasons one could have for overeating like having eating disorders or using food to treat depression which could require psychiatric assistance. My brother died at 600+ lbs after breaking two lap bands. He required some serious intervention, but we couldn't afford what he needed, he was homeless and he couldn't hold down a job, so he died instead.

Mind you, being overweight wasn't the only cause for his death. He was eating very unhealthy foods because they were a cheaper means to fill himself up since his stomach was huge. His severe ADHD prevented him from being able to hold down a job despite being a fairly intelligent person.

He did some shitty things in his life, so don't give too much sympathy, but in retrospect doing something to help his ADHD early on could have helped to prevent the train wreck that became his life. Maybe that would have helped him do better in school, be better to our parents, be able to hold down a job, etc. which could have prevented overeating to treat his depression.

[-] JargonWagon@lemmy.world 21 points 4 months ago

I work with people who can't count on a daily basis - This doesn't mean that nobody can count, it just means that I get calls/emails where someone made a mistake and they need help correcting it. I get to see all of these instances occurring which creates a focus on it and in turn, a bias - if I only get calls/emails of people not being able to count, but no calls/emails about people not being able to spell, then the bias I have is that people suck at counting and are good at spelling.

My point is that there are plenty of people that do understand it, but the people that don't stand out and create a bias in your perspective.

Bird Watching (lemmy.world)

An original. Enjoy!

[-] JargonWagon@lemmy.world 19 points 4 months ago

Best analogy you could make to explain swiping to the next video, thank you.

[-] JargonWagon@lemmy.world 37 points 4 months ago* (last edited 4 months ago)

I try to be the guy giving the compliments. Like, "Hey I like the jacket," or, "Hey I like the hat," stuff like that. I'll say it strangers and they always seem surprised and put on a seemingly genuine smile.

Us guys need to look out for each other, ya know? Some guys will never hear a compliment, and just hearing one can make someone's day.

[-] JargonWagon@lemmy.world 65 points 8 months ago

Liked "The color is one part, the other is that it breaks functions in iMessage. So the elitism doubles up"

[-] JargonWagon@lemmy.world 20 points 11 months ago

Keep it in /c/reddit ffs

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