[-] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 4 points 2 weeks ago

lol same!

"Major cause found; Becky is at it again!"

[-] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago

The Aztec Lizardmen. One of the more aesthetically pleasing fantasy races. Last thing I would have expected to find here :')

Although for me the rocket trough the roof takes it!

[-] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago

I think I understand? Thanks for claring things up, and sorry if I accidentally distracted from the actual topic (although mentioning the bad faith trolling has probably done that more effectively... but whatever)

[-] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago

Cursing in Dutch and going on in French is the most Belge thing ever :') And very specific as French is generally considered as a preferred cursing language. (even the matrix' Merrovingian agrees)

Anyway, I'm rather curious about this one... might try to pick it up. If I do, I'll write a review

[-] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago

Speaking from my own experiences.... (i'm diagnosed with autism and high-IQ)

People seem to read vulnerabilities they cant really place as general mental fucked upness. For example, I struggle when two people talk to me at the same time, or ask me several questions at once. Have a couple of these incidents happen and some people start treating me as if I'm missing a chromosome. I think when people are dealing with something thy know little about, some would rather fill the blanks with ignorance and stereotypes. You could invite them to learn more, but also... meh, their loss.

People who are familiar with autism, or being overloaded on info... they often automatically slow down, ask about my challenges, ect.

I've learned some tricks to demand respect though, you can't expect everyone to be sensible. I have an elaborate vocabulaire, and though I prefer to talk informal, sometimes talking slightly more formal than the person in front of you can keep them on their toes.

Another direction, I also like to deploy, is to just play the dumdum they think I am. It means less expectations, less bullshit. And honestly, nothing is more satisfying when halfway trough the year they find out you know the source material better than they do.

Another thing that has really worked for me is to surround myself with people who are eager to get to know me as an individual. In time this has also helped me grow the confidence to convince or even demand other people to understand how I work even if it originally isn't there priority.

Hope his helps

[-] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago

I will be your #1 personal progress cheerleader though!

Someone can tell me all the things that caught fire because their damaged ass just looked at it, and I will still be like; So you got out of bed AND made coffee? THATS FUCKING AMAZING

[-] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago

I have made mental health one of my obsession topics So I started working in mental health... I didn't see the problem with it.

I have to stop drinking coffee during work hours and have been working hard my entire career to not out-talk my clients -.- Im getting better at it though

[-] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 6 points 2 months ago

nice try narcissists

[-] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 3 points 2 months ago

Does it have anything to do with not having to deal with change? The amount of coverage/protection/insulation ect. being consistent rather than changing with how you feel like dressing that day?

I catch myself, while shopping clothes, always for the same cut of clothes for the same reason, even going as far as getting cranky if the material/thickness of fabric I am used to is not available for the print I'm liking. Maby an extreme example...

But all the people I know personally who stick to either shorts or long pants come high or hell water tend to have a lot of traits where they either appreciate consistency or... no mainly that now that I think of it.

[-] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 5 points 2 months ago

My house sadly isn't a house, but it's a house!

[-] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 5 points 3 months ago

"My favorite game" "My second favorite game" "My third favorite game" "One must not look a gift horse in the mouth"

[-] Horrible_Goblin@lemmy.world 3 points 3 months ago

Its a little more convoluted than I'd like. I Should really merge things like Meh/ Package deal/Discontinued/kinda done though

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