I currently have a win 11 machine and would like to dual boot with Linux. Looking at some of the different options, it seems many aren't recommended for dual booting. Are there any that are?


I have a laser level that I'd like to use for lining up pictures on my wall. I'm doing this by myself otherwise I just have someone else hold it. It has a couple holes in it that look like maybe you could use screws or nails and I'd rather not have to put holes in the wall to do this. Any suggestions?

[-] ImminentOrbit@lemmy.world 14 points 3 weeks ago

What?! Do you not have nets, Exile?

[-] ImminentOrbit@lemmy.world 5 points 4 months ago

What's annoying about this layout is that it is only one-sided. It looks like they approached from the back of the corral and then decided good enough. I'd say this is a failure of the parking lot design.

[-] ImminentOrbit@lemmy.world 17 points 4 months ago

It's good, but remember it doesn't mean you have to have it on every pizza forever. It blends nicely with jalapenos and white onion to give a sweet and spicy taste, but I wouldn't put it on a veggie lovers or meat lovers.

Most importantly, no one is making you eat it. If someone else likes it, fuck off and let them enjoy it. This reminds me of the "no ketchup on hotdogs" people. Just let people like what they like.

[-] ImminentOrbit@lemmy.world 41 points 4 months ago

Russia can go fuck themselves.

[-] ImminentOrbit@lemmy.world 41 points 4 months ago

I think this is the best response. So many people are answering a seemingly angry way to a question that seems sincere. It's clear OP didn't get how it worked and just wanted some information and wasn't saying it was a terrible idea.

[-] ImminentOrbit@lemmy.world 87 points 5 months ago

Sorry, I can't see this message.


I grabbed a copy of the "High Refresh Rate Build" from PCMasterRace and wanted feedback.

I've not built a new PC in many years and last I heard was the NewEgg was trash and unreliable now. Is it decent again, or is it worth paying more to get it elsewhere?

Also, is there room for more storage? If I bought two of the SSDs, would there be room?

Other components decent?

And, finally, my so wants an RBG case, so any recommendations on one of those that would fit this stuff would be great.

[-] ImminentOrbit@lemmy.world 19 points 6 months ago

I met my fiance on a dating site and what worked for me was after a short communication in the app quickly deciding to meet up or not, but not dragging it out. Where you can see each other without it having to be a texting event. And not even a real big day, just a quick in-person meet up to see if you're compatible, on the since it's hard to tell via text.

[-] ImminentOrbit@lemmy.world 5 points 7 months ago

I agree with you that it should be the same standard, but I feel that standard should be the one being used by the police. Many of these places prematurely fire people that then are trying to get their back jobs back after they're acquitted and I never feel that that is fair that they're out of a job for being accused of something they didn't do.

I do want to be clear that I am not siding with the police here. It is very likely that he is guilty and should be in prison. But I just don't like the president of the punishment starting before the trial has even begun.

[-] ImminentOrbit@lemmy.world 16 points 7 months ago

It's obnoxious that bs from Breitbart is being presented as news.

[-] ImminentOrbit@lemmy.world 43 points 8 months ago

I don't get it? IPAs are good year round.


When you long hold, it gives the option to visit the community and block community. A third option would be to subscribe to the community, since I know there are going to be many I want to just add.

The other bug/optimization is that, when I followed the link in the Thunder app's about page, it loaded this community as a web page instead of going to the community in the app itself.

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